Everything posted by K2_2
New Tourstage X-Wedge?
Thanks to everyone for the information and teasers as well!
Roddio Iron Shafts Preview
T, I have played graphite in my wedges in the past (Loomis Tour shafts and Yonex in the PM wedges). Heavier graphite can be very stout, to say the least. I think the Tour AD Pro in S or X would work well for someone coming from a DG S300 or even X100, although they are a bit lighter. To answer another poster's question about the Tour AD Pro, they are still up on the Graphite Design Japan website, and I haven't heard/read about them being cancelled. If I can get my swing back in order in the next few weeks I will try to do a comparo while I am in Japan .
New Tourstage X-Wedge?
Does anyone know abou the new Tourstage X-Weges? Looks like a 51/57 combo and they're labelled 'The Next Technology."
Matrix MFS 115 Graphite Iron shafts
EDIT; awalkspoiled addressed my question earlier... cheers
Roddio Iron Shafts Preview
808, Beautiful iron & shaft combo! T, the shafts are tempting... but they they are not exactly an economy model
Roddio Iron Shafts Preview
T, Just noticed in Golfstyle (and subsequently on their website) that Roddio has an I-6 out... now, don't you need to build up a new set of irons?
Just to add to the fanfare... beautiful pictures, especially of the Bettinardi! Do you or have you done professional or semi-professional photography, or is that just another 'passion' along with golf clubs?
Up for pics Also, since the look of the shaft combo has been mentioned, did you go with the Roddios?
Any new graphite IRON shafts?
Thank you for the suggestions guys. RE the lighter shafts, I really like the ARMRQ B62 and 864 (very similar or almost identical?) but I'm not sure if it would be good to go with something that light over the long run. The axiv's look nice, but the really light models with mid-low kick would not work that well for me... I love that recipe in my driver, but for my irons I would be after more of a mid or slightly mid-high profile. T- the Mach line would be interesting, but I haven't seen or heard of many people here or in Japan using them in the irons; I know some Epons were shafted with NGS/Mach shafts but I was referring more to non-OE installation. Also, since you have compared the lighter Axiv's and GD Tour AD side by side, how do you think they stack up?
Any new graphite IRON shafts?
Looking at the new Axiv's and GD shafts has been exciting! But I haven't seen any new irons shafts, hence the new thread. Newest shafts I know about are the Roddios (I-10 looks nice but an I-8 would be good when the swing is a little slow a la winter). I need to try these on an upcoming trip. Graphite design has some good albeit older models in the Tour AD line and Tour AD Pro (why I didn't keep a set with those, I will never know... probably the best graphite shaft I have hit). At the moment, I am leaning towards these. Axiv's models look solid, but like the Tour AD line, they aren't new... and I've never heard of their iron shafts getting much play on the Japanese or Asian tours. The Fujikura 9E05/7E06 looks interesting as well, but I have yet to try them. Also, while I've never seen them aftermarket, the heavier ARMRQ irons are not bad (although they are sub-70 g which would drive most TSG'rs nuts). Is there anything out there or on the horizon that I have missed?
viq forged more forgiving than z101s?
Apologies for rushing my first reply, I was headed out to a meeting. I haven't hit the I10 yet, but if you were looking at the ViQ or the I5, hands down, I would go with the ViQ forged. For me, they really provided a great blend of player's club workability with game improvement forgiveness. They took the Japan LPGA by storm earlier this year, so plenty of skilled players have deemed them fit for serious play!
viq forged more forgiving than z101s?
2007 Viq forged is larger and more forgiving than the Z. I also like the grind better than the 506... that's more personal preference though for my swing/angle of attack.
1 WEEK TO GO - CONTEST DEADLINE - come on guys!
Extra type J's for your travel set ?
rikisan WITB - JDM Contest Edition
Thanks for the laugs, that was fantastic. Also nice to see a mix of gear from all over the globe ;-)
Nice choice! The 247's have some 'resemblance' to the Nike split cavities, but may be slightly larger... it is really hard to tell without a side by side comparison. Off hand I dont' know of anyone else with playing time. The only pics I've seen outside of a magazine are Carlton's...
If you found something that works for you (handmades) and don't want to get used to a new set, stick with that head. However, if you're after something new/fun, you already have some great options listed above but I'll throw out one more. The new PRGR "blade" aka 500 BL http://www.yrc-pressroom.jp/html/200771110gl003.html
New HONMA web site
Welcome to the forums and thanks for the heads up on the new material. I like the 912, pretty forgiving for the type of player they target it to and the shaft is one of the better stock shafts available imho.
Callaway Japan Limited Liquid Chrome X-Tour Wedge [xtourliquid]
T, Thank you for the info... the more I look at these, the more I want to grab a set! But I really think I would be a little sad at the end of a season when I looked at all of the damage that I would inevitably do to them.
Callaway Japan Limited Liquid Chrome X-Tour Wedge [xtourliquid]
I know we had pictures of these wedges floating around awhile back (Tokyo 2007?) but I just noticed the Limited X-Tour's in the pro shop. Has anyone put these into play? Also, Chris or T, is there anywhere in Japan that can refinish irons and wedges with this type of look? After a season of play, I think I would be itching to have these wedges redone.
Welcome back! Driver... Epon will be popular as ever, but I'd go with the ERC Hyper or the new X-Drive GR + your shaft of choice 3 wood... again, I'd go with the X-Driver GR, but if you wanted to be different, try one of the new Srixons or maybe a Beres 911 (off the wall, but these fairways were getting a fair bit of play on the JPGA earlier in the year). Utilities... I am stuck on the X-UT. It's old, its supposedly not the easiest club to hit, but I love it. Irons... do something different, get a set of Gold's Factory cavities done with a grind that you like. Since you're currently using a mid-weight steel shaft, the transition to Roddio I-10's or the Graphite Design Tour AD Pro wouldn't be too difficult, but if the Nippons work for you... Wedges... maybe Blader-X can give you a better suggestion... I've tried some Yururi's (wonderful) but my Pings are back in the bag. The Matsui limited wedges look good but I have yet to try them out. Putter... if you like the G-Field Premium, I'd keep it, but if you're after something new, look down a few posts at the Bettinardi that Chris has some pictures of. I have never picked up a Bettinardi that wasn't well put together, and this limited edition one looks stunning. Bag... Tourstage CBTX72.
ViQ Deep
Hi guys, Looking around at new drivers and just wanted to see if anyone was still playing the ViQ Deep. I'm looking for something new and narrowed it down to the Deep, X-Drive GR, and ERC Hyper.
Bettinardi JAPAN 1st Article DASS Signature Series w/PICS!
Wow!!! That is a beautiful putter. Interesting timing as I just read an article over on the wrx about how people have a natural tendency to collect and appreciate fine things... how true!
To Those who have played Gauge Design Wedges
Bounce will change a fair bit...
Best cast durable JDM players cavity back set of irons ?
T, Thank you for the correction! Claus, the R7 TP isn't a bad club (almost bought a set when I was back home). Let us know what you end up with!
Best cast durable JDM players cavity back set of irons ?
One other option came to mind when browsing a J-golf magazine... Cleveland CG2 J. They are a bit different than the standard CG2, as they have some tungsten plugs to lower the center of gravity (so, it is a unique J spec product and not just a US club with a Japanese spec shaft).