Everything posted by chuck4golf
KYOEI Blade Pics!
These are beautiful irons, no doubt. Remind me of raw vega ... sole and look. I am guessing they are pretty demanding - sweetspot or bust kind of blade - different from, say, personal 2 or shinagawa that are more generous. Is that correct?
I already know, deep down where I hate to admit it, that I'll have to get these sooner or later.
KYOEI Blade Pics!
I had a set of Vega cb's along the way. Kyoei forged them I think. Anyway, the soles look pretty similar. These were a raw head and when you hit the sweet spot, best ever.
Beautiful Chris. Congratulations!
Yow do those look sweet. I am just not buying any more stuff. I am just not buying any more stuff. I am just not bu...i..mor..ufff
- Sold thx tsg..
SEVEN 2017 VS-R Putter 1st Run
Fabulous looking. I am sure it feels and rolls beautifully, too.
Epon Limited Edition Personal 3
Price? Also, I think you're supposed to put your user name, date in one of the pics... as per TSG requirements. Beautiful clubs.
F**k Cancer - an update on TourSpecGolfer
As long as you're hoping to teach healthy eating/exercise, the practice of pranayam (breathing to increase energy) is also great for impeding cancer....
Black Nickel TW-BM CAST Honma Blades!
I wonder what drives them to cast this iron... economics or performance? Not that I think cast is always inferior. But it seems like a decision contrary to the image blades are supposed to create, so I wonder if it was the economics for a limited demand or if there was some performance goal behind this decision....
Seven Shinagawa Irons
First, Happy Holidays to all! Even though our grandchildren are not here this Xmas I am feeling festive and hoping everyone is enjoying the season. After a pretty extensive evaluation where among other things I hit RLL's A-Grind copper R1''s (awesome clubs. Awesome) and exchanged a thousand emails with Chris, I bought his last set of Seven blades in soft black. These are my favorite irons ever, hands down. I have played them for several months so it's not just the new car smell. These are a brilliant design. So much so that I have (finally) lost all lust for other irons. Thin top line, thin sole with just the right softening of the leading edge, these clubs look great at address. Great turf interaction. They are really generous for a blade - I am a 9 index and can't imagine needing any more help forgiveness wise. As to feel, I'm not as sophisticated as many of you on the subtle differences between heads - so many variables besides the head - shaft, grip, ball, quality of strike. But these feel incredible to me and I know where I hit it on the face. There's actually a wide range of feels the club transmits, but solid and transparent would be my core description. I love hitting them, love the sound and feel and watching the result. For whatever reason I hit these on the screws a lot of the time. I put aerotech players spec r flex in them and this combo just works for me. I am convinced that shaft weight is a major element in how a club plays. The main reason I chose these was that the design philosophy was partially inspired by Macgregor vfoils which are the clubs that reintroduced me to blades. The result is a brilliantly balanced head. These are not the blades of yesteryear. But at address they look like a players club and I love that view. The reason I am writing this is Seven is a tiny company. You'd think the cost structure would make a club like this hard to design and produce at its price point. But everything about his head is done intelligently and with quality. So I just thought I'd tell you guys about my perception of them.
F**k Cancer - an update on TourSpecGolfer
Chris, one of the things I like the most about TSG is it feels like a shared passion among people, not just a transaction with a business. I feel honored by your post, to know of your father, to feel the humanness at the core of each of us. With me, too, with my father... just one more round and to thank him. With respect and warm wishes to you and your family, Chuck
Sweet. Thanks Chris. Seriously, this is a wonderful thing to do.
$199? I'll take 3 please. And if you have any seven dreamers shafts for $49.95 I'll take a dozen.
swing weight
I think overall weight and swing weight (which also implies length) is maybe the most important of all the variables in a club, but discovering what's optimal for a person is pretty much a crap shoot. Maybe a great fitter can help, but it seems to me to be a lot of trial and error. This is where intangibles are most powerful. I just got a set of Seven MB irons and put some aerotech players spec shafts (weight range from 93-108 gr) with golf pride mcc plus 4 - and I am striking the ball the most crisply of my life. I have no idea with the swing weight is, but I know whatever it is, it really works for me (at least right now). I know it's this rig because I have 2 other sets and I am striking the ball with the other two with typical results. It's not just the heads. It's the magic of the whole system working for me.
My Benock Mallet
Chris, which putter do you putt better with? Mallet or Anser?
My Benock Mallet
That would be great to read. The other point about being fitted for a putter is you need to commit to the stroke that is fit. One of Bruce's main inputs is there are many ways to putt well but good putters don't usually change much. The repetition of the stroke is what matters.
My Benock Mallet
I went thru fitting process with Byron Morgan and Bruce Rearick 18 months ago. Bruce bases his approach on where you stand to best see the line accurately and specs out the putter from there. Toe hang, what kind of neck, angle and where hosel is on the head, etc. Then Byron builds to these specs. I putted lights out for at least a year before something went haywire. This was an $850 process if I remember. This fitting sounds even more thorough. I really think the right fit is a big deal with putters. Much more relevant than our 'looks good' intuitive method. So if the putter cost ends up around $1000, that's not so extreme for a putter really built for your stroke.
Gotta Have it Contest Entry Thread - Enter Here
he Sadhu looked half madman. Perhaps because he was. I was nervous as he approached. Clearly, anything could happen. He came directly to me. His eyes held mine the way a butcher holds a flank of beef. Without regard for the cow. He was focused and purposeful. Powder from his face and hair blew in the breeze, but I fought the urge to sneeze, fearing the consequences. He pressed his face to my ear before I could react. He was lizard quick. I heard him clearly, the voice of man insistent that he be understood. “Itobori. Itobori Arakenma. Itobori Arakenma 56” and then he turned, having delivered his message, and was gone. I was never to be the same again. Standing on the edge of the fairway like a metaphor, I was between clubs. I needed the 56. He had told me. I had understood. Thus, I apply.
CGS Orion S20C Copper + Nickel CP Finish
Regardless these pics put me in the frame of mind to order this Seven Shinagawa blades. They are based on Macgregor design concepts and my Macgregor 1025m's remain my go-to backup set. (I have 2 sets, one in India) Anyway, after a million emails with Chris and hitting RLL's brilliant a-grind R1's and exchanging emails with several here, I just ordered the Sevens in soft black.
CGS Orion S20C Copper + Nickel CP Finish
Wait... didn't I get this right with my Seven guess?
CGS Orion S20C Copper + Nickel CP Finish
It looks a lot like your Seven designs to me. ps: price?
Open To Trades: BUCHI VS200 Roddio I-10 Shafts
Oh man, beautiful rig. If I didn't already have a set, I'd want these! GLWS. Someone is going to really enjoy them.
My Benock Putter #1
Go to Japan and have a fitting orgy. 7 Dreamers and Benock putter.
My Benock Putter #1
It's the getting fitted that really helps. Great putter makers understand your stroke, visual bias, etc and fit to it. It's the one club that a great fitting actually changed my score.