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Everything posted by supo

  1. Sub400 is punchy 425 i find to be the limit of my ability driver wise. There is a much more compact solid feel to a well struckhit with my tour heads but i love the safety feeling of the460s . Def the penetrating flight is great and ive found on windy days i prefer the smaller head for some reason i feel more confident, but on perfect days.....LET THE BIG DOG eat!
  2. supo replied to Petethepilot's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    hhahahahaahah YES it most certianly does..! if u find it too stout ill swap u my stiff for it! . theres not much better than what you got there ptp. theres only equals.
  3. def no balooning problem., 100% not. the quadra plays a lot tighter than the di6 in the same flex. if ur coming down from 75x shafts the 65 sx is DEFINATLY what u want not the S the quadras play pretty true to spec maybe slightly on the softer side i think the crazy play harder
  4. Its a j beam im black no paint fill go to j beam tolyo website and hve a look its the 2nd one down. Its rare as rocking horse poo so u might have to wait a long time and T is prob the only way ull get one. I got ext remely lucky.
  5. Pete rhat sringer is more pure than the driven snow u get a102 on it and yeeeeeeehaaaaaa. There is nithing softer its been pured i believe so the grip shud be in the right place.
  6. the 425 tour ......,u can see it next to the 435. that thing i have just been getting better than everything. the 435 is so low, in JP i wont use it most weekeends . just on a few champ courses that unequivocably need to be straight. i can not move this one inch one way or another, the wind blows it left or right but not me, its just head over the pill, pull, shooot, phew darn the pipes! rolling like a marbel on a glass table. in JP pretty much tho u need a lot more carry . in Australia on the links course ,the 435 was supreme. above everything else ,the next best was the new yamaha 2011 quadra 75xs, played that in cyclone conditions one day and made most fairways with the roll it gets it is seriosuly long too. i was lot farther down the middle than id been previously on this course. thast really low as well. but the jbeam/crazy has it beat. the 425 tho so far is just mind blowing , ive only ranged it so far bec its too bloody cold here. but i have not hit one bad balll. not one! i cant account for it .but hey......... ill take that, thast a low mid flight as its 10.5* but its still on the low side, compared to everything else its low, just compared to the yamaha and the 435 its mid thast a better way to explain it. the best of the oem made ones is the 2010 yamaha v201 460cc 9* stinger set up. that thing is superb! its a lot more forgiving with off centred shots and pured ones feel magificent. same feel as epon . the jbeam heads tho are somehting else. my ultimte goal by this spring is to have culled my current collection and to bag ; the ryoma black d-1 vspec------quadra proto 75xs the 425 and 425 tour jbeams---------both curent crazys as is 08 yamaha as an alternate --------gd p9003x new 460 crazy---------crazy black 80 noir. then i can sleep easy, and contented. id seen these crayzs for a while her but they arnt typical so i ignred them , then u posted that report b4 chirstmas. so i lifted one for christmas golf and it was a huge success. horses ( ha!, or drivers) for courses! yes ido most definalty have a driver addiction. but i cant paly every day here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. supo replied to supo's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    thks T, he better chip in with performance on it , bec its a sreamer! this was the crazy pros club i was told . so i m not suprised it was a one off. 46 inch damn..., if only!
  8. supo posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    chaps i just saw the most fantastic looking driver. the new crazy 460 ion plated but silver face in 9.5* with a la bomba white tj 46 sx shaft . didnt have my camera !! the club played to 46 inch so its too long but the head is the thing i was stoked on. its looks similar to epon 102 but more muscular. it also looks like the lie is biased to a draw slightly. (up right tilted in towaatrds the player if that makes sense?)its beautiful has anyone taken the plunge and bought one , or tried one yet?
  9. last nights quiver. in my new cary bag. found this out ther couldnt resist it beautiful bag. like the old worn in look more than spick and span and yes... i just find a piece here and there and get it built the wonders of living in golfing component heaven. cost me a bit but u get what you pay for.
