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Everything posted by supo

  1. well......., ive been playing many and varied over the last 2 yrs i started with a 62 gram stiff and now im hitting 73-77 gram sx and even an 83 gram sx my own expeience is the lighter shafts are much harder to control and hit from centre with regularity my SS was much faster but i constanltly hit the bottom of the face of the club. i found i was swinging over the ball regularly, i only realsied how much when i went t the 75sx shaft and started middling the balll so much more consistantly. i had a fitting sesshy at the crazy factory 2 months ago and they put the 83 gram crazy 50 sigma in my driver. i though they were nuts, but after playing it 6 matches now i realise its not so crazy. def my SS is down , but i middle the ball much more often now and my smash factor is better than with the lighter clubs it seems a club at around 325g plus is much better for me than one at 310. i mean MUCH better. theres abviously an upper limit, and im still not 100% convinced the 83 is the right weight for me. but on saturday it was plenty good enough. id rather hit a slightlyy too heavy club now than a too light one. can always choke down on the heavy boy and let it rip. try a thicker grip like the winn ones it makes it feel llike th club is heavier when its actually not, i did that with some success a cpl of yrs back. but still when i miss it it goes massively high and right like fairways over, thats a good way to get head speed up without going heavier, also depneds on what u like in yr hands. like a light x flex to me feeels awfully tinny, a heavier regular or stiff feels a lot more comfortable. in my book its like kinda like riding a harley to a yamaha bosso sokko scooter
  2. no probs with the base plate at all. ive hit mine at range a few times and nothing wrong in the slightest.
  3. that 11* works really well. its very very 3 wood esque in looks. i like tht i like a big head on the tee. the 380 yonex and i are going to slpit up agn. its just not hapening i had to stop using it on sunday and take the 11* out instead. seriosuly thats not good when i gotta do that on a 420 yard open par 4 . juts not happeneing. the 13.5* i stil have without a shaft on it. dont know what ill do with it.
  4. well as for distance gains or losses. i think i already told the story a while ago about a guy called chris hetherington that played american footy for sanfran i think it was..., as fulback and is also a super hot golfer. seriously the longest hitter ive eve seen ............. by a long long way. well he games the titleist 13* ute. with a v2 108 grams xxx shaft in it doesnt use any other fairway wood. and hits it galaxies long. i wouldnt have beleived it unless i was standing next to him when he did at narusawa on the 3rd. flew the green 285 out. i ifell on the ground in hysterics . in total........... utter.............. disbelief. hence ive got some utes in my bags now . still lolking for the "ONE" tho. u want to see someone hit down on a ute u shoullda seen this , was abslutley incredible. was murdering it all day. from that day on ive been looking at utes since , hard thing is to get one that suts my eye. the best shape one ive had is the adams super black, but it feels just so-so ordinary. he reckon definalty they are long and easier to hit than the fairway woods. but i just cant see it happeeneing from a tee. all i see is balloons when i stand on a tee with a ute. i need a bigger head. from a faiway tho. sure not a problem.
  5. told ya...................., get the 21* or even the 24* the 17 is long. its a 3 w repalcement tool ,much easier to hit and close in distance. the 24 wil be that tool. higher 200 yarders. im trying one this wekeend
  6. thats a very good observation u made there.....................,(about the muted sound) very very good ive been strugling with the yonex gear for a cpl of seasons. not bec of the performance, but the 'feel" ive tried to get my head around what it is thats not "right" or dead as you say. its not dead its not electric or lively it just muted. the thing i dont like about yonex is the sound. that nextage driver is an absolute fairway splitter. idont knw why i kept buying and selling them i had a bout 4 f these ,and always looked for somehthng differnent. truth is i rarely ever missed a fairway with it, it just wanst long. it dawned on me thtas just what i need alot of the time. hence my never ending goal to find something shorter and more reliable than a cannon. the new yonex 380 is my new toy, but i think i like the old er nxtage one better. im going back to it agn. bec i cant find a replica that plays as well as the nextage. regardless of that sound which annoys the hell outta me bec. it makes me think ive still got plenty in the tank, when i actually havnt. result was pretty muc always t he same. down the pipes straight.
  7. gamed it twice this weekend on 2 very very differt styles s of course sat was open and wide great for bombing yesterdays was tight and long huge premium on being on the short stuff. hit 6 drives with this club yesterday, and i was gaming hte yonex 380 ezone -quadra fex, and i just had a s**ttttty swing going on , i couldnt get my hands to turn over, and with the quadra that spells utter driving disaster , i was driving like miss Daisy . so i put it away and took the 11.5 D/S out for the whole back nine. aganin didnt miss it badly once ,and distance was not a problemo. i guess its no more 20 yards behind my driver. most times and i get the middle f this a lot more than the driver. the shaft situation iwas thinking about wasnt an issue yesterday. its a smidge softer to hit ,but no probs. im going to leave it as is. i hit one off the deck on 18 a 602 ayrd straight beast 2nd shot , not the easiest thing to get yourself to do, but its was certianly easier than i thought it would be, got it ok, not perfect, adn it came out low its a little heart in mouth esque. but it doenst look like ur hitting a driver. just choked down on it and smoothed it , good result. really liking this club. not sure what to do with the 13* head. as the 11.5 is for me. is it better than the kasco, well its not really like it, tha set up of bth is a lot different, the kasco is def a small driver, this is a very big 3 wood. if i cud only have one of these ??? hmmmmm id say. in japan id take the kasco in oz ill take the RC.
