Everything posted by phillypete
Who uses a staff bag?
I use one... I live in a small apartment so it stores all my necessary golf equipment... rain jacket rain gloves rain cover winter gloves winter hat winter cart gloves regular gloves athletic tape sun tan lotion chap stick bug spray shoes extra spikes 1 million white tees (like to see the stripe on the bottom of the driver) couple dozen balls RC bag with practice balls divot tool ball markers ect. The thing is packed to the brim, but I never have to worry about leaving home with out something. I also have a carry bag for doing the muni's... its currently empty and living in my trunk.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearOh damn what a great Tournament... And all I got to say is my woman is keeper!!! God Damn she doesn't stop amazing me... She went to the tournament Friday and Friday night she calls me and tells me she has someone who wants to say hi. Then procedes to put Chucky Howell on the phone! Who I then talk to for a solid half hour. Good God!! He said he'll fly me down in the off season to play some golf together!! All I got to say is the guy is a real cool... class act all the way. Oh my God!! She was at a party at the Howell's so she walked around and got all the golfers there to sign a shirt for me... she also picked up a bunch of stuff from the club house... oh you guys are going to die... she got Arnold Palmer to sign a hat for me... oh and then thats not the best it yet. Her and her dad went Sunday to watch Phill and go to the jacket cerimony and she was sitting next to none other than TW!!!! She saud she was real nervous and didn't say a word. Then he leaned over and said something about the weather. Then she said she opened up on him and turned into a little teenie bopper... she said she was telling him how I loved to watch him play ect... so he reaches into his pocket and hands her a ball and tells her to give it too me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD !!!!! I still think I dreaming!! I can't wait till next year when I'll be there! God Bless that sleeply little town of Augusta GA!
Jan Craig Headcovers....
I'm going to have to get me one of those! the stock TM rescue covers got to be up there on the list of worst stock headcovers.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearSo as you guys can probably already tell I am back on a semi more regular basis... I got my wireless card registered so now instead of taking notes in class I can post away. Thrusday I'll have my DSL installed and ready to go. I'll be wireless on campus and at home... now if only they could hurry up on those butane powered laptop batteries I'll be wire free. I still haven't play a round on yankee soil. My car as has been in the shop since I have been home, luckly getting around in the city isn't a problem without a car but unfortunately i don't think the subway goes to any of the decent golf courses. That and I left my carry bag at my parents house... I've taken the subway to the course with my carry bag, but with my staffer... i don't thinkg so!!
2004 driver test
how hard would it be to test at a greater speed too... It would be interesting to see the distance gain when they increase to the 105-110.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI'm more of a Talking Heads kind of guy. Well Boys its offical... my girl his a tour approved hottie... she had to tell off John Daly at the Soul Bar Wednesday night. She is was on the phone with me while it went down... She was talking to me and then she yells, "Not in this lifetime fat ass, I don't care who you are." she then complains about all the people in town. then her friend tells her who she just told off. Its good to know where her loyalty stands but I would have liked her to put him on the phone...but either way I always new she was TourSpec but now its confirmed.
Taylormade Tour Van Pics
so thats what a rescue looks like with no offset... (I've never hit or seen a tour one the retail works fine for me.)
What's more beneficial- fitted clubs or Tour
I am probably the loudest advocate agains tour equipment... truth is unless you get a "tour" club and then take it to your clubmaker and have him fit you then you have about the same shot at getting a good club FOR YOU as you would if you sent the wife to the local pro shop telling her to pick you out something pretty. Think of buying clubs like buying an expensive suit... no matter what you get your going to have to get it tailored. That being said your better off taking the money you save on not going tour and putting it torwards the perfect shaft(s).
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWell I be shedding a tear cause I miss the darn place... :cry:
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearHey guys.... I am fine, my internet time is still reduced to the amount of time I want to spend in the stundent computer lounge hence why I haven't been around. Next Thursday I should have my DSL installed and be up and running. Then thanks to my Apple Airport I can sit on my couch and post my fingers off! Classes seem reasonable although I have yet to get out for a round since I have been on Yankee soil. The weather up here is sooo COLD! maybe Friday I'll get out... my classes are over at 1pm... I designed it as a golf day! My Girlfriend keeps teasing me with Masters tickets... so tempted to get in my car and drive down... she'll probably only be going Sunday even though she's got badges for all week... its just not special for her anymore! Talk about spoiled!SHEEESH! So if anyone has got a plane and wants to fly me to Augusta for a day I'll get you into the National... I really miss being down there... I definitly like it better than being in this dirt, grumpy city. I'll definitly have a tear in my eye as I watch CBS this week. :cry:
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI am going to pick up my new computer tomorrow... then its just a week or two till the DSL gets hooked up... soon enough I'll be back!! btw... the new computer... APPLE POWERBOOK G4 15" with Superdrive!
Who is playing Scratch?
Shouldnt you be replacing the Vokey's with Scratch when you get an itch? nice I like it... I think you just came up with Scratches new slogan!
opinions about the TM Lehman grinds or 300 tour irons?
they are the flavor of the month.... They are nice looking, but are they worth al the money... well i guess it depends on your economic situation... are they that much better than the retail 300's: well they look a little different... but a skilled grinder could do the same to a retail... then we get into the muria verse everyone else arguement... I have hit the Lehmans next to my 300's and couldn't tell the difference but hey I'm not on tour.
Proto Shirts
hmmm... so is that a wind shirt? if not I don't think I am a fan...
Tourspec Pin-ups (PG-13)
phillypete replied to phillypete's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Geardear GOD!!! freaking smokin'!!!
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearwell I am in Philly... I just moved into a new place and have yet to get an ISP, so computer access is very limited. I am looking to get some broadband with a wireless router in my place... then I should be able to do a little more posting. My week in Savannah was awsome... the woman even got to come down and hang with us Friday. right now my head is spinning with all the moving and new classes and everything.
Who is playing Scratch?
I got a 47* PW with the Brushed Raw finish... Weh I get the "scratch" I'll be replacing my vokey's.
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI am ready to kill myself... no internet connection yet. I can only hop on for an hour here or there in the computer labs... this sucks!
Bandon Dues get together
phillypete replied to Mike's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearIf I can afford it I'm in... it all depends on my economic situation as time draws closer...
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearjust got back... no internet in the new place... not alot of time to read right now... may be another week until I get to catch up!! 8O
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearsee ya guys in a week!
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech Gearso guys this will be my last day here for a while... it up to you guys to hold down the fort while mike and I are out!
General BS Thread
phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearPete- How do the southern slots compare to the northern slots? Are any looser than the other? :lol: Southern women are cool... as long as you aren't deformed they'll give you a shot... Philly women are more materialistic, they want to know what you make, what you drive, where you live... I have also found that Southern women are after a father figure, an older man would do well down here... I know a lot of guys in thier 40's with girls in thier 20's.
Tourspec Pin-ups (PG-13)
phillypete replied to phillypete's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearMMM GOAT PORN!!!!
Is you is!....Is you ain't
phillypete replied to DoubleAA's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI guess D-1 is pretty practice intensive. She still plays every now and then but as far as having any competitive drive for practice or competition it's gone. She can still not play for six months and go out and shoot 80 from the blue tees. C 8) 8) l thing is, you guys have something in common. Hope she finds that drive again, I wish my wife would show a tad of interest!! I actually like the way things are in my relationship... I think it would bother me if she played. This way I have my excape. But to have her think negatively about it just wouldn't work. Ya know I used to hate golf before I started playing too.