Everything posted by Vegaman
Are there any .580 or midsize japanese grips out there?
Ive been thinking the same..Using GP now, never really saw Jspec midsize grips.
Now with full speed video - 140mph swing speed/221mph ball speed
Hey, not disgusting! Just looks like you stop up and dont let the body (and head) flow to a higher, more natural finish..Hence the dangerous (for the shaft) bounce off your back. You turn really excellently through the ball, I stopped the video at impact, and its looks great. I guess just let the weight of the shaft throw your arms out front and continue that great turn to the finish. Note! Im not an expert, play to a 10 hcp, dont swing as good as you do and just say what I think I see..
Mizuno custom mp33, nickel finish 5-SW ...Mizuno custom mp33 satin finish
Nice looking blades! Sweet.
Now with full speed video - 140mph swing speed/221mph ball speed
Nice Swoosh! But it looks like you gonna break the shaft around your back in the follow thruogh..Maybe turn more to a fuller finish?
Best driver face material?
For feel I guess? What about the DAT56 that I read about in the face of the Kamui Works? I read an older article on TSG and then it said DAT55, and now its says DAT56. Is DAT56 a newly developed version of DAT55G or something? Or is it just a slip of the keyboard, ha ha?
TS X-drive hosel depth
I recently fitted a Roddio to a X-drive 703 head. Of course I forgot to check the depth of the hosel in the clubhead. Anybody knows? I saw an already cut shaft that was 43.75 for sale, and was wondering how long a finished club would turn out to be..And do TS always use the same hosel depth? I also saw the TJ 46 Nero that comes at 44.5 from the factory, so maybe that wont need cutting at all if I want to have 45.5 to 46 playing length? Thanks
Best driver face material?
Which kind of Ti is considered the most "premium" of all the types I see? Which is the most expensive? Whats the difference in feel..Jbeam has their DAT55, Kamui Works DAT56. Then we have the SP700 which is considered very premium by some, and of course there is the "classic" premium Beta Ti. I have a VEGA with 6-4 Ti I think, and that is considered "low end and cheap" if Im not mistaken. But the Kenmochi has 6-4 in the conforming version, while the nonconform is SP700...Shouldnt their be price difference if 6-4 is cheap and down market? And is it easier to make a non-conform thinner face out of SP700, because its stronger? A bit confusing. Then we have Forged faces, cold rolled, milled and cast to consider...Its a bit of a jungle! Any earlier thread touching on this subject? Is it so that if you want a conformig driver there is no need to bother with the expensive stuff because its easy to make a face with cheaper Ti that is conforming? But the non-conforming stuff need to use premium metal, that is much stronger, in order to make the spring effect really high but not risk braking the face? Any opinions?
TourStage 2011 905 Limited Edition Blade
Wow, excellent work! Beautiful stuff. You do that yourself hu? Nice..
Crazy FX 435 with new Black 50 compared to old 50
I think very high COG and true lofts.
Last Years Ryo Forged CB Pics
Pretty clubs. How much?
Roddio W7WA
Ok, I will go measure some hosels. The reason Im asking ia that the TJ46 Nero comes at a length of 44.5, so it might be that it can go in the head without cutting at all, and come out around 45.5 i thought.
Roddio W7WA
Ok, good to know. Now, I doubt I will go out and buy this shaft again just to see how it plays untipped..But something to keep in mind for the future. Anyway, how deep is a typical driver hosel? How long is a driver shaft after its been cut to length if you want to have a "playing length" at around 45 or 45.5? Will it come out at around 43.75 to 44.5?
Crazy FX 435 with new Black 50 compared to old 50
I swing pretty hard and launch it high, very and too high quite often. Get no roll, sometimes zero. So this shaft sounds promising, if a bit intimidating, ha ha! Is it the kind of shaft you have to absolutely smash every time, and can never throttle back a bit if you want to hit a fade around a dogleg? Maybe go for the old version..Or down in flex and a bit up in loft.
shaft a thon agian.......,
Hi How long would a driver turn out to be if I fitted the Quadra to an Xdrive 703 head? And what is that flamed shaft with the "custom order" sticker second from bottom in pic number 7 from the top?
