Everything posted by jaygolf
Haha! Better hurry up mate!
diaman blue 73 + graphite design md FW shafts..
Did you mention fex buddy?
WTT: Apple iPad Mini for JDM!
I'm curious to know what stew will offer.
Seeking your opinion - Bay case
Wow, you won? Nice!
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
Seeking your opinion - Bay case
If the guy's not happy and he has a reason other than buyers remorse to not be, maybe it's better to just refund/return. That's just my take. Nice to have a happy buyer.
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
Kamui Works Ray & CALLY TA FT9 10.5 W ILLIMA AFTERMKT price drops! final drop until I give away to friends...
I need to sell to dissolve tension at home...or trades and i'll add some cash... H, you must be the funniest bloke on tsg.
Kamui Works Ray & CALLY TA FT9 10.5 W ILLIMA AFTERMKT price drops! final drop until I give away to friends...
Did you add the S yard to the pics to make a point (you know what I mean by that) or is it for sale also?
- Withdrawn
Royal Collection -- no love?
I love RC. I'm not sure why the interest seems to have gone down. Their 2012 woods were awesome, but maybe their irons weren't up to par?
Toyo bending
Toyo to 54.
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
ian-500 WITB 2013 nearly complete....
Nice one Ian. Ballsy with the blingy ferrules!
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
- All sold, keeping the SP O's. Thanks TSG
another price drop: TP Mills Softtail Custom, JAS Anser
Reapl is my mate. Very reliable fella. He's a student, so try keeping that in mind when lowballing.