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Everything posted by bruinduke

  1. Hi, after much deliberation I'd like to sell my 580XD tour drivers. 9.5* with Fujikura 660TR Tour Spec Stiff flex. Spined, flo'd and installed by Mr. Joe Kwok. Built to 44.5 inches and D2 or D3 (I can't remember). 3B over T0XXXX serial number. Bought from Derek (Hooters29102) in December '03. Very good condition. Range mat marks on sole, pin size prick on sole, and what looks like a mark near hosel on top of the head. Like a fingerprint smudge, but haven't tried buffing out (cannot notice at address). $900 obo 9.5* with Fujikura 771TA Tour Spec Stiff flex. Spined, flo'd, installed and bought from Mr. Bushkin of this forum. 45 inches, D2-D3 with new v17 grip. Pin prick chip on head (can't notice unless an inch from the face). Paint chip (touch up paint covered) where head and sole meet. Cannot notice at address. 2 Range sessions by me on this head. ****SOLD***** Both shafts brand new when installed. Sorry for the long post, but just want to be as thorough as possible. bruinduke ebay ID for reference. Please PM with interest. Thanks.
  2. Does this mean that my 580XD tours just depreciated by 50%? Don't these look somewhat familiar to AVDP's old milled drivers with the screws on the back?
  3. Just wanted to give an update on my condition. I went to the range committed to the overlap grip and it really worked. I'm not sure what it was but it somehow cured my swing! It drastically shortened my backswing, I can't grip to tightly on the club and my finish somehow is very high which I haven't been able to do as naturally as I can now. So far at the range it's incredible. The real test will be on the course. I think I was meant to play overlap because it's already feeling comfortable. I think I almost had TOO much control with interlock and I would try and do too much with the swing knowing my hands would compensate. With this grip, it seems to me that I can't grip too tightly. Maybe it's just cause it's new, we'll see. Hang in there Pete there is hope yet :lol: The timing on this post is uncanny. After many years using an interlocking grip I recently made the switch to an overlap. I have small fingers (small cadet) and was instructed to interlock to maintain control. I've tried changing a few times in the past, but on a shot to shot basis. I am now committed to the overlap. I agree that it keeps me from "manipulating" my swing as I was way to handsy before. For the first time ever I've been just letting the release happen without trying to flip with my hands. At least for me, another golf "truth" -nterlock with shorter fingers has gone by the way-side...