Everything posted by rb2235
SY XV 15* QuattroTech MD 8X
VG Condition and don't be scared off by the X flex. I play S and this was no problem for my aging 54 yr old body. I thought I would replace my Xv 18* but its just too damn good. $115 shipped USA--gifted or not Thanks TSG
- sold
Dropped the price to way less than I paid.
- Closed.
back on the market---son hit a rough patch so has to be the club..
GP x3 platinum 9* head
Love this head. The best feeling/sounding head I have hit and $250 is a steal. The buyer will not be sorry, Bought BN's but cant get it away from my kid---he called me during his first round with it and let me know I wouldn't be getting it back.
I would imagine but not by meas they look fairly seamless with the shaft and looks like a pain in the ass to remove. I am not going to play them so if someone wants to pay the shipping you can have em gratis
- Gonzo
large drop with the hope of shipping today
sale pending frogeye
WTB K's 3001 4/P 105 Stiff Pulls
Thanks but have the 3001s in my Kuros and like to try them in a different set.
WTB K's 3001 4/P 105 Stiff Pulls
Standard length thanks
thanks sir...solid solid solid but the old SY XV is a tough one to replace
Just got in a trade w BNGolfer 42.5 inches VG Condition Kuro Kage Tini 70 Stiff Shaft--Proto etched on the shaft OnOff 3W Cover $215 shipped gifted in the USA
Great stuff...Love the Tourstage.
- Gonzo
Heads only option added
5-PW have the Nippon Orange w 1/2 inch professionally installed extensions. 5i measured just at 38 inches installed. 4 iron shaft is a Nippon 1050. A couple of the grips have holes in the end(pictured) Free plus shipping gifted or non gifted usa only thanks Seven X Heads sold and headed to Toronto
price drop...grips cost me more than asking price
Grandista LS-001 10* Bangvoo Premium 260CPM* Tradeed
makes sense...hoping to move this bad boy to a friendly home.
Grandista LS-001 10* Bangvoo Premium 260CPM* Tradeed
how do you tell the difference between the screws?
Grandista LS-001 10* Bangvoo Premium 260CPM* Tradeed
I was expecting much louder than it is. I am not sure if the hot melt helped or not. Lots of run and a medium ball flight for a 10*. 9 screws total
Grandista LS-001 10* Bangvoo Premium 260CPM* Tradeed
$325 gifted shipped USA for head only
Grandista LS-001 10* Bangvoo Premium 260CPM* Tradeed