  10. had another session last nigth , bit of a driver frenzois! brought a stinger a proto a fireexpress and 2 crazys along for the ride. 2 crazy heads and the rest were yamaha heads so i cud make a good judgement comapred to each other. the proto is def a lot higher than the fire express. and its similar to the stinger very similar actually. i was hitting a cpl of tour heads and a cpl of 460 heads, and surprisinlgy the tour heads were actually higher than the 460s. the crayzs were the lowest undeniably the tj especially was a worm burner. the crazy 80 ls in the crazy jbeam 425 head i was easily my most consistant driver, mid low shot pretty much dead straight. the proto was higher def striaght and the most alive pf the shafts. the fire express was low and ran ths stinger is the best feeling. but theres a lot of difference between the stiff and x . both of which i think playy just a tad under specs i can eeasily hit the x, an i find the stiff just a tad too soft. the 08 yamaha head on the proto delivers a loud pining long shot but not as long as the others i n the quiver. dispersion very tight again. control excellent. moveability no where near like the p9003x in the same head i can put that thing on a dime all be it just huge hugely long. the proto is more take aim, shoot .. yes! i thnik with a later model head this would bring the flight down a bit and be a better driver than it is curently the crazy over all set up is MILES better then everything else i have but its also another $300+ for that extra coin for me its def worth it. but thtas worth considering. i really like the performance of the proto , better than the stinger but not as nice feeling the stinger i think is longer just as tight ,and much softer to play, a real joy, prob the best feeling of all shafts . the proto is really a peformance shaft . like the GD p9003x. another brilliant shaft thats got no feel but all time performance. the proto wil most def be my 2nd alternate driver to start the season especially on bomb and gouge tracks. alonside the epon 102 and stinger combo which i will change to the x flex, and move the stiff along. the crazy tho...........,i cant imagine that getting knocked out anytime soon.
  11. ohhhh i love matsumoto putters. i have this as well. its beautiful for fast grreens . lucky lucky buyer!
  12. the 65xs is def a little tighter. and lower than the di6s 105-108 both are no probs the 65 xs will be rigid the s will be more whippy depends on what shot u like to feel. the 3 wood with these shafts tipped are like lazer beams. they will slice worms heads off in an instant. but the ball rolls for ever.
  13. carlo id suggest start with the fire express, 65 s its plenty good , i played it mid last yr for a round and although it was a litle soft the lag never got away it played brilliantly all day. in an epon 101 9.5* u wont have any troubs with spin dispersion or ballooning.
  14. the di 6 i found a little soft but it think its pretty low sin, and mid launching. the di7 skippercarey hit and reallly likes so there must be A big difference between the 2 . quadra u cant miss with , go a 65s or sx for a bit more tighness. it wont soar i can assure you of that.
  15. I think its about 110+ the machines i use outdoor get me at47.5. Indoor abt48 .5 average some where around there
  16. supo replied to Mjr. D's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Excellent. Cant wait for firsrt game report on it esp with a quadra on the range it Was startlingly good. The feel is so very differenf due to that weight in its oshiri it thumps the ball, only concern i had with it was the face size looks small one of those rounded convex shapes but off centered shots didnt seem to be punishedbadly at all. Think ur going to be pretty impressed. Think the 15th at entrada is in range!
  17. supo replied to Petethepilot's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    what head u getting instead?
  18. the black 80 7.7 is pretty much the same, just not as much zing as the FE. super stiff very hard to turn over LOW launch. cud throw a blanket over these 2 ,but ......, for the money . the quadra is the winner by a mile. rob the p9003x is in this group as well, just not that feel, performance wise its right there.
  19. Ha! The egg always has a spot
  20. supo replied to Mjr. D's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    And delivers you will l laugh when u hit it
  21. thats a great bag . everything in there is a joy to hit. ive been thinking what to start the yr off with. a cpl of range sessions have gone nicely. hitting a few older pieces better than some of the newer ones . pretty much got the rotation in mind and ithink ive finally made a hybrid that i can go to with confidence. drivers are set irons are set putters perfect. the hybrid s finally good just the fws that are confusing me still.
  22. supo replied to Mjr. D's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    heres my buds finished tool from last lnight, i was going to steal it , and smash the daylights out of it at the range ,but when i got to nak-sans shop he had STRICT instructions to NOT let me take it out. damn! specs 47x 318 x d1 10.5* yes thats MADNESSS i can hear u all scream.., but " rear-admiral , lord tedddy smibbigton " one of my learnerd golfing partners. like to choke the bejeesus down on shafts and swing thru the ball . its huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge this thing. fantastic looking .
