Everything posted by mr0857
Odyssey Japan Stroke Lab i putter!
Bro, I am/was a die-hard SC putter golfer, out of blue last week when I was oversea, I tried your model line in 2M CH, man, I was sinking 90% of my putts in 2.5m so I bought it. I am already in search for a second in fear I won’t be able to get them again. It sure is a “bang for your bucks” JDM deal for me. Good to know you have the same experience.
- Shimada K's-NINE 9
New Grandista LS-001 Coming End of July
Very well said. I am at 95 mph, it gives me the best all around performance. I believe it is draw bias but you can always play around with the screws and there are 9 of them. it reminds me of my old Romaro type R but less draw bias. Mid kick point shafts work for me the best on this head.
Onoff iron trial
A really good topic. I also have 2011 and 2015 forged irons. Very curious why you also don't have 2013 version. I play mine with OnOff ST-90 shaft in S-flex. To me, 2011 is somehow softer than 2015 although they are made of the same steel. Same distance but 2015 is slightly more forgiving. Its easier to play the 2015 short irons than 2011, although they both are easy enough to play. This might have something to do with the narrower sole in 2015. 2011 forged set is my first JDM club and it opened my eyes after playing Titleist for 6 years prior. Both sets are still in my rotation, depending on my mood, however I play 2015 a lot more often since its release because it's more forgiving and newer, ha ha ha. Since you bring up the issue, I am going to play my 2011 a bit more often now. My preference, 2011 forged, for its softer feel.
JBeam Glorious Fairway Wood Pics!
Can anyone help with the size/volume of the head? Can't find it anywhere, even their own website....
Which JDM hybrids are hot now (2014)?
Fully agreed! I also have RomaRo UT but Modart is even better overall! I bought two from Chris just showing how much I love this club!
ONOFF TS358 vs Modart MA01F
Fully agree, I am looking for shafts to fit my swing before heads. Occasionally, I would over swing, it happens when I tried to be extremely aggressive in an attempt to get long drive which would result in snap hook or low flight hook. Generally, I hit my drivers on fairway 70% of time and I rarely hit a slice. All my iron shots are draw or slight hook (10m). This also applies to all other clubs, it just that driver's hook is 20m. I split the fairway 70% to left and 30% to right to accommodate my shots. Generally, I am a sweeper and have a smooth to slightly fast temple swing at 96 mile/hr in the last 6 months because I finally realized that I can not handle the stiffness of my old shafts anymore, especially I never go to driving range, non in the past year, and I don't even practice my putting!!! Average 34 putts a round. However, I can still maintain my handicap at 13.9 and that's after I screw up the first 4 holes in each round. My past experience is that if I play 2-3 rounds a week for a period of a month, I would be able to handle my old shafts. Hashiri and Modart SP 6S works for me because they are softer which are easier for me to load the shafts. Hope this would assist you. Tom
ONOFF TS358 vs Modart MA01F
Hi! Chris, I am quite happy with Labosoec FS-358 5W; it feels quite different than other FWs I tried, even the TS-358, the impact is like an iron, maybe not like a forged iron but close! It gives me a sense of control. Saying that, I believe that I will go for Modart 3W in 16* with stock shaft; I prefer softer shaft with mid/high or high launch, low to mid 60g is good for me. As an example, Labospec Hashiri 60S is on the stiffer side while the Modart SP 6S of the Utility shaft is on the softer side of my wish!!! Not wanting to waste your valuable time, if you guys can help me to find the right combinations I will certainly buy more clubs from you guys and I am on my words!!! You will be shocked how many drivers I have gone through since this April, 5, that includes T-388 which I bought from another source because Tario was on holiday and I didn't want to wait any longer; I am not a very patient person. Sorry. Out of 5, only Type-R worked for me but still got room to excel, T-388 is yet to be tested, the other 3 Ryoma Type-V with different lofts and shafts, didn't work out so I gave 2 to my friends and kept one hoping I will find the solution one day. Lol I won't blame the shops sold me the clubs that didn't work, because I made my own decision in buying them after spoke to them on international calls. I guess if I could get all these drivers to work for me correctly or close enough in the first place, then golf will be even more enjoyable and I will be able to try more drivers and other clubs rather than battle with them and eventually ditch them after 2 weeks; I never sell my clubs on any forum, please picture my "hobby" room in my house. Yes, I need professional help from you guys and members here! I am currently also looking at the JBeam 535 and Modart driver MA01S. I will be back in Australia in mid September, hopefully by then I will be able to play them. Please PM me. Thank you Chris and TSG members. Tom
ONOFF TS358 vs Modart MA01F
Another TS-358 buddy and same shaft as me! Way to go. Lol I am actually looking at Modart fairway wood with the stock shaft in 16*! I already got 2 Modart UT in 19*, they are really good and I mean REALLY good, this makes me wanting to try their FW and hopefully I can add it into my rotation. Anyone can help me with the stock shaft?
J-BEAM 535 Driver Thread!!!
