Everything posted by DaleUK
Japan Golf Fair 2013 - You guys coming?
Oh how I wish...
OB: Recent Food Pics! Amsterdam + Napa
DaleUK replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearLooks Tasty!!
2013 ONOFF Forged Iron Pics
Hmmm very nice! Lets hope I made the right decision !!
Who's 1st to show their new gear/ bag for 2013???
I can say I've had another Ranger session with my 3 wood and Hybrid... Still waiting for my Driver! After a good hit with them these seem to be excellent , even if the 3 wood shaft is very whippy Distance is around the normal and feel is what I'd expect ... I'm loving the crisp sound on striking the ball!!
Lie Angle of Epon PW's
Yes thanks I've now seen it ...
Not a Big Miura Fan
It felt super super Soft!
Not a Big Miura Fan
This is what I've been hitting today
Lie Angle of Epon PW's
Lie Angle of Epon PW's
Does anyone happen to know the Lie Angle of the Epon 501/502 PW please??
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
Thanks for the info! I have had 2 fittings both with Epon irons and on both accounts they needed to be knocked up by 1* I've had then 1* up for a start as with all the Epon's . I guess I need to know how the Yamahas compare in lie to the Epons !!? I guess it's a good starting point!. Does anyone know what the Epon 501 PW lie angle is?
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
Hmmm I'm going to play my 5 iron 38" which is 1/4 in h shorter than my Onoff's! I think T said standard was like 37.3/4 so I'm going 1* up right too..
All Sold - Ryoma Premia, Egg Spoon HD, Kamui Works Ray HiCor
Still only post in the USA?
Epon Personal Blade Picture Thread!
Really ? I might jump on the Personal trail! I was offered some Heads only last month ... Might ga e check these bad boys out !
Testing the water : trade my Epon Bag...
Looking to see what's out there.. Looking to Trade my yellow Epon Bag For a Yamaha Bag? Mine is mint... Really Mint Goes without say Yamaha needs to be Same! All the best for 2013
Best Shaft to accentuate the Epon Personals is???
Wow... You'd think if it works for you in 2 sets then it would be a winner in the Personals!
What do you guys think of this?
Some good points there!! I loved my Onoff's but have longed for the 302's.... Then I saw the VForged... Kinda had that moment when you know you gave to buy.. Just hope these work out!
Wood 3 shaft recommendation!
Good old EBay!!
Wood 3 shaft recommendation!
I think Driver shafts make better 3 wood shaft than , say a Fairway Shaft! Well that's the route ill be going!
Best Shaft to accentuate the Epon Personals is???
I'd say Modus3's...
Happy Holidays From Golftoimpress – Tourspecgolf!
All the very best to everyone Lets hope for an even better 2013
Yamaha Tour Limited Irons 2009-2012
Yes Ian they are all stunning... Miles better than the new stuff!!
Yamaha Tour Limited Irons 2009-2012
Now those do look very nice
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
Right ... Update: I've just played another 8 holes with these clubs... Feel is good but the Standard Shaft offering in the 3 wood seems super super SOFT! It's something that I must try and get used to, as its spoiling the the experience !! The 21* Hybrid is turning out to be an excellent choice Again feel is good and its a point and shoot go to club!!
New Epon Products... RF again.
I hear ya BUT it isn't cutting edge stuff from the worlds Best... Or at least one of the worlds Best!!
What do you guys think of this?
I had the same decision to make Did I buy the Epon 302 or the V Forged... Also Onoff's was on my list!! After many email to several different people I decided on the Yamahas The deciding factor was the Epon 302 are dated!! Now I'm not saying there rubbish , for from it but ... Nor am I saying the V Forged are the same type of club but on about 3 weeks the proof will be in the pudding as I'm hoping to be gaming them!! Merry Christmas to all