Everything posted by MBBG
Pro requests goose neck wedge from Modart...
You know its weird but this kooky buddy of mine that I golf with occasionally has a penchant for finding really strange clubs and bagging them. He bought this 68* wedge made by Pinemeadow or something like that off amazon for $20 and when I saw it, it had tons of gooseneck. But oddly it didn't bother me, it made it super easy to visualize the club sliding beneath the ball. Have to take a full swing to hit it 20 yards but thats another story.
Post Your Ryoma Maxima Review Here!
If it isn't going high wmclarenf1 why are you putting such a low/low shaft in it?
Srixon Z 525 Forged Irons
Great looking irons but time for some satin offerings. Chrome won't get ya home
Post Your Ryoma Maxima Review Here!
I've got an 8.5 Maxima with a crazy black tour 65 SX and it is HIGH. Not sure where to turn for shaft to lower it. Seems really long but its all carry. Benched it after 2 holes at an outing yesterday and went back to RomaRo 435/FEX. That thing is money.
Shimada Pros or SteelFibres for Tourstage 709 MC's?
I don't believe there is a better performing shaft at any price than the steel fiber. Better feeling,'better looking, perhaps. Consistency stability and distance and vibration reduction...,not in my mind.
Shimada Pros or SteelFibres for Tourstage 709 MC's?
Looking for a 3 wood...
Don't overlook the romaros
** Sold ** RomaRo Pro Forged
Can't believe these haven't sold. The best least talked about irons on TSG.
XV is long and forgiving. Not sure I'm in love with feel and sound yet. Maybe need to try another shaft in it. Have an FEX, Crazy Black Tour and a LY hot black. But also have a Ryoma maxima and 435 RomaRo. Just can't decide.
What is the bore size on this club
RomaRo Pro Forged 5-P Tour Attas(help me help a friend)
I literally cannot believe you're selling these. The yams and 909s that good?
Syard GT Type S Irons WOW
I've got no reason to doubt these are excellent heads if they're essentially a 302. If these appeal to you at address I'm not sure there's anything better in the world in terms of feel and playability. You can get away with some s**t swings with these but still get blade like feel on good shots. They must be a little less offset than a 302 which was an issue for me with them which is good.
Fujikura MCI
Having played recoils and Aerotechs I ultimately went back to aerotech as the ball flight suits me better. Both are excellent as I am sure the MCI are as well. Will give them a try someday.
rebuild for mid/late 50s guy
I recommend the sensible alternative. Take up shuffleboard. :)
RomaRo 435
This is the lowest head I've ever hit. Love the springy feel and looks at address. Very very good head but don't see much talk of it. Anyone else like this driver? It's been a wind killer for me
S Yard XV Forged Driver Bore / Tip size
Yes imagine my surprise when I took it to the builder to get a shaft installed and he called me and said that it's 8.3504
T.388 rolls on
What's crazy is that the XV seems just as straight as the 388 and as long or longer. Now it can't compete with the small head appeal but its incredibly compact for 450 and offers a ton of flight control with tee height.
Epon 210KGX Wedges
The new RomaRo SX wedge has copper underlay because the first version was kind of clicky. So its definitely possible.
Introducing Tabuchi-san aka Buchi Golf!
I like all the custom possibilities. That's cool. If I has to get a sheep I'd put it on the face because I hate sheep for what they did to my uncle. But that's a long story. Maybe a clean head with my name or a silhouette of a naked lady like a truck drivers mud flaps would be cool.
- Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft