Everything posted by needmoregolf
Refinished Clubs.... Show & Tell.
Sounds like a great life, cheers to you! With frequent use, my hunch is the black boron would be best suited for durability but I've been curious about the Teflon satin or black as well as the mirror black. I'm sure the more traditional tour satin or mirrored chrome would hold up well as well. The 302's would look great in any of those finishes. Please post pics if you end up getting something done :)
A-GRIND R1 CB in the House!
I see the resemblance and wondering if they will perform the same. I find the mr23 cb's to be pretty user friendly with a blade-like look at address, razor thin topline and close to no offset. They aren't the longest but definitely not punishing either when struck a little off.The lines on these R1's are so much more refined and the muscle looks so much better. Looking forward to some user reviews in the near future.
Sold. Thanks T
prolly sent into golds, although nob's looks pretty good with the extra sulphur work
Sold. Thanks T
I just carpet putted mine and started to think long and hard...the stock finish is so classic, but the prospect of a 2nd in chocolate copper sounds too tempting...
Refinished Clubs.... Show & Tell.
holy schnikeys, you were serious!! mind if I ask how that plays out..like 2-3 rounds per day?? how is that even possible, my shoulder and back would be dismantled... are you part robot? lol
A-GRIND R1 CB in the House!
looking better and better every time I open this thread. love how the cavity smooths out in the back. waiting for your unabashed review stew!
Sold. Thanks T
copper zen, now there's a thought...copper woven ferrule to match and black elite grip...hmmm...guess I know what one of the next projects is, thx hutch!
Sold. Thanks T
couple folks been looking for this, fill yer boots!
Thx tsg
Sweet shafts, how do they play?
Mr.HaHA - 2015 WITB
damn! kinda figured with that simple strap but no padding but was hoping I could justify the price tag! nonetheless, it's one of the coolest looking bags and seems to have tons of storage. thanks for the info.
Mr.HaHA - 2015 WITB
great mixed bag and the kino bag itself is tops!! are they pretty comfy for carrying?
bankbank's bag of things
sweet!! congrats!
A-GRIND Classic Driver vs T388 by S-Yard
stew, can you elaborate on the right type of melt for the 388? I've got one slathered with lead tape right now and would consider sending it to the right place to get that head weight up to 202g. PM/email if more appropriate, thx hombre!
Refinished Clubs.... Show & Tell.
nob-San, love these chocolate coppers, and the wedges match perfectly! did the copper both start this dark or is this after your patina-enhancing measures?
Over a month late...Finally it has arrived
excellent write up, honest yet encouraging for someone tip-toeing the line to pull the trigger. in hindsight, would you have chosen something different from the distance version, or pretty happy with what you got? thanks for the great review!
Elite grips
Hutch and Ash, thanks for the input. I really love the iB67 putter grip and will be ordering more of those, but there are so many choices for the irons, I'm not sure which to start with. Hard to tell the difference between each from just a picture and so-so translation. Maybe I'll just start w/ the ones Hutch recommends and go from there. Wish there was a local distributor so I could try, but going to have to just order a few and give them a go. Also, just so no one else runs into the same issue as me, if you're going to use the Arccos Golf System (GPS-based data tracking system) with the Elite grips and intend on using the silver cap, you will have to manually drill a hole using a 15/64" drill bit. I started with what I thought would be adequate and started screwing the Arccos sensor in and ended up stripping some of the cheap plastic threading off the sensor tip, so decided to step my way up the entire drill bit set until I found the right size -- 15/64"!! Lost about 1g in weight from the silver cap (originally started as 3g) as well, but the Arccos sensor is 9g itself, so should still offer some nice counterbalance effect to the balance of the whole putter. I'd imagine this would apply to Game Golf sensors as well, as they all seem to have a similar size sensor tip, and they are all made of cheap plastic! Hopefully this Arccos system works well (I'll start another post once I get some input on that ;)
- Bettinardi Proto BB2 3-Slot DASS Tour - ITEMS ADDED: Piretti Cottonwood II GSS, Machine M2A custom, Bettinardi BB0 Copper
Elite grips
Becoming a big fan of the elite grips and considering ordering a couple more in white, but wondering if the white will absorb a lot of dirt and dark fingerprints. some brands have white grips that are resilient to getting real dirty and are easily cleaned while others seem more porous and once they absorb some dirt or get dark fingerprints, they are impossible to clean. anyone try white in these (putter grips especially)? I've got 2 ib67 putter grips in red and blue and while they are soft and tacky, I don't notice them holding dirt due to the darker color. the op80 I have in orange seems similar as well. Great grips with the added weight for a more balanced feel and ultimately smoother stroke -- I've abandoned all my super strokes for these! on a related note, can the elite iron grip players out there please offer your experiences with them and let me know what model you're using?? they're pricy but loving the putter grips so much I'm considering getting some iron grips as well to try, but they have so many models I'm totally confused as to which one I should get. for reference, I love ndmc, perfect pro cord and muziik dry compound grips. thanks in advance guys :)
SYard Bold wedges - SOLD!!
Sold guys! Thanks!
A-GRIND Classic Driver vs T388 by S-Yard
it couldn't hurt?? lol seems they are quickly becoming a classic that will forever hold a bright spot in many user's histories, so should hold value over time as well.
No balls about it
bk and ash, great reviews, you guys nailed it! very pro v-like without the cost, and I especially like the added data about no odd motion off the line from putts, I experienced that as well. these really are a great solution to the problem of a disposable commodity not breaking the bank, which leaves more room for golf and gear...win - win :) excellent pics too, I might add!
ZY-11 Preliminary Review
your zy-11!!
ZY-11 Preliminary Review
Foregone conclusion bud...the real question is, where will you and stew be hanging out after your fitting ;)
ZY-11 Preliminary Review
Nob, those are my sentiments exactly!! I had a gulp moment when I read that update from Chris, and now it seems almost inevitable for a 7D sighting in my bag. wonder if they're still slow on the production times and delivery dates...anyone?
Need help finding a new driver!
Welcome, and a great first post! I echo R's recommendations although I'd focus a little more on the STard T.388 to stay in budget. $700 is a lot of money, but as we've all found here, buying new JDM changes your perspective on things, and with the JBeam 435 Black being newer, it might be harder to get a head/shaft combo and stay within your fiscal guidelines. The T.388 should satisfy all your needs as its a compact driver head that is really consistent (paired with the right shaft for you of course), long, hot off the face and forgiving. It's not currently being produced anymore but you'll find that there's a lot of guys here that have them, and some even with duplication as backup. Post something in the Want To Buy section under BST when you're ready for a roll call shout. As for the shaft, that will be a bit more difficult as most of us have had to go through several shaft/head iterations to find what works best with our swing. After trying a lot of things out, you will know which shaft profile you like the most and then you can sniff deals out or know what to look for in buying a new shaft. Hold on tight, you're jumping in the JDM pool with 2 feet and who knows how much stuff you'll have this time next year ;) Best of luck!