Roddio W7WA
I have no idea, Im neither American or well versed in fitting and cutting shafts. The club guy I use here in Phuket said that the Roddio was pretty soft for an Xstiff weighing 74 grams. He weighed it and put a clamp on it, showed a few other shafts rated as stiff and Xstiff that freq'd out stiffer (among them the ever mysterious Superio) The shaft had to be cut somewhere since I wanted the total length to be around 46 inches. So shaft makers are designing their shafts to be cut at the but only? Does a cut at the but section not alter "the characteristics" or what? Are you telling me I should build a 47 inches long driver and then try it, cut and try, cut and try? Dont think thats the normal thing to do either.
Roddio W7WA
Yeah, looks like missmatch for me with the WA. So, on to other shafts then. The head feels wonderful anyway. EDIT: Forgot to mention that after hitting it really hard and solid for 5 holes, I went on to hit a HUGE maybe 40 meters high MEGAhook out of nowhere that left me (and my buddies) stunned..It was so shocking that I wouldnt be able to do it again even if I tried for like 20 times. I have never ever hit a shot like that before and my buddies where equally shocked and said they had never seen me, or anybody for that matter, hit it like that. It must have been close to a hundred yards off line to the left, I hit it through the adjacent fairway and ended up in that fairway's right rough..Very weird.
Roddio W7WA
By the way Tario, I also mailed you and asked you specifically if there is anything I should be aware of when it comes to fitting and tipping a Roddio Shaft..You never mailed me back and so I thought there was nothing in particualr to think about. Now, I know that officially I am only supposed to get the Roddio installed by a qualified Tech and that maybe you are not allowed to mention any specifics about it according to the instructions from Daiwa. But you did sell it to me "shaft only". Something to to keep in mind if you ever sell Roddio as Shaft Only again. That is, please inform the customer if there is something important to keep in mind, especially if said customer emails you and asks about it. Here is the Email, sent on the 8th of april: "Hi Tario I got the Roddio shaft already, excellent packaging by the way. Im gonna fi it with the Tourstage 703 driver head I bought from Stew last week, lets see ho the fit together. Antway, is there someting I should be aware of when it comes to installation? Should it be tipped? I remember reading that it shoud be installed text down so I can see only the white part of the shaft, does that mean they are somehow "pre-spined" or something? Thank you Christian"
Roddio W7WA
Tipped it 1 inch..It was still 0.335 one inch up so I thought why not..Anyway, today i continued hitting very far, but very sliced, to start with. Then i got a bit angry and hit one really really hard, as hard as to usually give me a lot of trouble and BOOM it went around 320 yards...(!) AND straight. I went on to hit some huge bombs, one even was a draw, ha ha. And every time I tried to hit it smoothly I sliced it or at best faded it. Its like I have to put a real concious effort into the release which feels odd and a bit "not right". The club is very stable, as shown by the fact that I could go after it almost recklessly and still I hit it pretty solid, weird. I still feel its a bit too wild to use regularly, too bad. So, the shaft is now ruined I guess, so thats it. Guess I need to take a look at some other shaft. A wasteful experience.
