Everything posted by freehb04
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SOLD thanks Tsg
yowser, steve, you need to post pics of all your gear, you've got quite a hoard and with your game that makes me very jealous!
nothing desperate just some light taunting
it actually wasn't to bad, made a good business contact and wife really enjoyed...she was happy for a week but now mad after my boys day ritual yesterday....I put a heaping bowl of ice cream on the floor of the kitchen, got in the den with my boys (me, 7yr & 3yr old and dog with an equal start we go every man for himself at the ice cream.... I don't know why she got so mad, I cleaned it all up and he three year old only cried for a couple minutes...it's good fun and "keeps us all sharp in case we ever have to go up against any bad guys" (@ least that's how my 7 year old puts it)....between that and three new pieces arriving I'm back in the dog house.... have only played once in 3 weeks...it's slowing down now so hopefully will scrape the game back together...will be in southern maine in june and will have a round table in Boston I will likely go to in late August so maybe will catch u on one of those trips...I miss that nice soft turf up there.... picture sounds awesome, I could imagine my wife's reaction...still, very worth it, I really like the PGA village courses, cheers bro.
nothing desperate just some light taunting
lol, I get attached...they're the only friends I have when she who must be obeyed gets angry....well...except for my sauce...and the friends that I can see when she who must be obeyed allows me....
SOLD thanks Tsg
do tell...man, very tempting....if you still have them by the time my game turns around they may be mine....that head was great, oh so soft...It wasn't personal before it was my crappy swing...
SOLD thanks Tsg
wow, great deal! really like e look of that head, how does it compar to the 103?
nothing desperate just some light taunting
the grips are spectacular, those shafts are a great match.. a touch meatier than I would usually play, I really hit some nice shots w both the 21&15....15 was actually longer than my 202/elements&ezone illima combos, 21 was quite easy to hit and super long... I love those gsprotos, another class from the chikV2 IMO, I may pull those and save....they won't get very much play but I'd like to get your opinion on the build here, I think the TTs r a perfect match...almost went w monoco bit glad I didn't....have really enjoyed these, nothing really better feeling or performing when my wedge game is sharp.... how was fla? where did u play?
nothing desperate just some light taunting
thanks c, I am already thinking of pulling down the driver...I always like going back to it when I'm having some issues...not as long as 1st string but plenty long and forgiving...seems to bring me out of a driver slump but it's just not seeing action...club really deserves to be a #1 somewhere... woods are really nice, steve knows how to get his clubs tweaked for real, I loved that whole lineup! had sent your ryo's to my builder along with Steve's fwys to my builder to get recoil 110 f4s and Rombex 6x07s...along with the George spirits it would have been a bag to remember, but alas, was prob gonna play 3rd fiddle and I got on offer on the ryo's that I couldn't refuse....
nothing desperate just some light taunting
economy is a little scary, am backing off my preseason goal of finishing the year with three awesome bags...i'm not quite as austere as c though so will focus on two with just the right amount of players off the bench... with the ryo's headed to a new home where I hope they are loved I've decided to offer the rest of the nano's up so someone who can appreciate them have an opportunity to enjoy...steve may recognize some of these pieces and proceeds (if any) will go to the sauce I owe him....like the title says not really desperate as have budgeted out the builds I need so these are still priced above current mkt but not above fmv IMO.... yonex nanoV 10* type 430 .5 closed 45.5" w attas 3 6s tspx. looks pretty square to me, only driver I've consistently been able to move both ways, very controllable w good distance...this was my gamer for a full season and I still go back to it when I have trouble finding the fairway...not eager to part ways 340 sconus yonex nanoV 15&21 w proforceV2 stiff, faces look square to me, feels 42&1/2&41...steve may have spec, these are really nice, strong controllable launch 135 each or 240 pair scons George Spirits protos 52&58, mediumish bordering on low bounce w TT black stiff & xevolutions. this is a really delicious combo, very dense and deep/satisfying feeling to me. spin machines bit not THE spiniest, very controllable. 305 sconus pm me with questions, send email if you'd like pics, thanks for looking and for any numerous comments...jay I've got a few steve jobs stories if u prompt me..,only second hand though...cheers fellas!
traded ---- UST Mamiya Recoil Prototype 110 F4 + 125 F4 wedges
these are truly amazing shafts they are going for about 90 us dollars a piece here in the states...
