Everything posted by nobmontana
- Sold!! Thanks TSG !! CRZ435 Head Only 10 deg
!! SOLD !! Thanks TSG !!
No way i can handle that beast!!
- Sold!! Thanks TSG !! CRZ435 Head Only 10 deg
!! SOLD !! Thanks TSG !!
Stew-san, You wouldn't happen to have a VSpec Ryoma D-1 in 8.5*, would ya? Really struggling with my driver lately and need to find a super forgiving head. I have tried the new Titleist 913 and, gosh, if it didn't sound so bad and look... well so big, I might actually use it.
- Sold!! Thanks TSG !! CRZ435 Head Only 10 deg
!! SOLD !! Thanks TSG !!
Hi guys. I decided on playing one set of irons this season. Don't want to let this one sit to collect dust. These are a really nice set of irons. These rare shafts alone have been sold for over $500 here on BST. No explanation needed for AF301s. These are fabulous heads. 8 Iron looks to have most wear. wouldn't call it as much as "Browning" but some may say it is. 5 iron = 37.75" Standard Lie Loft and Length PM me for additional information. SOLD shipped within CONUS PP gifted
Closed. Thanks TSG!!
EPON personalls w/MODUS3 130s protos. 2g18s
Stiff ORAs straight in feel about as firm as the soft stepped 130 Stiffs. I would not dare get near extra stiffs with the 130s. I know many have gone up a flex with the Modus 120 and previous Nippon models, but the 130s are a different animal. According to my fitter, the overall stiffness on a 130 S flex was equivalent to a DG X100 - soft stepped once.
The new Ryoma D-1 Maxima Thread
Their explanation about the flatter trajectory and more roll is so intriguing.
EPON personalls w/MODUS3 130s protos. 2g18s
I have been playing the Modus 130s in MP64s for a week now. Though this is my first week out this season after a long long winter, I am hitting these irons better than anything I have had in the past. Courtesy of Nippon Shaft, I got custom fitted with these shafts for the first time. Ended up with a Stiff flex Soft Stepped x 1. My other set is an AF301 with Prototype ORA Stiff. I am actually liking the Modus 130 better. the 130 feels smoother and is a tad lower trajectory than the Proto ORA, and really accurate. We'll see how they perform in windy conditions. but so far so good. If you like heavier steel shafts, you really need to give this a try.
Ryoma Driver = magic club
I am very envious of your 70+ fairway . I sure could use some Magic in my game :)
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Waccine Fairway shaft is sold. Also adjusted prices on remaining items.
3 wood shaft... quadra fire expressx 75s
Stew-san, I have a FEx Proto 75 in X flex un tipped driver length that I can pull out from my Baldo driver if you are interested.
**SOLD** thanks TSG ! Crazy Black FW80/Adams SuperFairway XTD 14.5
Very potent combo here. I had the tour issue 16 deg before and it was scary long! 14.5 deg + FW80 should result in some astronomical distance. Also for me, the head felt better than the RBZ.
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Last price drop....
s-yard VS jbeam 435
Ditto on therapy.....
Price Drop !! Piretti GSS and Damascus putters
Last price drop.
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Price dropped!!
Price Drop !! Piretti GSS and Damascus putters
Price drop!!
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
T.388 is sold.
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
This is not the GSS Byron I just got. This one is a DH89 Mini , 303 stainless steel, face balanced.
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Egg HD is sold.
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Egg HD pending.
Price Drop !! Piretti GSS and Damascus putters
I have here a couple of very nice Piretti putters. Decided to part with them to fund my other projects. Tour Only Piretti Capri German Stainless Steel 34.5" - Only used indoors Comes with brand new Piretti logo white leather grip and matching leather head cover - $950 shipped conus Very Rare Piretti Limited Edition Damscus Button Back 34.5" - Only used indoors Comes with brand new Piretti logo black leather grip and Black head cover - $950 shipped conus
Price Dropped!! Spring Cleaning!! - Baldo, Waccine shafts, Byron
Baldo is really good. Similar trajectory to the S-Yard ... but much softer feeling (Original MP425 Soft) and very nice muted "Thwack" Slightly more forgiving than the S-Yard as well. Probably due to larger size. Used only on a couple of range sessions on a mat.