Roddio W7WA
Hi guys I bought the Roddio W7WA in Xstiff shaft from the TSG on the recent "eathquake clear out" sale. I paired it up with a Tourstage Xdrive 703. Now, by bad shot can be a bit right, thats for sure. When I really drive the ball bad I slice it, sometimes crazily. The feel of the Xdrive clubhead is just excellent. I took it out and hit some really solid Power fades, that is not too high with a gentle left to right flight with some pretty amazing roll too, something that Im not used to, its normally all carry for me..Its hard to hit this combo straight though, which is my normal ball flight when Im swinging well. The last 2 days I havent been swinging it that great, more like normal, and that has proved disatrous with the Roddio and the 703. Im sure the head is fine, but maybe the Roddio is EXTREMELY antileft. I went out and played 9 hoels yesterday afternoon, shot a nice 40. Hit the irons really really solid, but dumped 2 balls in the water after hitting 2 HUGE slices that left me dumbfounded since I felt I was swinging it really well. I did also carry the green on a short par 4 with a straightish bomb (still a tiny bit of left to right)..I feel like I need to super realease sith this club. I also bought it shaft only, and my club guy here in Phuket has never fitted a head to a Roddio before. I told him to tip it to length (because it cpm´d out as not much more than stiff) and put the white side up..Is there something special to tink about when fitting the Roddio? Anybody have any experience? Similar or not all? I have a pretty slow short backswing, with a sometimes violent and really aggressive downswing. A bit jerky when Im off.. Im going out to play a pretty tough course again today (Blue Canyon, Canyon Course) here in Phuket and we will see how it goes. But Im almost scared of a few holes that I already see myself slicing to hell, ha ha.
Review on Yururi flat black stin with ns pro 1150 tour x flex
Yeah..I can hit my 3-iron around 240 yards off a tee if i hit it cleanly..I have been measured for swing speed but cant remember how fast it is! I need to check it a.s.a.p. My irons are 1 inch longer than normal though, so that might why I hit the 3 iron pretty far, since its 40 inches long, ha ha. But I have no problems hitting it. Does anybody have a good guess what my swing speed might be? Hit a 7 iron 170 without problem or jumping at it. Yesterday and today I hit my driver (any driver) really bad, started slicing it yesterday and it continued today. Went to the 3-iron off the tee and still hit some really longish tee-shots around 230-240 and straight. I play the Blue Super Peenings in X and they feel really good, the best iron shafts I have ever used, and not too stiff. Smooth feeling.
Review on Yururi flat black stin with ns pro 1150 tour x flex
Ha ha, another creepy moment! I just found a youtube video from customcraftgolf in BKK, and was thinking about ordering the heads from TSG and go up to BKK and let them bend them and fit them to my Blue Peenings Xstiff. I dont find them to be that stiff actually, pretty smooth feeling.
Review on Yururi flat black stin with ns pro 1150 tour x flex
So, did you get them with the flat lie from TSG or did you flatten them yourself? Did you have any problems with customs by the way?
Inflexible JDM brands
Oh, yes. Endo is the manufacturer. Lets say the most advanced/respected one then. And I meant its not that unusal with 2 or even 3 degree upright lie in the US/EU, and NOT in japan. The average male in Sweden is 180cm tall, so not very exotic where Im from at all. EDIT: Another thing, I intend to pull the heads from my current shafts and use them with the Yururis or whatever. I really like the NS Super Peenings, and just want to change the heads. Are the Yururi blades lighter than the average midsize club head?
Fourteen Hi 610 T.S Driving Iron Pics
Ernie Els had one for a long long time. Might still be hitting it.
Inflexible JDM brands
Wedges? You mean irons I guess. Not sure I would compare Toyota, the master of mass production, with a comparatively small brand like Epon? In my world Epon is not in every other bag I see at golf courses..But every other car is a Toyota. I dont know what courses you play, but Yururi and Epon does NOT dominate where I play or ever have played. Toyota of the golfworld would be Taylormade..Or callaway or whatever other huge OEM you care to think of. Epon? That would be Lamborghini, Bugatti or Aston..And yes, I do think that Bugatti would oblige in painting a car in whatever colour the customer wants. Even Neon green. Say what you want, going 2 degres up from US/EU standard lie (3 up from JDM) is not "super rare" at all. Rather common I would say. And for sure something that I would expect from a "boutiqe" maker like Epon. I dont see why you have to try to defend the lack of customer service that I feel that Im experiencing. Epon make the best stuff, but to not offer more than 1.5 degree of adjustability sucks, and thats TOTAL fact.