  8. super solid head. small vey compact. launch is higher than normal. feel is incredible imilar to the royal colection but with a more compressed thwack, and the sound of it is just amazing. hit it o nthe par 5s ot of rought and fairway and got it well all times. distance is ver ygood. i think this wil be bettersuited with a FW shaft tho not a cut 3 wood. off the mats at thernage itwas suoer easy, but today on course i was wishing i had just a small amount of give. gotthem all well , but felt i had to muscle up every time. and took some concentraition away from just swinging. very very good spoon. .can do anything u like with it in direction. think ill swap the crayz 80 fw 8.2 into this and get the FEX in the RC D/s really like this im using it agn tom.
  9. well, if i said run, DONT walk RUN and get this immediatly would it be considered mincing my words? shafted with a crazy 80 fw 8.2 x 300 cpm 11.5* firts shot, didnt even warm up with it, had no time, took the wrapper off, un loaded o nthe 3rd tee. huge elevated tee 278 dead centre with a small small baby draw. dead cente of the club. smile doesnt cut it. 4 more drives with it nothing but out of the screws and id say 270+ average. looks are just perfect . bigger than a 3 wood but nothing like a driver. feel is beautiful, a lot better than the kasco, but the FEX is the much better shaft in this the fairway launches it too high.by saying that i dont mean high , just not as penetrating as the driver shaft. my thtoughts are this shaft is a little too soft in this head, it DEFINATLY needs a driver shaft. not that thats going to stop me tomorrow form using it . its just the FEX is tighter and lower and can swing harder with it. can handle anything, id rate this club VERY highly, very very highly indeed. if u guys are after a driver replacment then this is most definatly IT.....!
  10. i think the 11 for wind or roll the 13 for general paly if the course is tight my kasco is 12.8 and ubersleek and ive had no probs whatso ever. but today went str8 for the 11.5 option to get shafted. just think tis more driver esque.
  11. i dunno about the fw80 being better or not , truely theFEX just rocks in this head id say the crazy wouldnt be any worse , and its prob just a littel higher in trajectory. so yea i guess so. ill see tom im gonna play both the new crazy and the RC try em both out.
  12. in the US he s a god. you go onto wrx and every mofo knows someothing about something blahblahbalh....., ithink he gets more attnetion that unwarranted and unconnected to his actual product. than every other maker combined. ive tried his JDM irons, oh plus the 1957s and ive thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. some feel better than other s , some are better suited to the eye. the blade style he does is about the best style in balde ive ever hit. the pw i n the miuraism is THE best pw shape u can ever want its a scoring machine. so much so that i was going to get a sinlge sb-01 made and play that in every set ive got . here in Japan bec theres so many variables he doesnt stand out so much. his clubs still sell well but no more than any other. his ism range tho is still pretty revered. u see a set of those in a bag and people go hmmmmmmmmmmm, " geeeeeeeeeeeewhiz" tell you what theres a bloke on here that just got his hands on a 3 iron , and hes never played miura before, hes been an epon af tour guy. by all accounts he goes ok in the iron dept. well get opinion on miuras weaponry skipper-san??? Miuras been making clubs for a long time i don think he gotten any worse, the miuraisms sb-01 i hit of his that wre made 6 weeks ago testify to that. in fact id say i havnt hit anything thats better. yea my vote is he goes plenty ok
  13. I finally got my hands on a f16 crazy yesterday, my mate bought it coudnt hit it, i tried it with my quadra FEX driver cut shaft to 42.75 inch D2.5 its 15.5 * SUPER compact, really really pear shaped and really heavy the head is 215 grams. i had a blast last night with it. hit the first 6 balls catapulting out onto the back net at about the 240 flight was mid launch to high but piercing. wasnt a roll out club its all carry .can move this around anywhich way u like and the harder u go at it the better the resuts seemed to be. the shape is the best to my eye of all my fairways . didnt even try and hit one for from tee, just hit off the mats. this ii call a soaring bomber. i cetianly dont think this will suit a lot of guys its not the easiset club but when u get it pure its fantastic, the choice of shaft was fabulous as well. made for each other it would seem. miss hits off centre were ok, def not catastrophic but def not as good, its not a game improvement tool. i can see this going in the bag when i need to hit some higher fairway woods to elevated greens . it seemed to be a fair bit higher than the yamaha v 14 and the RC 304p right near the top id rate this after just one session. will play it this wekeend.
