Everything posted by jaygolf
SOLD!!Adams Launch Lab 9.5* - One and only price drop.
You could keep it for swing practice weed whacking for that price.
- Razr Fit TA 8.5 and 9.5 heads with 8 shafts.... Crazy LY-02 /GD-AD 7S/GD-MD 6SR/VC 7.0 S/ Attas 7S/Diamana 62+ S/ GD Aura red S/ Fujikura 771TA S
- Visiting Gold's Factory - New Hand Grind Wedge
Yamaha Inpres XV FW 14* shaft advice
The day I stuck my fex into the yammie's hosel I could swear it had an orgasm. That or there was too much epoxy.
Nice one. Glad you're happy with it.
supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,
Picture stew at the airport with his 6 sets, 5 drivers....nutter!
CLOSE Please
Wrong page buddy. There's another section for non jdm gear.
- Epon Af 102 w Crazy CB 50 7,7 shaft
Yamaha inpresX tour driver
Quality gear.
Hey D, Any news of the putter? I'm good on the 3 wood front unless someone has one in the EU. But thanks.
So trade them with me. I'm sure you have a couple of tasty pieces lying around.
- ho, ho, ho, Tarioclause is coming early...to my house that is...you can unwrap my toys which are guaranteed to bring good cheer...
Best JDM Fairway wood?
Same as Stew. Yam 1st, then RC. Yam well ahead though. Fws are all about confidence and the ability to shape the shot. Distance isn't my priority.
Thanks for the offer doc, But I already have those heads.
- Traded
- Traded
I'd originally thought to have sold these to some French guy locally. But the plonker showed up with only half the money thinking I'd fall for it. So, A 52, as new, and I mean new, and a 58° in perfect condition, 2 rounds with it. What do I want? No idea. Wedges I guess. I don't really need anything, but I want everything. And considering i've reached my yearly 'allowance', trades are my only way of avoiding the missus' yapping.
Onoff Wedges...
I could be interested in the 56 if someone grabs the 52. What model is that?
I can picture you standing in front of your absurd head collection, thinking mmmmm. Which one! Haha. I'll consider yams, jbeams, epons...the usual suspects. As long as its a fair deal, similar price and condition....if the head isn't as new like this one, shafted would do, or plus some cash. Just nothing below 9.5 please. Preferably 10/10.5.
- ho, ho, ho, Tarioclause is coming early...to my house that is...you can unwrap my toys which are guaranteed to bring good cheer...
Up for trade an as new ryoma vspec d1 9.5. Preferably an EU trade. Looking for a driver head. Cheers
- Withdrawn
Another garage sale part I ALL SOLD!!! Thanks everyone
Nice gear mate!
"Pay it Forward" Club Evaluation Network
Great idea! Like Ian mentioned, it would probably be a good idea to keep it within reasonable distance. Not just for shipping cost purposes but also import taxes. Unless there's a way to label it as a sample, in that case I think VAT is avoided. Another way would be to perhaps have seperate groups. One in the US, one in OZ...and hopefully if the numbers are there, one in the EU.
Any Truth To This?
No mate. Made on Pluto only. I don't want any of that Uranus crap mixed with it. Uranus is too close to be good.