SOLD thanks TSG!!
head only?
SOLD thanks TSG!!
neat club, wish I didn't have the unforeseen kid expenses...GLWS d!
Why there is no Epon on TSG anymore.
those cats like things the way they are. the guys I dealt with were closed to new ways of doing things. I loved the parties 'cause everyone got 8 shades of hammered and there was no stigma, but at the end of the day candor could only be deciphered, it was rare to have direct clear communication...a good learning experience for me but frustrating because i was convinced some of my proposals could have been big for them. one funny thing was when they visited me in America. they wanted to go to golfsmith and despite having way better gear already they bought all new sets and were like kids at Christmas....just like me when a package shows up from TSG.
Kamui Works Ray & CALLY TA FT9 10.5 W ILLIMA AFTERMKT price drops! final drop until I give away to friends...
steve, I figure you could translate b/c I know you speak scotch... hey, how about those tiny feet? you're the best bro! as always, thanks for the tips! cleaned up a bit, have been busy with work and with parents and inlaws in town, have had some shifting priorities.... for the record, this gear should be gamed and I want it gone! with a renewed quest to stay married, some gear leaving to a nice home would be helpful...and desired! I think Carlo puked when he saw that ad...,
Kamui Works Ray & CALLY TA FT9 10.5 W ILLIMA AFTERMKT price drops! final drop until I give away to friends...
New gear added, someone game this stuff, u will like it!
OnOff CB247 3-PW==$old---thanks TSG
great set, surprised they're not moving but everyone wants new...new is not always better people... wish u were taking trades, I have some cool stuff and these would see action at my place...biggest regret sale I've ever had was this set...
Why there is no Epon on TSG anymore.
it's a beautiful culture and I don't portend to know anything of this situation other than what was posted by Chris but I have done business in Japan and while I love everything about the culture: food, girls, celebrations, feeling like king kong on the trains, social custom, the patterns of life, etc, I found the business environment very diff than what I'm used to in America. I loved the social component of my Japanese business relationships but found negotiating very challenging and quite honestly I just wasn't very successful. part of it was due to my own ignorance and lack of patience but I also perceived a different set of rules while spending time there. not better or worse mind you, just very different...there is a longer term view of things sometimes I think...such a groovy place, would be delighted to live there if I could afford it...in any case In hindsight, what I thought at the time to be poor business sense on behalf of my Japanese associates I believe now to be a result of different values and priorities....
Fairway and UT Decision
wow, those feet look tiny in that pic...size 11 for the record....btw used true tours r available for trade... Chris what's this about the new egg? will there be a new egglet? tell me more please...l
Why there is no Epon on TSG anymore.
that's a bummer. hope you guys can work it out. tsg does a great job with this forum and I have nothing but positive things to say about my dealings with Tario and the crew! epon is gr8 product and as a customer of TSG who loves epon it's a sad day for me. I've thrown back some brown water and am now planning s-yard, crazy and jBEAM bags....my job is never done....
Ryoma F2
Tone, u the man...lets work some trades baby! Gr8 seller here fellas, have done business w him and he's very trustworthy
Introducing Tabuchi-san aka Buchi Golf!
I really like the look of those utes!
Fairway and UT Decision
the TRC with the stock stiff shaft was a real performer for me...egglets are coming out, 20&23 TRCs are going back in tomorrow...
Fairway and UT Decision
the onoff type s fwy is very nice! I love 5w's! that is in the bag right now with a 21* egglet...I may give the new yonex utes/ fwys a spin, will let you know...have some 902s coming with a classic shaft (Rombex 6x07) in 21&24. I like carrying an extra ute at around 24, or even higher, most consistent club in my bag...4i may be gone unless I start playing better.
Fairway and UT Decision
18* RC JP104 FH w attas 3 8s...this is a missile launcher, very solid feeling.. I just don't have the swing speed for the shaft anymore... this should be a good thread, this is one of my favorite parts of my bag to redo...I can't kick out my egglets either but I really want to, I just don't like the sound but I've been playing poorly and have really come to rely on them...
Wow, gr8 price! Head is everything people say...