  14. well heres the hthing he thinks the kasco is the best club out there................. said in winter put away all ur others and hit this exclsuvely. . insummer try the RC ill get lower flight. hes a HUGE fan of the kasco ,and i gotta say i havnt missed a single shot wit hit yet not a one. i hit one in the bunker last sun dec i aimed there it went ead straight apart form that every other shot has gone rifle straight with 20 more yards than my 3w its very hard not lto pay this and .............., its the easiest club ive ever hit and its got the best shaft and its monster long. il bring this to every match for sure. even tom when i just got a call saying the crazy is ready!!!! itching to hit the RC it looks so damn good. might not even need to sahft up the 13*
  15. im shafting the 11.5 only with an 8.2 crazy fw80. wouldnt let me take the FEX out of the kasco, says the kasco is the best club ive got. dont miss the fairway and it goes 270 whay do i want to change it? errrrrrrrrr i dunno. so the crazy goes in it for first try.
  16. gawwwwwwwwwwd! the bloody shafts arnt here! im gonna struggle to get these done by tom or sunday. gonna have to take my quadra FEX shaft out of the kasco nad put that in the 11.5 * if i cant get it done by tonight. was checking the size differnce out compared to a cpl of othe 3 woods, a driver and my kasco. the kasco is much bigger and much more a driving fairway style. super sleek back like the TM burnr tp style. the yamaha v 14 isnt at first glance that much smaller. head size and shape arnt that dissimilar. until u put them on top of one another and see the increase in face volume. the yamaha v 14 is a pretty large 3 wood, packs a super punch. for a distance 3 wood this thing is right up there. the RC D/S has more over all depth and a fuller face. for hitting off the deck, ithink this might be a big ask to hit well consistantly.its not thtat heavy either the 11.5* is 203. gram and the 13.5 is 206 ( ithink its that way around) i just built a crazy f16 (15.5*) 3 wood last night as well and the head on that is 215 gram god that thing is a cannon. il only be able to get one of these donr by the wekeend. ill go the 11.5. bec i need to hit somelonger lower shots. thing is. if i put the FEX in it, theres NO way that will come out. the fex i think is the best 3 wood shaft ive hit. i keep going back to it. dog 2 bones syndrome.................,
  17. its not bad weapon. the more im hitting it , the more im liking what it can do.. it really has good distance , which for a driving hyrid, i guess thast what u want. its not super low, nor balloony either.id say its a solid club.and it gets easier to hit the more i hit it. it takes a wee while to get used to the look. but now , no dramas. even tho the srixon looks better and feels better i think the 14 is the easier to hit consistantly, and u might only need this type of club 1 or 2 times a round, ithink u want the most relaiable u can get. after a few more sessions im changing my mind and id prefer to hit the 14. as i said the shaftaint spectacular. but it still gets it out there. if u get this club, i dont think ud be dissapointed. juts hit it at the range a lot and ull get accustomed to its diffferent design. its DEF got a spot in my links bag. DEFINATLY.
  18. i reckon the quadra proto to being little tighter. and not as damaging to slices as the FEX. if u slice it it will stil go far right ,but, not as bad as the FEX. i had a good range session alst night and used my epon102 with the proto for the first time in 3 months. i remember now why i loved this so much. i think of all the myriad of shafts i own if i was to only have this one i wouldnt miss any others. well . sort of ...........................,
  19. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh utes. the bain of my golfing power game. just cant get one to perform for what i want. everything is too long. i dont got a 200 yard club , just dooooooooooooooont got it. i cant go to the rc ute bec. its too long. i have 8 differnt utes at home in all varying styles ,and none do what i want.(read, i cant hit them to what i want) the best ive made is the prgr egg 22* 5 iron, but even thats too long, i think i need a 6! got a 3-4-5 i n these, nothing feels ANYYTHING like the eggs. nothing close.distance is rediculously long, seiusoly stupid long. i hit the egg 5 iron easily 15 + yards further than my other utes. and its an iron! i absolutley love the egg irons. they are the simplest club to hit by a buzzilion miles. perfect shape for ute bec its an iron with a huge sole so out of the rough is simplicity. and its light. can draw it , cut it, goes high lands soft, of ir u smoke it turn it over it rolls as well. this is my pet project. got the 3 with a NS 950 gh s that i use back in oz afair bit. 4 with the modus 3 s again in oz mostly and the 5s with an ns 950 s and the roddio w8wa. that roddio is superb in this club, i love it. prob. a bit longer than the ns950 bit more piercing. if i can find a 6 iron then i think im set.
  20. im flabergasted.! i want one................... i want 2........... i want this one! what an utterly fantastic looking club. 10/10 when u get sick of it u know where to send it!
  21. ahhhh ok. good to know thats why it wasnt working. hmmmm.heavier shaft slightly longer= straight , MEGA DISTANCE............!
  22. Oh im glad u said that that ones going it the11.5 and rhe ozic matix8m2 is going in the 13 might play borh rhis weekend without a driver dont need one on my course hit some damn fairways!
  23. the quadra is a 3 wood shaft and the SW on it was too light the head must be heavy. came in under c8 (no fears i got antoher beauty for that puppy!) the f7 will be the same. its def a job for the p9003x
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