Everything posted by rsvman
Introducing the Gauge Japan Forged Terra!
Freakin' gorgeous putter. Any comparisons to the RedX are along the lines of comparing a Yugo to a Bentley; both are cars, LOL. I, too, would be interested in a center-shafted model. Thanks for any information.
Honma Driver Help
Thanks, guys. I knew my faith in you was not misplaced. :smile2: For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy a Honma driver, though. :money:
Honma Driver Help
Nobody here knows anything about Honma drivers? C'mon, you gotta be kidding me! :-D Tourspecgolfer, Joe, anybody, help a guy out. If he's gonna spend that kind of money on a driver, at least let him know which one is the best. (Besides, if you don't help him out, I'm gonna feel bad, on account of the fact that I sent him here from FGI. I told him you guys know your Japanese equipment. :sad: ...Sheesh.)
NeW Taylormade R5 DUAL DRIVER!!
It's not set for draw or fade...the only choices are draw or neutral. They are completely non-adjustable. I guess since they only need to affect the face at impact a small amount to make the club favor a draw, they can do that with the weights where they are. Seems like another opportunity for people to :money: to TM.
Tourstage September releases
How much are the balls?
Mickelson's Warm up routine
Hogan used to practice this way, too, or at least that's the story. Wish I could hit nothing but ProV1s when I practice....
Most overrated PGA proffessional current/all time?
Scratchman: I gotta stand up and defend Mike Weir. That poor kid that wanted an autograph obviously caught him on a bad day. He is a phenomenally nice gentlemen. I know this personally because he is a member at my father's home course and my father has played golf with him many times. I would certainly hate to have my entire personality judged by any particular 15-second segment of my life, as I'm sure you would.
What do you think? the TS x-blade cb or MR-23 cb irons?
Not to threadjack, but what's the difference between the X-blade CBs and the Z101's? If one is considering the X-blades, wouldn't one also have to consider the Z's?
Most overrated PGA proffessional current/all time?
All-time I would have to say Seve Ballesteros. At his very best he played like Tiger did this past few weeks: i.e., drives all over tarnation, incredible recovery shots, an occasional win. Most of you guys are probably not old enough to remember how much this guy was hyped. Johnny Miller may not have won a thousand tournaments, and certainly didn't have staying power, but when that guy was on, he was ON. I have been following professional golf for 35 years and I am still waiting for a greater performance than Miller's 4th round at Oakmont. Absolutely sensational. (Tiger's first Master's win and U.S. Open win at Pebble are equal, but neither was anywhere near as exciting.) By the way, I think people think he is overhyped because he still has such a prominent role as an announcer; as a player he was hyped while he was hot (and deserved most, if not all of it), but he was never hyped anywhere near as much as somebody like Ballesteros.
Killer Blades from Srixion
Those are gorgeous. Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard. :wink:
What is the hottest U.S.G.A legal head???
Don't know what you mean by hottest. All the heads that meet maximum COR limits are equally "hot." Your total distance may vary depending on the weighting characteristics of the club, its loft, your shaft choice, and your swing (and how well these things work together), but I honestly don't think any one driver is "hotter" than another.
Tourstage MR23's vs Z101
Not to threadjack, but how do the TS202s fit into this conversation? How would you compare them with the Z-101s and the MR23s? Anybody seen/hit all three that can comment? Thanks.
mr23 cbs vs. miura 201
What do you mean, "outside"? Do you mean longer? If so, have you checked the lofts? Maybe the lofts are different.
Miura CB-201 vs Tourstage Z-101...
What do you think? If you had your choice and price was no object, which iron would you choose, the Miura CB-201 or the TS Z-101? Would your answer depend on your handicap, or are both of these iron sets of about the same forgiveness? Thanks for any and all opinions.