Everything posted by hornyjuan
I want a HDTV sell... 970/Cameron
LOL that's a bunch of hogwash. I have a plasma and a lcd tv and have not change any bulbs. Yes over time your white levels and black levels turn to junk but you can't replace the bulb on a plasma, you have to replace the whole unit. First off do you even own a plasma or lcd tv? A plasma tv's effective lifespan is about 60,000 hours of viewing time. Even if you watched tv for 10 hours a day, 365 days a year you could still hypothetically get 16 years out of your tv. The whole issue of a plasma tv's not lasting that long is really a non-issue. If in 16 years your still using the same tv then by all means do not buy a plasma. Of course depending on how much tv you watch, what type of material you watch etc, screen burn in is definetly more prevalent in plasmas but you can still get a good 8-10 years out of a plasma. Sorry for the threadcrap Johnny. DLP is a great choice...also look at LCOS if you don't really care for space. Taken from www.plasmatvbuyingguide.com "The florescent bulb that powers the lcdtv picture should realistically last about as long as the plasma TV's half-life, 30,000 hours. The bulb may not burn out for a few thousand more hours, but its white balance will probably have changed enough and the bulb itself will probably have dimmed dramatically enough to merit replacement. Whereas one would have to replace an entire plasma TV in such instances, one only has to replace the bulb in the LCD TV. The LCD TV can be returned to "like-new" performance levels with a simple bulb change out."
I want a HDTV sell... 970/Cameron
LOL....HD plasma, LCD TV, rptv?
TSG's Rusty Wedge Contest!
Gauge Japan 2005 Tokyo Golf Fair!
Not really feeling the new GD irons...just looks like a funky TM Rac Forged TP. The muscle looks wierd with the step progression overall the 2004 CB's were much more attractive. Now the protos on the other hand look great...very promising :smile2:
Another Pre Ebay Sale
DEMO, How do those Fourteen irons play?
tigers 3 wood?
Man the TITTY 970 was sooo money though.
Bridgestone Golf B330
Met a couple of Bridgestone employees over the weekend that were guests at my hotel. Among them was I guess the NA Bridgestone golf distributor who only spoke Japanese (very hard time trying to communicate with him. Only understood that Maruyama was his close friend and he wondered how I got a set of his wedges :laugh: thanks Chris) and also got to meet the designer of the Tourstage X-Blade. I asked what new developments Bridgestone golf was having and he told me the same stuff that I already knew...J33 driver, irons etc. Didn't really get a chance to chat with him as I had to catch a flight. The one thing that surprised me was I asked him to compare Tourstage Japan with Bridgestone golf and he said that Bridgestone golf was an even better product because it caters to the tour players and all the products have the tour player's input (kind of like TM TP vs TM). Take it for what it's worth. All the guys from Bridgestone were great people and I'll definetly try to have him hook me up with some demo clubs :laugh: Got some B330 proto balls (although they aren't protos anymore)
difference between R7 TP and R7 with 757 speeder
LOL :tired: The guy asked what the difference was...I'm stating my opinion. I've read hundreds of peoples' posts attesting that the r7 and r7tp ARE different. There are also people that say there is no difference at all...but from most of the r7 vs r7tp post I have followed...the majority seem to believe there is a difference. Why don't we ask the people that have played both to chime in. Why don't we ask those that have played both what they think before you go about saying they are full of :poop: Demo, Joey, Chris, Richard?? I know you've all played both. And the whole "you gotta try for yourself or you won't believe the difference" CRAP is TRUE. How can a person possibly know anything about a club if they've never hit it?????? That's like me saying the TOURSTAGE VIQ irons (releasal March) are the softest, most forgiving irons ever. Notice that the only way someone will know is to TRY.
Taylormade R7-XR Series...Coming Soon!
It's also CRAZY Expensive. But a 440cc R7 wouldn't sound bad at all. I'm wondering if TM can conceal the head size so it doesn't look like the 580 or a boat.
