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Everything posted by supo

  1. those shafts are just the best.. they have usurped my Ns protos. im hittign them in every thing. seriosly awsome shafts to drive those heads. well worth some good coin !
  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right... ive ordered a brand new 7 iron from Miura. to go with this set. which incidentally cost me $400 for one piece. yes true! u still get 3-pw + the 2 miura ism wedges shipped for $1200 think thats NOT a bad deal really.
  3. ****************sold pending********************************
  4. detaisl on it when when u finish playing pls !
  5. yup certianly is i want to move things sharply . got a few new things im onto hell of a club oh and just for info on this in case, as im sure everyone is thinkging...... the shaft is WAY too tough........., well joe P my buddy here 49 yrs old plays 5 times a yr handi of 18 hit it i march he swings at under 100mph i think more like 95 and he hit every fairway with it on the worst weekends days wind ever played on. kiilled it.. its NOT a beast of a club it plays wondefully well. its tight but not rod stiff, and its lower than ud think, i would NOT expect most guys to have a problem with this club what so ever , bewc the head makes sure that dont happen and, especially after watching joey hit it in march with beautiful draws. he hit it better than i do actually. i have no doubt if ur 98+ then its easy peasy lemon squuezy .
  6. wow love it love it a lot! these yamms irons ahave become my favs. ive hit them al land theseare the hardest toget wired, they are def the most pro esque yamaha have gone, they really brought them back to th field this yr so much easier to play .but for the bestter palyer these are DEF yamah a best heads definatly.. they shud goagn another level and make pro,, tour .. and regualr shape bec these babies ROCK! glad to see u went the wedges aswell, they go ok huh ? 13* mini driver is good for short ourses and non blowy days , but when it gets tough dont u miss the 10* or lower head back in the bag? ... think out side the box... shorter length ............ heavier ..................driver head yonex nextage--GDp9003x 44- to 43.75 inch 9* NO PROBLEMO! much better distance, much lower ,much more punchy = massive smashable drives once more. i have a bag with no driver for my home track in oz. i dont need it , unless its really windy, then i get too much balloning into the wind wit hmy fairway driver. the shorter driver is a great option trust me! great bag, love it!
  7. was a fight royal between this and the yamaha stinger 5w for bag spot , but i found i was constantly grasping for the yamaha so this aint getting bag time as good as it is. ems shipped paypal $550
  8. just in case anyone wants needs this, im no longer using it built to muck around with at the range nothing more. great nick face perfect etcetc.. paypal EMS $175
  9. want this out now perfect cond tip perfect grips great just a bit too high for me $175 shipped ems paypal
  10. i have 2 sets of these and ive experimented with shafts and ive found my ezone nirvana so the secondary set can find a new home beautiful blades made for the basfhul prince Ryo Ishikawa b+ condition no dings dents , small usual chatter but basically mint really. face perfect grooves perfect. 3-pw head only and or i can throw a set of NS pro 950 or DG x100 shafts head only $800 ns950 + 150 dgx100 +100 more ems shipped paypal
  11. EVERYWHERE hes not a beginner but not a great player he shoots 90s from the whites 100s from blues. i gotta rebuild a set of heads for him but want to get the right deets pretty sure 38.5 x dgs400 will suit
  12. my buds BIG hes got a lightning transition but decles something horrible. oh brother id like to see him hit thru the ball it would pierce a worm hole in th space time continuum! but he doesnt im thinking DG s400 @ 38.5 inch anyone have anthing else to suggest?
  13. forget all that flex stuff, ask Tario or go see your local fitter before spending your money. never a truer word spoken
  14. the sites fine im pretty usre its a blog site. hmmmm not my cup o tee ,but ill wait it see in flesh
  15. ive heard that beofre, but i dont think its right. but if u look at the guys on here, no one wants a shaft thats too hard for them , i think the majority go for a slightyl too soft over a too hard. i guess thats bec guys here are much better educated than the "norm" but even with jonny chopchop, they all go softer. i think the crazy guys have the best system... theres no s sx x r theres just a number that eqautes to a stiffness crazy ls noir 6.9 i like it
  16. the first shaaft i had in it he the longest yard 01 was very accurate and rediuclously stright, i hadrly missed any thing with it, i i hated the 46 inch it was . tho
  17. 207 gram 9* square head. the longest driver head there is ,its humongous i just put the bb6x in it but realised i like / need hitting higher lofted heads better its a hell of a club as is, but im going a slightly differnt route by the way this combo is killer good so the shaft and head match a treat! rather than keep on keeping on ill let it go, i got plenty . EMS shipping paypal $475
  18. can put a varity of shafts in this as well if that suits in X flex. head only tho , this shouldnt be here
  19. hey?? no its rediculously low.. i got several 1500 rpm reading at the toykyo show in an epon 152!
  20. yea most definatly, i wa going to put it in my 435 but thught hte lighter stiffer bb6x might suit it better, it was a close call.
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