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Everything posted by supo

  1. the tours are awome as wel, but the raw clubs spin more. no prob with any of yururis wedge for spin, even the cast 1.618 mutilate the ball.
  2. wow.WOW. i saw these recently and was stopped in mid stride. im playing the 901s in australia in rotation in the worst conditions imaginable and they are jsut sesational. not good off the toe, infact absolutely the worst, but they werent made for players who hit the toe a lot. these look better than the yonex even. oh gosh, if i sell a set of blades then these wil be too tempting im sure. if only one could get hold of a 7 iron in both these and the yonex, it would make life so much easier......................................................,
  3. 8* Good lord Mines at9 5* And thats the lowest I could imagine Agree completely nothing near it for tight and low easily the best
  4. oooooooooooooh ya....., dont tip roddios ive been informed many many times, ive psoted this fact numerous times. they are for butt cuts only. white side up is correct. but yes u will be playing right a fair bi id think. makes it good if u can power ur hands over and get the draw shape this thing wil be a pwerhouse..
  5. agreed with T feel is better sound def better i think the older one is longer. and more penetrating i think the new one def goes higher. iswitched back to the old one . i found i was launching too high with hte new one, even with the crazy in it, the old one with the shingo roddio shaft is low nad long
  6. agreed with T feel is better sound def better i think the older one is longer. and more penetrating i think the new one def goes higher. iswitched back to the old one . i found i was launching too high with hte new one, even with the crazy in it, the old one with the shingo roddio shaft is low nad long
  7. ihave my yururis with the NS super peening orange, bit higher flight but oh so lovely to hit. i think they suit these haeds beaufiully . played thes 2 weeks ago, perfect i nthese conditions here at the moment i shud paly the mmore really , the shafts have been SST sured infact..... might play them saturday.
  8. thats why iasked if they wre tied in to shaft companies or the qauality of the tour shafts areNOT anything like what we get to buy
  9. i guess the shaft companies pay the pros to use thier shafts????????????
  10. i have a few crazy shafts 80 cb noir 80 ls2 tj 46 80fw 80 and i had a 50 from what i feel, the tj 46 is light and the most deadly long ball hitting shaft ive tried. its 100% about clobbering the daylights out ofgunbarrle straight the 80fw is heavy, heavy in the tip, low spin low launch but workable. u cab gte this ti turn just the right amount the 80 is similar to tyhe FW in feel, but a bit lighter in the swing and not as electirc at impact. the 80ls 2 is a LOT more feel than the 80 original model. dynamics pretty similar with more feel, the 50 i had prob has the best feel of all the crazys ive hit , but misses with it to he right were catastrophic, amazing feeling shaft if u want to tkae the left out then the 50 is a tough shaft to compare with. the cb80 ls noir is my current ryoma headed driver not as much glassy fel as the other 80s ,but a small draw bias which is superb. can hang tough on a big shot , but ikes to be smoothed more , get the ebst resuts when juts tempo is perfect and smooth the ball bets trajectory of all my drivers thius set up if u like to kep the right out of play the 50 is tough to beat. the fw 80 is in 4 of my fairways, and ill game the 3 and 5 when i need to chase balls low . not the best for hitting high cut shots that land soft, not good at all really but for a driver repleacment 3w shaft easily the king of shafts.. iand in the egg spoon the lownwss of the shaft coupled with the eggs soarability is a potent mix the eagle hunter....!!
  11. thats what i thought immediatly. wedgeathon...... ?????? oh yes indeed...., thast tonight with my new lies.. well see what differnce this makes.
  12. juts getting a few sets of wedges flalttend 1.5* now for a range sesshy tonight . hoping this improves my target practice.
  13. gee i like the look of those as wel kyoei head veyr much like the yururi tour , which is an aawsome wedge love to try these. and the SDJ i think they might be my next wedge purchases.
  14. ir u order kyoei u can get any thing u want, they are preposterously slow but the specs come in anyway u want. but ur right everyother thing ive bought is stock spec i do the bending my self when needed. kyoei is ur best bet, and they are prettytasty clubs i think miura will do any spec u like as well.
  15. i palyed a set of my mates onoff plus a fewmonths ago with roddio graphite , in stiff flex not sure which ones but thought the ball felt really damp. distance was better and over all felt really smooth and easy to hit , buti didnt like htem one little bit cant see why ud use them esp when stel is so good and versatile, so many differt styles and flexs
  16. Not being an avid topy putter collector ...... i need some info on this little black duck pls chaps i beleive its made for japan model any light to be shone gents?? im clueless on it.
  17. antonio at pirhana golf in st leonards
  18. gmaed these on sat. in blowy blustery conditions. on great but cropped turf. divots easy to hit fianlyly remembered how to hit my irons and played tee to green really well. was hitting 4 iron to 10 feet into wind on 188 yard par 3s with the tiniest draw an hit nice high cuts all day into the greens yes my iron play was solid. these irons play beautifully. the mix of the ks shmada 10 tour in these is a great mix, mid flight no ballooning no worm burining, easy to work an all round very very good feel the miuraism heads really frame the ball beautifully and allow me to be very confident over the ball i found i didnt try and belt he cover off the ball jsut down clubbed one on most holes with gret results the middle of any club feels great but i found these to be a thie best in the scoring irons the 9 nad pw looked like unsheathed katanas and i cud puthe ball anywhere i liked. the PW especially is mouth watering, there really is a case for me to game this with every set of irons i play seeriosuly , from knock down chips to full scything cuts i didnt miss the centre all day are they better feel than epon and kyoeis.....................,? well i was really impressed with the softness of these compared to some other muras ive hit. loads better they are a lot softer than the kyoeis ,and alomst but not quite as epons even tho they arnt the compact as the sb01s i cud feel every nuance of the iron having them 1* flat as wll made a nice differnce i as conscious of my hands all day and got them thru the ball every time except once with an 8 iron in the middle of hte fairway with a 135 yard uphilll shot to big green , i shanked the bloody thing 90 yards dead right ! (thtas ok for me as that puppy is always jus around the corner....) i was teetering about selling these and and eithe gettign new set. or just pulling the plug, but aftef sat........, they are making the trip to oz this weekend over all thoughts in blustery hard conditions they suited really well they are beautiful feeling , evey bit a good as the rumours say. the slightness of the top line made no odds to me all day what soever. they are a great iron and after i play them abit more i wouldnt be at all surprised if i grow to abslutely love them. so much so that i might just grab a brand new set one day..............,
  19. mate no enticing needed, ita a matter of time.
  20. the kyoei raw rafw , all of them, and sakamoto the ball look like its had a brazillian afer evey shot. the saks had a really fat top line but the grooves on them were impossibley sharp
  21. Yes j beam are thier own company they just happened to make the head for crazy best go to google jp then type it in thier wedges look very good
  22. put it this way The next driver i get will be the jbeam 425 tour wirh. A crazy cb80ls noir just so ican get a bit of turn
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