Taylor Made 200 Tour Smooth vs. Ridge
Yup... If your a gamer you'll want the ridgie as most pga tour players use the ridgie because of the desired ball flight and workability. If you need a little more forgiveness (i.e. lower cog, easier to get up a la viagra) then go with the eagle. Of course the biggest difference is pricing as the eagle is probably double the price of a ridgie.
difference between R7 TP and R7 with 757 speeder
AH YES....The never ending R7 vs R7TP debate. Only after personally hitting both can you tell the difference and even if someone did, their opinion would still be subjective. I've hit both (fortunate enough to know people that own golf shops) and was even able to take them out to the course. IMO the TP felt better for some reason...whether you think I was smoking a little too much of the angel dust is fully within your rights but that's just my opinion. But you will never solve this debate unless you try both!! It's just like the infamous R7TP vs R7 Tour debate. You get people that swear the tour feels different and you have people that say they are exactly the same. And if that's not good enough then your just going to have to take people's words for it that the R7=R7TP=R7 Tour (By the reasoning going on in this thread, an R7 with any shaft is essentially an R7 Tour then??) uuugh?!?! :surprize:
Question on Gauge fairway metal
Very good fairway wood. One of the easiest to hit and feel was great as well. Sound is a little too metallic for my taste and it's fairly deep faced if you like that in a fw wood. Also, the shiny face will scuff after a few rounds if your afraid to dirty your clubs. Overall a great FW wood but nothing revolutionary. Make sure to put in a good fw shaft and your set (my choice of shaft preferbly a fuji hkpro80 or counterbalance).
I know Paul from Shreveport Golf was playing and testing this shaft a few months ago. Very interesting technology...maybe he can chime in.
Oooooh...2005 ViQ forged Irons & UT by Tourstage
MMMMMMM....must have. Wierd how they only sell 5-pw...guess people are going to hybrids more these days. These cost more than the MR23 Blades!!!
The NeW Hot Fujikura MW64!!!
wooooOOOooo.... :surprize: How much ?
MOZ 2030 Irons
:wah: I wish I could justify buying them Chris. But the 8 sets of irons I already have and the Matsumoto's are holding me back. Maybe some VIQ's in the near future after more reviews :smile2: Maybe when Ho'ing season starts and their still around Chris.... :money:
Bridgestone J33 Blade Irons
Good to see u back Paul!! :cool:
2005 Tourstage Bags and Accessories
Are those the MARU shoes? How much is that TS Stand bag Chris (the nice looking white one :smile2: )
MAKING WAY FOR 2005 STUFF HUH??? :smile2:
New in Japan!
SS303 + Insert + Aluinser + Tungsten = SOFT!
NEED PICS!! :cool: Don't think their working
The 2005 Tourstage X-Wedge Series
Bridgestone Japan and Bridgestone USA are completely different. If anything I doubt Bridgestone Japan would care if they sold any of their equipment in the US. Bridgestone Japan is catering towards the Japanese crowd. Now the US offering of Bridgestone golf equiptment can be found at www.tourstage.com
whats the truth about Miura
Sounds like Muira has become a croc of :poop: So back in Miura's glory days could they compete with Matsumoto, MOZ, GD, Gold's Factory?
who has hit the rac driving iron 19 tp model
Great great club. Hits more of a boring trajectory so good in windy conditions. Not low-ball low but not super high. The main thing with this club is that it's pretty damn easy to hit. Takes the 3 iron out of the bag and is more versatile in the rough than a 3 iron and pretty good off the deck. Only downside is the price as a new one will run you $200+. The regular version (non TP) i've heard is even easier to hit...just doesnt have the cool TP logo and satin finish. Fell is a tad mushy as it comes off the face kind of like hitting an orange. Much more workable than a wood-like utility like the rescue mid. It's a great compromise of workability and versatility.
huh?? retail y-cutters??
Not that I'm a BSG cheerleader or anything but currently you cannot get Y-Cutter wedges through any retail venue. That is why right now they are "tour only" wedges. Just like when the r7 came out before anyone retail could get it you had a piece of tour equipment. So in essence, the y-cutters are still a tour or custom item until TM decides to release them to the retail market. Will this kill the market price of the people who bought y-cutters before their retail release? Most definetly, but that's supply and demand. Just like after the r7 TP came out...all of the r7 tours (or those who got r7's before their retail release) dropped half in price. Is it unethical? Most definetly NOT, because you are getting a club that cannot be found through any other retail venue. If you want a y-cutter then pay the market price for a y-cutter. If you feel the price is too high then take your business elsewhere or wait for the retail version to come out. I don't think Todd is lying to anyone buy saying the y-cutters are tour only because right now, they are as they can only be had either through TM's tour department or custom order. On a side note, I tried the y-cutters and didn't really care for them the x-wedge, maru wedge, vokey protos are all much better wedges IMHO.