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Everything posted by chiromikey

  1. No, it's my buddy's. I've got a few friends with them, 3 with R34's 1 with an R33, and another with a 32. The 34's are STUPID fast...all with over 800hp!!
  2. Here's the current rides, along with a photobomb from their tow vehicle when it's time to hit the track. Looking for something new right now but just can't decide. I REALLY want an RS6 Avant but they won't import them to the U.S. :(
  3. Looks like they took a page out of Cobra's book. Their "Flow Set" is a pretty good set-up. Cobra even went overboard on the stamping...maybe to entice some jdm'ers! lol
  4. I don't know if I'd say the 125 f4s play softer than stated flex...I just think they feel better than their steel counterparts.
  5. Would really like to hear your thoughts comparing the x-line against the ly-02 and fex!
  6. The ptune was on my radar until the trpx came on the scene. Wish I could join you on the range for this shootout! Btw, I added about 10g of cotton inside my 435 and it sounds and feels as good as anything right now.
  7. Looking forward to another 435 vs trpx review!
  8. Nice! I don't know what kind of course Poipu Bay is but I can likely return the favor there if you're interested. ;)
  9. Hope this offer is still good when I go home! Lol ;)
  10. According to the rules, I've often wondered how all these non "plain in shape" putters and specifically the Odyssey 2ball are considered legal...or even the egg spoon for that matter.
  11. Sorry, no link but it's in the USGA rule book. Appendix II states "holes through the head (some exceptions may be made for putters and cavity back irons)" are in breach of the rules of conformity. Beginning a round with a club head that has a hole or open port is in breach of Rule 4-1a and carries a penalty of disqualification. However, if the weight falls out opening a port during the course of play, the player may choose to finish that stipulated round or repair the club if it doesn't unduly delay play (Rule 4-3). Charles Howell III was DQ'd earlier this year for this very reason.
  12. Great reviews guys! Sounds like the trpx is the real deal...but when isn't it if it comes from jbeam! I look forward to reviews with their x-line shafts...
  13. Lie, loft, material?
  14. As rare, if not more so, than the coppers!
  15. Thanks for sharing!!! I also grew up part time on Oahu and spent many summers with family on Kauai. Ironically while the local spots and treats are not new to me, I was never into golf while I was there and until last year had never played golf while home. My cousin is the beer-cart girl at Poipu Bay GC so I have "connections" to play. I made a promise while home last year that I would never return without clubs again!!
  16. So true...there's not much in golf that can compare with the feeling of a pured mb long iron! Those sets are yummy!
  17. Keep in mind that playing with an open port is illegal according to USGA rules...
  18. One thing I've realized after playing several custom painted clubs is that after the first swing I never notice the paint job at address again. My focus is on the ball and set-up so there's no distractions at all. I guess I could see where others may feel differently...
  19. That's a beauty! Please post pics once the patina sets in!!
  20. Lol! I wish these silly drives happened more often but thankfully when they do I have witnesses and gps because I wouldn't believe me either!! One thing for sure is that 550yd par 5's are pretty easy when you only have a 7 or 8 iron in! Now I need to figure out my next paint job for the time when this honeymoon phase wears off!
  21. I should add the disclaimer that we have pretty hard fairways out here so 30+ yards of roll is normal this time if year. Still gotta hit 'em straight though... Tokidoki, my buddy can do it for you. customgolfclubpainting.com
  22. I've been a heavy head fan for a while and if we want more distance, simple physics states we should swing the heaviest head we can as long as it doesn't kill swing speed. And lighter doesn't always give us enough swing speed (or control) to add any significant distance...so here I am. If I listened to any of my builders I wouldn't have made many of my own personal discoveries about what works for me. 70g shafts at flexes supposedly too soft for my swing speed paired with super heavy heads are killing fairways for me, as noted by my current 435. It swingweights at F3 but by all accounts should be unplayable..."otherwise the pros would do it". Guess what...LONG and accurate!