  23. well, the carrot had been dangling there long enough. they kept pulling the string in closer and closer, so i bit i had been thinking what to team this with , for a while , and the 10* 2008 yamaha 4.6 v has been my best head for a while so thats what it went in. 45 x 329 x d2 iomic x-evol white/red tip grip with the red white shaft . just a superb looking club. the older yamaha head is not as long as the new ones thats for cetain, the technology has moved into power zones at the back of the club to transfer a lot of push in to driver heads, but this is a traditional rounded , semi pear shape head. to me the set up at addresss is unmatchable. although i know its not as long it matters not im happy giving up 15 yards for more control. so after 5 shots with it n i couldnt control my emotions so i had to call someone that likewise has been very nterested in this shaft and let him hear whatt was going on. one lucky reader heard the pistol crack of the quadra first hand as the handset was placed next to the teedball, and i got it pure! this new shaft is stiffer than the old BY A MILE. much more glassy the xs plays like an x. totally differnt shaft. chalk and cheese. may as well be a differnt companies. theres NO similarites at all. its like they totally redesigned it every ounce if it. is it bette than the old???? well..................., after letting the night pass to allow the brain to process the data moreefficiently. without emotions diluting and clouding my judgement what i found was. the new one is tighter, undeniably tighter. i have the the 10* head on it so the ball wasnt scorching th earth , scimitaring poor worms heads off like samurais katana, thats for sure. it was surprisingly higher flighted than i expected. ,( but thasts DEFINATLY bec of the head on it) the ball took off low then straight into an arc( that never ballooned )it was a smooth curve with the slightest hint of a draw just the slightest. it was a thing of beauty. the feel. well. if u imagine every other shaft thats ever been made is made of chewing gum. this thing feels like a glass snipers riffle. the ting or ping is like isaid a psitol crack. , a bull whip in the dirt. its incredibly alive.. ialso had my crazy 80 in the 425 tour head and was playing both the differnce is incredible. the craay is muted compared to this. its longer bec of the head and just as straight, but i couldnt get the quadra out of my hands. that feel is one of a kind the older quadra is definatly softer the flex is, lessdynamic. dispersion is a wee bit looser. loosing balls of the toe with the old one can see more distance kept compared to the new one. the toe hits with the new one were def straighter, but length was lost considerably( ill take that!!!) it didnt feel like a left hand side out shaft, im not sure if its supoosed to be but i was turning it over prefectly. i think the new one isnt as long as the old one beceause its so stiff i think with its flex pattern the player can go down the flex not up like the old one. the new one is 100% made for fast big hitters that can get some hefty swing speeds and drill the blazes out of the ball. if u try and carees this thing it laughs its head off then bites you on the asssssssss. i tried to swing it 200 yards an it almost ran long the ground. felt like a railway sleepr in my hands. the older one caters to everyone a LOT better, its a more feel club than the new one and t delivers a low running shot. the new one i think gets a bit more air and a more over the top roll out. the old one is a low running fairway chaser. i will continue to bag both of these without hesitation, depending on what head to put on it, the old yamaha is a more thin walled driver so the ting and hollowness of it excentuated the glass in the new one. with an epon 102 tho, which i think is the softest head ever. i think this shaft will feel a less lively. like the GDp9003x this shaft is for swingers. 4 thumbs up 10/10.
  24. well i just changed out some 950 s weight flow wedge shafts to the ns wv 125 s , and used them last night . theres a big differnence in feel. its really noticeable. the wv seem to have multiple kick points. the shaft seems to warp then go rigid at impact thus allowint the ball to travel straighter. i was trying to draw it and it ddidnt really draw ,and i was trying to cut the pants of it and it didnt really do that either. the thing i hate more than anything with wedge play is when ur hitting a full sht and thhe ball"Pulls" of draws. this does my head in! it happens with monotonous regularity with dgs200 HATE it. lastnight tho..........., here to say they didnt do that ONCE with these shafts. they are super lively but feel hollow and tingy, i was hitting them concurrently with the SP blues in my kyoeis blades and there was NO noticeable pulll or slice , dispersion was fantastic. i usually play NS 1050 x in pretty much all my wedges they are incrediblty stiff but a bit light. and not a lot of feel. these new WVs give a little more liveliness. with added weight . but they dont feel like kbs tours . (they feel really heavy and dense IMO , )the Wv have ton more feel, if u like that lively feel like i do then these are the best ive hit. considerably better. i loved them.
  25. Thats nonsense i own all the above and i GAME kuoei more than the others those kyoei heads have the most spent on them of all my sticks. Vega is kyoeis brand in europe they come from sme place epon are softer kyiei are more direct shooters irons. T or gocchin is the man to speak to sen him pm u will be sorted properly