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Everything posted by supo

  1. if theres one longer than the ryoma then it shud be listed as a firearm..!
  2. every one has a differnt idea. depending on what u like the look of , all the ones u emntioned are totally differnt looking heads but they all satisfy the requirement that they go straight witout much movebility ifound the 151 was high spin it didnt suit me i nthe slightest. i cudnt hit it. the ryoma is the ultimate point shoot head. get it built slightly heavier for lower longer drives. the kp-x is an anti left head that u can custom as well. sqaure or tiny open if u hook the ball. u wont hook the ball with this guaranteed. and its a much more pingy feeling head. 9.5 is LOW very low launching. its got weight ports in it to play around with that alter the shots dramatically. no idea about he egg the ryoma o and kamui for me are hard to beat
  3. i tred a monacco TX ( tour) x flex i think its refered to as. and its very stout and heavy. i was toying with putting these in my miura 5002s and leaving em back in sydney. i ddi the 6 iron and i cant make it move much at all. which is perfect for my home course where its o nthe top of a cliff , no trees adn just wind howling all day every day. u need as straight as can be.. these fit that bill perfectly. not sure if id play them up here!!!! they are heavy without being logs... and the feel is pretty mute. but the results peak for them selves i ahd the exact 6 iron with a DGx100 and the differnce was HUGE. the x100 played like a NS 950 in comparion. but the x100 was lower. the SP blues are the other shaft id think about for thatg kinda build. the yare much stouter than the x100. with better feel in yr hands very low as well. miura sp blue is a good idea........................ modus TX was pretty stout without being the least bit boardy, i found them very high and i think thye spun a lot bec they seemd to be about1/2 club shorter than the other shafts. they are deadly accurate for hitting at a target and having the ball stop on a dime. for non tour issue shafts , after playing these a bit on and off for a few months id say these have become my fav shafts. i just have t o remeber to take 1 extra club and the results have been outstanding. the shimada tours are also a very good set of sticks esp i n X flex for me. bit more feel than the rest. more like NS than DG but with a bit more weight they are good shaft but the modus i think take the cake.
  4. yup.. i ave a tougt time taking anything but he diamanx shafted one out. i put the weights back to the original set up adn the ball flight is MUCH lower and stronger. iswapped the midlde weight for theligher one and the ball went miles high. ona perfect day gee whiz this went withe ducks heavier weights brought it back a lot. dont prefer witer one, but now i know on differnt days i can just swap the weights. what i did notice is the heavier shaft of the p9003x makes this head sing. even with a strong10.5 real loft head. its close to my perfect stick its not epon soft thats for sure. but its hard to miss with its my bagger...
  5. all of them with some damn tootin shafts! and no its not.. ill take some more snaps of it tonight. its an egg all rigth but a comapct egg. 20* drove over the green on a 190 yard shot sunday. was way to big but first shot on a course i was in love 190 yard water carry to the green better to be long than short! its a ute /hyrbirdiron ute. it works!
  6. what a great quote huh "if u are caught on a golf course during a storm , take a 1 iron and point it to the sky , bec not even god can hit a 1 iron. " then when asked by feherty,,, after he got hit by lightning the week after.. "i deserved to get stuck by lighning... think i tempted god last week bec god CAN hit a 1 iron...!" hahahaahahah what a genius love this saying
  7. i know ive said it 10,00 times. and i actually hate utes. i cant hit em with any kinda consistancy what so ever. but that never sems to stop me trying the best efforts ive had are with prgr egg irons ive "utilititiysed...." so.. it comes as no shock that the latest(and last) effort i make is with an old. old egg iron. i found an old egg form 4 iron which is significantly thinner soled than the newer verisons. its more comapct and much harder to hit. its small im comparison to eggs but big in comparison to irons. it looks great! i took a monacco 3 irons X shaft in it and gamed her on sudnay. boy its heavy , the thing is LOW and LONG. this aint no high drop 200 yard par 3 shooter, nope this is the into the wind rocket laucnher than WONT Go left ifu pay it to. nad about 200-215 yards i guess tis about 21* its a beauty i love it. bec it doesnt look ............................... like a ute it looks like a big iron. so much so t hat all my other super duper utes are now officially on the marche.. im putting a stop to utes.. this is it. or its over ad infinitum if u fancy a good differnb style ute that u can hit like an iron get an egg iron and swap the shaft over trust me these things go superbly. this one in a 4.................., top stuff. harder to hit but suits to a tee...! utility days over.......!
  8. thast it..................! the little brother of my 1...
  9. i saw it. i HAD to have it. i rebuilt it PING eye 2 (brass,copper ????? ) 1 iron........... it was staring me down.. daring me to go in hard... as did the miura 5002 2 iron last yr that i keep down under and use.... this little fella was just too hard to pass up. i took it straight to my guy. had a monaccos 2i shaft installed in X flex in it. had 2 sessions on the weekend with it. no where NEAR game enough to play it yet tho. but on range i was miss hitting it appalingly badly about once every 7 or 8th shot. thast NOT BAD.! feels like poo, forgot how bad these kinda clubs actually feel to hit but the flight was long ,low and like a bullett i was lin love. masssssssssssssssssssive off set , i mean huimongous off set. but htat keeps it hittable! now........... if only epon made one. will take this home to play with next month. cant wait. does this make the driver obsolete? photos soon............!
