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Everything posted by supo

  1. what a top looking putter,, u still got this ?
  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh some half decent piccys... hang on a sec i just bought a seemore ill tyr it weekend see how it goes, i might have interest if the seemore i can get handle on, ilike the shape of this
  3. ur box is full u cant recieve messages pls me pm i might have somthing for you...........,
  4. i got one ij ust pulled yesterday swapped it over for the stinger 75fw sx flex
  5. " GUS: Height alone is IN NO WAY your indicator for how long your clubs should be. It is height + arm length as a starting point for comfort sake, then followed closely by a careful analysis of the swing characteristics which either make it easier or more difficult to control a longer length. From all that you then come up with the best length that fits the golfer for comfort and which also does not make the clubs more difficult to control than they possibly can be. People here criticize a wrist to floor measurement chart for length as being worthless. If a W to F chart is used for final length decisions, I agree it is wrong to do that. But a well thought out wrist to floor measurement chart is very valuable to offer a STARTING POINT ONLY FROM WHICH A SWING ANALYSIS IS CAREFULLY DONE TO THEN COME UP WITH THE FINAL BEST LENGTHS FOR THE GOLFER. I remember years ago fitting a number of the San Antonio Spurs players and former players. George Gervin for example was 6'7" and after all our analysis ended up with a set of irons in which the 5 iron was +3/4" but then the lengths between the rest of the irons was 3/8". And the club lengths fit him perfectly. Why? At 6'7 he had very long arms, which many very tall people do. He was also not that good of a player, with an over the top move and a little bit of an early release - both of which are swing elements that make it far more difficult to control a longer length. So the +3/4" on the 5 iron was the shortest length he could still have comfort over the ball for his height + arm length + stance position so that we could give him the best chance at controlling the club. Then we went 3/8" increments down from there so that he gradually got a little more over length but in clubs that with their progressively higher loft became easier to hit anyway. When we teach length fitting to clubmakers, we teach it like this: 1. Start with the Wrist to Floor measurement to come up with a STARTING POINT ONLY for the driver and 5 iron lengths. This is NOT the final length. This is ONLY an indication of what is the shortest length this golfer can achieve COMFORT with so he is not crouching over or altering his stance and posture too much. 2. Look at the golfer's swing path, transition force, swing tempo, point of release, overall golf athletic ability 3. Over the top/outside in path, strong forceful transition, fast tempo, early release and poor golf athletic ability are all swing characteristics that make it far, far more difficult to control a longer length. Square to inside path, smooth transition, smoother tempo, later release and good athletic ability are all swing characteristics that make it easier to control a longer length. 4. If the golfer has 3 or more of the "difficult" swing characteristics you never make the final lengths longer than what the W to F chart says - and you can always alter the wood to wood length increments to 3/4" and the iron to iron length increments to 3/8" or even 5/16" to give the golfer more comfort down through the set. 5. if the golfer has 1-2 of the "difficult" swing characteristics, you can go +1/2 over what the W to F chart says. You do not go longer than the W to F chart says unless the golfer has 3-4 or more of these "EASY" swing characteristics. Do length fitting this way, and you never will have length getting in the way of a golfer playing to the best of their ability. Right now in my estimation, within woods, 90% of all men and 99% of all women who play men's and women's wood lengths off the rack are using lengths which are much too long and getting in the way of them being able to play to the best of their ability. In irons it isn't as bad as that by far because over the past 30 yrs, iron lengths have only "grown" by 1/2". But in woods and chiefly in drivers, it really is unfortunate that so many golfers could be hitting the driver so much better if they only were fit to a much shorter driver length than what they bought off the rack. " TOM seriously what a top response. this is pretty definitive i think was most appreciated.
  6. spoonies sorted i think. i hear the pangs of yamaha headed the pines! has anyone actually hi9t this driver if its as good aas it sposed to be and its forged at ENDO then i might give it a whirl with proper shaft.... its go tthat tunny thing o nthe tip of the shaft.. someone muct want htis baby show me abid u might get lucky!
