Crazy vs Ryoma
slight off topic Goc, but do you know anything about this driver. Ray Romaro ro?
Yet another Wedge Help
If you like the 588 i'm sure you can still get them in Japan and they are forged and the prices are pretty good to!!! Ask Chris if he can track them?
HELP Needed
is it to good to be true? http://en.item.tourspecgolf.com/netstage/1345298/ This si where i found them Thanks for all your responses
HELP Needed
Hi Guys Does any body have a set of these shafts for sale or can recommend me any where i can get a set from here in Aus or in Japan.. I have heard they are made in Japan and the US? is there any truth to this? I have noticed i can get a set on "tourspecgolf" but i dont know anything about that website, ($24.00 Aus per shaft) is this good? If You have a pulled set iwould be interested ,but my specs are an inch longer than standard. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Jason
April's Demo Clubs Now For Sale!
Thanks Mate
April's Demo Clubs Now For Sale!
Hi Chris, Any chance with the next demo sale you can make a posting the day before warning of the impending product list that is available, as i know there would be people like myself who are in different time zones who miss out on the goodies, as by the time we log in they are all gone. This is not a criticism or complaint, just a thought.. :)
FS - Tour Concept TT X7 shafts, Matrix F7M2 LTD & 8M2
Hi Mate, would the 8M2 go in a Ping G10 and also what tip size is the below shaft? Nippon NS PRO 950 FW - X with Royal Collection Grip - 41.5". Never hit, just straight pull - Free with purchase of anything else.
shaft a thon agian.......,
Hi Spoon, Can you recommend 2 of the above shafts for my G10 driver? thanks:)
Yonex EZONE Wedge Images & Information!
this will be worth the wait
Yonex EZONE Wedge Images & Information!
Inflexible JDM brands
So Chris if we order through you guys are you able to get the lies adjusted before you ship them out or is it an area you don't want to get involved in?
wedge lie question
Thanks mate, By the way the Miuraism sound like the new, go to set, They are pure looking, envious but i now my limits. Also Goodsie recommended the KBS Tour shafts which i can get hold off easily enough but the NS Sp Blue i'm having trouble finding... are the hard to get now.
wedge lie question
Hi Eca, Who can you recommend in sydney that will adjust the lie or did you buy them with the flatter lie angle? Cheers
TSG DEMO Club Testing and Evaluation Topic!
Hi Chris, Sounds good. I watched your review on the JBeam 425 Tour, can we get your opinion on the 455HG Cheers
BIG Debate going on over at GolfWRX about steel vs graphite in irons
thanks for getting that up :)
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