  10. hahahaha.. now THATS what i like to hear...! i remeber hitting these,, frstly they are really really long flat square shape,. totally differnt to anything ive ever seen hit before. they were like 3* flat i ahd the get them bent ot "normal" to even be able to address them properly. they came with DGr300 and the had pins i nthe hosell to hold the shafts in which im lead to beleive was the norm. in days gone bye. the feel wasnt that great but............ it wasnt htat bad... i put it down ot the shafts so i reshafted the 7ir with a tourstage NS m226v.... nad it was better for sure.. BUT not enough for me to spend a ton on nad get em ""fixed""... ill get em cleaned up and put these up in a dispaly cabinet bec hte look really is awsome. they are in great nick as well. C, those ones u got if theyve been re worked will be mustardo, shaft em right and yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
  11. shud read d2.5 not d5... best sound ina driver there is. i reckon.
  12. well i think the price u got them for is low .. but theres no buyers for these,, i have been trying to sell a set of mine for ages much higher than u are. these shud be gone now... things must be tight. i wouldnnt sell mine for that. il lre use them and urs are with modus . these are awsome sticks
  13. gee theres more info on yammys here than the rest of the world combined. seek. yee shall find
  14. jeeeee.., thats a great price fo these! the wedge heads alone are a snip!
  15. cudnt resist the urge to swap the monacco out for the NS proto c10s (pauls caseys protos) the c10s are very heavy and really straight, these are the straighest irons shafts ive hit , these things dont like to be moved about. they were a bit higher in the personals than they are in the srixon pro100s. the flight is really really strong, "normal " wind is virtually irelevant. they are much tighter than the monaccos feel wise these are very typical of NS but heavy, its a lovely feel. im stil ldeciding if these are better suited than the DP X shaft, thsoe are pretty high spin and very high. the c10s were much stonger flight than both the monaccos and the DPS. ithnk the DPS would suit the modern rediuclously storng lofted heads better than the traditiyoona llofts. somehting like a 45* pw which is just so wroing in every way , 45* is NOT a pw,, buth these companies keep telling us it is nowadays. so i guess the modus/dp are suited pefectl;y to these lofts esp for higher/stronger swingers. the c10s i palyed very very well on sun at my fav match course. every hole is a chance of gaining an advantage.. on 17 a 248 yard par 3.. yes... 3 wood isrequired.. you use every club in the bag, and have thoughts on so many holes to sue driver 3 wood or 5 iron! a jim fazio masterpiece! albeit..i think i cudd a done with a bit more moveability for mthe monaccos. these shafts are the best shaft ive got for cetian conditions that arn that favourable. they will be heading down under to live on longy. theres nothing even close to them for storng flight. if u play oin links id thoroughty recomend u getting a set of these IF UR A STRONG hitter ONLY. top stuff. i think the monaccos are better all round shaft, but the c10s ae a specific shaft and they are peerless including hr SP blues
  16. hahahah. yea i cant nhelp myself i have to bite my lip so many times o n the dribble that gets printed. thank god for this site !
  17. this what i wrote in november first thoughts on it ........, "swapped the shaft around in this palyed it today ,i reaplced it with a crazy black 50 8.2 at 45.25 d.5 323 gram. lower flight than 10* normally gets.good carry with good roll. found a great combo with what i like to see in flight. the ball is not high , but nor is it ankle bitiing. was windy as hell today , and had no trouble with it what so ever. choked down just a bit and got some prettty impressive shots going on, could not turn it over to hook it. but also there was a very pleasant lack of slice. distance was up there with most others without anything really standing out. just a super solid driver especially into the wind. first round with it on a course thats very tricky and super thin fairways. dog legs both ways ,elevated tees the whole shebang. found i was very confident with this driver in hand.miss hits went very good distance and ever so slight block right without a discernable lack of disatnce loss. wont say its as good or better than the ryoma but i didint notice a whole lot of loss. feel is very tingy and instant repsonse to my hands on where i hit the ball. sweet spot seems to be closer to the hosel than the ryoma and the increase distance gained on this shot was noticeable. getting it on the sweetpsot was much easier than the 2011 model, although i still think the 2011 is longer over all. good driver should enjoy this driver a lot , and the change of shaft resulted in much better driver for me. very very impressed with the 2012. i def think its better than the older ones. got a spot . one of my best. " thats rings a bell but i nthe summer, the ball gets higher than it ddi in novemeber thats for sure
  18. a bit differnt feel and flight the cb50 is a real control shaft from crazy . its not out and out disatnce , which is prob why i liked it so much i ididnt miss a lot, and with a tour driver thats bloody good! still got it out there a ways make no mistake. i kinda liked it better crazy shafts do make a differnce in feel
  19. its not a low laucnher its high soarring , but it deosnt fall out of the sky which is why i like it. u get a good amount of run as well with this. its close to, if not to the best "higher" launching driver ive ever hit. agaisnt the bb7x in summer it was a clear winner , with exactly the same head. the bb was a bit lower and shorter overall. not much, but it was, the bb lives in oz and suits my links brillinatly being just a wee bit lower. the cb50 was def the better club tho. ill try find my old post on them from about march
  20. $420 for the diamana x ?????????????????????????????/ what the .... for gods sakes someone get that thats rediculous!
  21. wrx for jdm ?? hahahahahah unless its got scotty pricedrop or TM price slash on it waste of time gotta say these do lok damn good tho. hope they hit th eball better than my tour grind. bec thay were just ok. ipulled the shafts to use an an ornamanet
  22. yup indeed one of the best there is. last time i gamed her was with jeff at narusawa. long ball lama that day.. long ball indeed.
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