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Everything posted by chiromikey

  1. That driver...!!! Drooling!!
  2. Wow, I like the look of that! It makes me want to pull out my Maple woods!
  3. Can anyone please post the article for me...the link won't load on my iPhone :(
  4. You won't be disappointed. I live in AZ and know dry/firm conditions all too well. I've tried a lot of wedges out here and nothing beats my Gekku when it comes to a 61* wedge.
  5. The 61* Gekku bent to 62* would give you your 6* bounce and unless your tourneys are U.S. Open qualifiers you don't need to worry about the groove rule for another 10 years.
  6. You'll have no problems bending Yururis...but with those specs being important, why not go with the Gekku instead of the Tataki?
  7. Love it Stew!
  8. The par 3 16th at The Phoenix Open...
  9. So far no revision had stood up to the original 435. Will this one? Stew, get on this! ;)
  10. Best current players CB right there!
  11. chiromikey replied to Timh76's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    As a seller, on one occasion I forgot to include an item In a package of several purchases so I know first hand that mistakes happen. Give him a chance to make it right.
  12. The thick top line and blade on blade design looks like they were made to go with the Epon Personals.
  13. chiromikey replied to anfield's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    Might be interested in the ZO Blades. Pm coming...
  14. Well done T and it's good to hear from you! Now throw out some numbers for us gear heads!
  15. Gotta agree with you Stew, the FEX and now, FEX WBQ are fantastic in the 435. I've mentioned before that the harder I go after it with these shafts, the better they perform. I found the S to be pretty true to flex but easily able to handle more. This is my gamer, has been for a while, and I don't see anything in the near future changing that.
  16. This falls so much into line with what I've discovered over the years with my own swing. My equipment is so unconventional by today's standards (no offset and very flat) but by trial and error and building equipment that fits what my body wants to do naturally (and not giving in to what others say my swing should be) I've watched my game come together quite nicely.With that said, I know I'm lucky to have an amount of ability and/or coordination that many golfers may not possess...and for those golfers offset and other bandaids (as Mr. Hughes put it) most likely do help. Nothing wrong with that at all, except that manufacturing trends have forgotten about a few of us.
  17. Very sorry for the jacking! Any chance we could move the offset posts to their own thread and continue this discussion?
  18. Lol, I think we definitely have a similar liking for certain types of clubs...although I'm shocked you and Craig aren't all over the Tourstage Type-T!
  19. PRGR ID-BLs..........the real deal! Best player's CB I've had my hands on to date!
  20. Just posted in the IDBL thread!
  21. When the ID-BLs first arrived, I was disappointed. They were bigger than I expected, nearly identical in size to my 302s, except they looked larger because they were satin instead of dark copper. Obviously, they're not really that big but since I've been playing raw or dark colored irons, everything shiny is going to appear to be overweight. However, after just one practice session and one round, these are already in the bag. I'm coming off two sub par rounds with my Yururis but Im more excited about what I'm seeing with the PRGRs. The best way to describe these is 302s with much less offset and better turf interaction. Feel, they are fantastic...and I'd venture with the same shaft, every bit as soft as the Epons. The term "point and shoot" gets thrown around but this is the only iron that I've ever used that I would say deserves that acknowledgment. I'm so enamored on how straight these are that I haven't even tried tow work them yet. It's been said (and I agree) that the straight shot is the hardest shot to hit in golf but these turn that notion on it's head! I'll be spending a lot of time with these...at least until I find a blade with as little or less offset!!!
  22. Opened up the mail today and look what Kurt surprised me with...and for no good reason I might add! This going to be a fun project, just have to figure out what to put it in. I really want to put this in my Zen but she does me so good I don't want to mess with her. Maybe I'll look for a retro looking blade to go with this. Thanks brotha and I'll figure out a way to pay it forward!
  23. Offset is so hard to really see from pictures but the only wedge I recall that really stood out with regards to onset was the George Spirits wedges. What are your recommendations for wedges with onset? The best wedge I've ever played was the old Titleist ELK and it did have onset. Btw, good read regarding offset, thanks. I agree with everything said...and would say the downside category probably fits me best. I draw everything with any noticable amount of offset. After a recent thread here, I built a set of PRGR ID-BLs and built them much flatter than standard and finally found out what it's like to hit a straight ball. Yes, I know there's offset, but it's minimal at best. I'm wondering if I tried zero offset if I wouldn't have to go extra flat to get that straight ball flight.