12*? What do you normally use? I know the new Muso plays stiffer than normal, might to share your experience and logic with us? I also have a Type-R in 10.5*, very interested in how 535 works! Thanks. Tom
MODART - MA01H Hybrid
Just got back home from the game, it was windy today. 1. This club is very easy to get off the deck, one of the easiest one I have come across in a long while! I was able to get mid/hight trajectory, nice surprise! 2. It's not as forgiving as RomaRo Type-R UT but I could shape my shots relatively easy. As Chris said, it's a fade bias! 3. It's not super long but as long as Type-R UT. 4. The feel on the impact is very solid and some what soft! Bit like forged irons but softer. 5. It's very versatile, I could use it like a long iron, this is a +1 for me as now a day, some UTs just appear to be too big, closer to a FW! 6.Although, the face is shallow, I had no problem in tee off, just imagine if you are using a iron. Over all, this club is really good, as Chris mentioned, it has a nice balance and all around performance that you would expect from a UT. This is my gamer now.
MODART - MA01H Hybrid
Got my Modart UT from TSG just then, it does look nice and sharp! I bought my with the stock SP 6.0 shaft in S flex. The shaft is not "stiff" or "firm". It is just a slight touch softer than Labospec Hashiri in the same flex which is already great for me! Hence I think this shaft is going to be good for me, hopefully, as I don't have a very aggressive swing. I will go and test it out on the course tomorrow and will post my feedback. See you guys tomorrow. Tom
- TRPX Messenger + T.388
Need Advice on choosing onoff 2013 forged VS Yamaha V forged 2012
Fully concurred. OnOff is a safe bet.
TRPX Messenger + T.388
Hi Richard! After reading through your post multiple times in the last couples of weeks, it also makes me want to try out this particular set up myself! Few questions if you could help; 1. Your swing speed is around 100, do you consider you are a sweeper or diger when play driver? 2. Do you have a smooth swing or aggressive? Since you are a low single handicap player, I am assuming you swing with your body more than hands! And do you load your shaft much or just a simple up and down? 3. Do you launch your driver shots high or mid before you switch to this set up? 4. I play my #7 iron at 165 yards, what is yours? 5. I am 5"11 but only weight 60kg, yes, I am like a stick but with good reflex. Sorry to trouble you, I am just trying to get a good comparison so I can choose the right shaft. Your help is much appreciated. Looking forward to hear back from you soon. Have a good day. Tom
TRPX S-013 vs Romaro Ray HX Gold (hicor)
I have 460HX in 10* with Basileus Fiamma in S flex and Type R in 10.5* with Basileus Alpha in S flex. Type R is more forgiving and has more roll, however 460HX carries more by a good 10 meters. Distance wise, Type R is longer due to a huge difference in roll! I was able to get more distance more consistently from Type R, it's easier to hit.One should notice that, 460HX is much easier to work on the shots due to the depth of the face. The face height of Type R is only 48mm which is even slightly lower than T-388 at 50mm according to Chris. Out of 4 rounds with Type R recently, I ballooned 3 shots, they were dead straight but only about 190m, loss about 50m on average!! Saying that, in those 4 rounds, I did have 8 monster shots and I wasn't forcing them; they were average about 265m and the longest one is a solid 285m on flat fairway! Not trying to show off but I was speechless for a while after found out where the ball sits. I am pretty sure we have those moments once in a blue moon.
New 2014 RomaRo Type-R Driver vs Ryoma Maxima Special Tune!
I am so happy to see someone can sum up the review in such fashion, "auto pilot". Thank you Driverhead. This is truly an amazing driver.
New 2014 RomaRo Type-R Driver vs Ryoma Maxima Special Tune!
Not a problem, I really hope Type-R will do you good. Please share your experience with us here in this forum.
How do you like your Labo Spec ONOFF CB358 so far?
Hi! Thank you fir the reply. So you #5 is 27* instead of 26* as shown on their website? I play my 2011 forged #5 at 192 yards with mid-high trojactory. Does your CB-358 play longer than your 2013 forged? What is the trojactory? Please help. Thanks. PS. I took your advice on TS-358, it's really sick! Thank you.
How do you like your Labo Spec ONOFF CB358 so far?
Hi! Looking to get a set, got few questions if members here can share your valuable experience; 1. Compare to 2013 forged, what are the trojactory and distance like? 2. Did anyone of you reduce or increase the loft and for what reason? 3. I notice a lot of you orderd #4 forged to go with the set, when you play, would you feel any difference? Much appreciated for the help.
New 2014 RomaRo Type-R Driver vs Ryoma Maxima Special Tune!
If you are looking for more carry, yes. My last gamer is 460HX in 10*, so I went for 10.5* on Tpye-R, the trojactory is little lower to 460HX but it rolls a lot and overall distance is longer.
New 2014 RomaRo Type-R Driver vs Ryoma Maxima Special Tune!
You can't go wrong. It's that good. The shape of the head is very traditional IMO, so that will go with your visual impression as if it's a G25. You are going to love it. With all the good things happening to this driver, I guess that's why Type-R is one of Chris's gamer!!! Good taste Chris.
ONOFF TS358 vs Modart MA01F
I got Smooth Kick RD-70S, I was going to get RD-63S but Chris told me OnOff no longer has that shaft! F358 is not compatible with the new range of shafts that they offer now! Because the head size is only 120cc on F358, I am going to play it like a UT, hopefully, and that's why I pulled the trigger on RD-70S.
New 2014 RomaRo Type-R Driver vs Ryoma Maxima Special Tune!
No, I am using Basileus Alpha 60 in stiff.
ONOFF TS358 vs Modart MA01F
Chris, if you can, can you please do a comparison on Modart SP6 shaft and Labospec Hashiri shaft? Looking to get a Modart UT and FW from you guys but not sure about the shaft!!! By the way how is my F358 going?