  7. seriously give it a whirl! i was realyl expectin rubbish and dying to publish how crapola it was but sorry cant fib..! its not bad. it wont tkae a permanant bag spot thats for sure. but it will be played at manly most matches. easy swing . and bobs ya uncle. the shaft is good!
  8. ill show u gusy what tom posted to me ,,its damn impressive!
  9. well his arms are really long, and hes using stock 37.5 inch shafts right now.. yes i think thats a bit too short! igot a great reply form tom wishon about this and he said an important factor was hand to floor measrement which in his case is short bec his arms are like monkeys. (great lineout jumper in his day ) so....... what were going with is. dg s400 bec not much else would work well, bec he doesnt hit the ball that hard even for a monster. 400 weight no probs for him. stiff perfectly fine @ 38 inch. heads were going for yamaha 2009 v forged NON TOUR bec they are just so damn good! yup.. thats the go
  10. reiopening this bec i fogot towrte a psot about it so i got my nike vr tour 10.5* nunchuk @ 44 inch built last month in sydney, i had no interest in the head i assure yo0u but hte guy that builds the mswears by t hem so i thought it would be remis if ididnt try it. well................, very pleasantly surprised. very very surprised. its heavy alright , easily theehaviest club ive got he shaft is 104 gram or something crazy but thru the swing it doent feel that heavy. its certianly not a roy dec, but it goes out there aways. the thing asbout this driver is its so straight, can tee t heb all up realyl high and swin g thru it and it just tings off the face. its not long i guess bec its so heavy but i ddint miss a fairway with it, had a lovely little draw on every shot. but i was only getting it to 260 ish. h tast a long way off what im looking for with a driver. but it does seve my purposes perfectly at my home track, bec itsso short 260 is perfect.. the nike head is ok. thast it. it certianly has no really great feel to it ,but it s not a piece of spam ,like i was expecting really . its perfectly accpetable thsi combo works and works really well for a a strong powerful flight that is great i n the wind. id imagine the shaft would be awsome in a 3 wood. id give this the thumbs up no probs. and as much as i hate to say it.... with the nike thing its actually very good driver but no longer thqat 44 inch!
  11. jeeeeeeesh... worth it ? anyone actually seen it ?
  12. i would expect u will find , the quadra fex at 75 g will cause u problems if u dont turn ur hands over hard , if ur consistant at htis then ur fine, u will just need t oget down into the ball harder. the FEX is an asomwe shaft ,but if u dont get down and dirty on the ball ball every single shot ur headed way right every single shot ..
  13. i still got a ............................cpl
  14. mate ur real close as long as u include that 1997 TM bubble burner shaft form ur 7 iron that is the missing link to my set , i think well be sweet. apart from that................................... cmon this is a 1100 buck driver no love ?????
  15. ooooooooooooh rearry..... the last letter in the alphabet huh.., what to do with te the kbs then? watch BST then a def one of a kind might just pop up soon
  16. i have the dp s in the aftours and they are quite theatrical. which i like as most of my others are dead set impossible to move i just thought the kbs , which hare DEFINATLY one club longer in distance might suit the af tour heads better bec the af tours ar e quite high , mushy soft and so easy, the combo of a more rigid stiff harder harsher shaft in these heads might suit well. the kbs are no where as nice to play , i find them really quite harsh but incredibly straight long and as the doc says theres no movement sideways, they aer superb for this which is why they will be super at longy! i can see why the bigger boys play these things.. ive found mixmatching soft heads and harsher shafts works a treat , thats why the SP blue in af tours is such a perfect match. i gotta change the dps thos to something a little firmer and lower. the KBS shafts ill try i nthe 7 iron af tour AND the 6 i nthe yamaha 09
  17. right this is one of the two that im going to build agn breath some life into, its pretty dull as is , boy when u hit this . absolutely deliish!
  18. yea hes backlogged theres gotta be a cpl of guys over the pond that wil ldo it
  19. gotta get a few SPRUCED up any suggestions pls fellas? heres the latest cleaning of my golds private stocks no2. first session today heavy Ns shaft iomic grip i added the red line and sight dot with paint just to play around see if it make a differnce i def like the sight dot this is a magic heavy putter ,
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