Everything posted by chiromikey
Pm coming on the F5.
Sneak Peak at the New ONOFF Kuros?
Onoff stuff always looks so nice and playable.
OB - Italia
chiromikey replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWow, thanks for sharing!!
Liquidation on Onoff.
Pm sent regarding the Ryoma
blade choices of recent times ............
Maybe they won't work then. My gamers are still the Flatbacks and if I play the iD-BLs right after it takes a psychiatrist to get my mind to accept them!
blade choices of recent times ............
Thanks! Miss ya bud. Gonna plan another trip to Japan so we'll have to coordinate. I really like the look and tech of the RS but I didn't realize they were that big. I took the iD-BLs out today because I hadn't played in 6 weeks (first round since before Thanksgiving) and those things are just amazing. Felt uncomfortable with my swing all day and they kept me close enough to stay 1 over. I'm thinking these RS irons could be even better for those kind of rounds. Hmmm............
blade choices of recent times ............
Hey bud, nice write up! How would you compare these to the iD-BLs?
Black Nickel TW-BM CAST Honma Blades!
I'm the last person to ask about Honma but wasn't that their specialty back in their heyday...a cast club that felt better and outperformed forged?
Black Nickel TW-BM CAST Honma Blades!
Those look amazing!
The Wagon - Go or No?
chiromikey replied to TourSpecGolfer's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI've begged Audi to get me an RS6 Avant here in the states, to the point that I told them I'd pay cash, they wouldn't have to worry about getting it registered, and I'd sign any waiver they wanted!! I miss my Supercharged Range Rover Sport (except the unreliability) and this would have filled in nicely!
Member Introduction Thread - Say hello and tell us about yourself!
Welcome. I rarely if ever check in at wrx anymore but I have made some friends there. You'll enjoy this community and its enthusiasm.
Seven Shinagawa Irons
They're definitely one of the best looking irons in my opinion and on my short list!
JDM Putters
Still very much in love with my Epon Zen!
YoRo t7 Wedge in Black Gloss
Those are pretty!
F**k Cancer - an update on TourSpecGolfer
Sending prayers your family's way!
Epon 703 - SOLD...thanks TSG
Where are you located? I have a buyer for these. Pm me and I'll put you guys in touch.
All Sold thanks TSG
Good grief! I have a Zen and I'm almost tempted to buy this! Best putter I've ever played...by a wide margin! Glws!
2017 Iron Recommendations
From personal experience, be careful with the combo set. At your level it's likely you'll soon wish you had gone full MBs. Just my 2ยข...
Japan Golf Fair 2016 - Golden Ratio S15C
Sorry but I'm not feeling these MBs. Yes, they're VERY clean with a nice finish but that's it. The chopped off muscle seems like it has been done by everyone at least once, especially over the last 6 years. I'm so used to seeing personal touches on boutique brands and this is missing all of that. No leading or trailing edge relief, no custom grinding on the soles, nothing special in the neck or toe. It's just a good looking plain old MB with a new name stamped on it. Don't hate me for my opinion but if I'm wrong please enlighten me. :)
PRGR Egg irons R flex
Still looking
These are more accurate for me than anything else I've tried. Oh, and they will spin the ball like crazy when you want them to!
- Jbeam 435 blackout 10 deg. Shafted with seven dreamers SR flex
Sky Dream Jump Blades by Three luck!
Those aren't bad at all!
- PRGR 2016 RS Forged & Titans review
My Benock Mallet
Thanks, I'll look forward to the write up!