Everything posted by sfgolfer
project x help please
You'll be fine. I would just ask your pro if they've done project X before. Let us know how they hit.
project x help please
They need to be put in by a club fitter who knows what they are doing. With Tour Concept or Nippon, a S flex is an S flex. RP's shafts aren't like that. Once installed, they need to be played with a little to get them all uniform. Even so, all RP shafts I've played - every one - were stiff to flex. My current 6.0 Tour Flighted Rifles have a CPM of 322 (7.2 or equivalent to the DGX100) :tsg_smilie_confused: You need to know this going in. The standard Project X also FEELS stiff to flex because of the way it's designed. With the way the PX plays/feels I would consider a 5.0. Hope this helps.
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
I like it :tsg_smiley_yes:
Srixon ZR-600 Irons w/PICS!
Two master club builders on site. Don't need that :tsg_smiley_no: :tsg_smilie_money3: The sole looks a little wide for me, but that could be the pix. Is that "insert" a Tungsten plug (i.e., weight) or is it purely for feel?
How long will this last - Bj's Bag
I'm a ho, but you're a DIRTY, DIRTY HO. :tsg_smilie_smile: You know, those Handmades look as stunning as the first time I saw them. That NC-1 is a classic. I'm very interested to hear about the Epon 460 10.5* w/Ozik TP7. That sounds bad ass.
My New Adidas Japan Caddy bag
The other thing to keep in mind is that many of today’s blades are not really “blades” like many of us remember them. My days of being single digit ended when I had kids, but I can still hammer certain modern blade designs from Miura and Scratch. Maybe the ultimate for our (probably shrinking) part of the market that is addicted to blades are the “blades” that are really CB technologies constructed to look, perform, and feel like blades. Two sets I have here - the M675 w/tungsten inserts and hollow cavities in the long irons and RAC MB TP with the RAC “bird” and progressive weighting - are IMO two examples toward that end. Certainly, player CB designs are going to be more forgiving on the margin, but I can tell you these are NOT my Titleist 670s. If you choose a set of used MP-14s over the Type J, you've got some serious game (and some serious balls)!
Epon 460 vs Callaway ERC III
HOT DAMN! I cannot wait for you to get some mileage with each. Thanks in advance for future posts! :tsg_smiley_yes:
Blader-X's bag
Sweet rig! Would love to hear how the Epon compares to the ERC3 (which I liked but didn't love).
epon type j reviews??
+1, How is the battle of the 460s going?
What's irons are actually made in Japan now?
Also, Scratch irons are forged in Japan. And, to Chris' point on finish, the bloodline is kept pure until you get them.
My Bag
VERY solid! And, I see you went to the Chris Pearson school of golf photography :tsg_smiley_yes:
Tiger and the 2-Iron "Stinger"
All good tips. I'd add that a great way to really groove the stinger is start by hitting it with higher lofted clubs, especially if you want to move the ball (a la Tiger's stinger draw). If you're not hitting a low draw that rolls out with a 5 iron, you're not going to hit it correctly with a 3. Master it with a 5 and then move down to 4, then to 3, etc. BTW, a consistent 4 iron stinger is much better than an on again/off again 3 or 2 iron. Don't feel the need to play the stinger into the really long irons and fairways unless you've really mastered the shot. It's supposed to be a "go to" :tsg_smilie_wink:
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
Great review. Thanks for the detailed comments. :tsg_smiley_yes:
For those who like heavier shafts, I have to say that this 80g VS is very sweet. I've also got the 70g in a FW and the thing is knocking high-end shafts out of my bag left and right.
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
Ari - How would you describe the face of the 3W: shallow/mid/deep?
Scratch is quickly becoming the worst kept secret
Yep. Think I fixed it. Thanks A26. As to Scratch, I would expect more where this came from.
Scratch is quickly becoming the worst kept secret
Glad I got mine when they were still reasonably priced! From The Golf Wire which is a large insider source. You have to scroll a screen or two down to get past the nav to the actual article. Scratch Golf
Tourspecgolfers 07/18/2006 Bag Setup
That's an all-star bag.
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
Is there anyone besides me interested in a Type J - Beres dance off? :tsg_smiley_yes:
EPON: The Best Forged Steel ENDO has Ever Produced!
That Type J is one beautiful golf club.
HiBore w/Axiv?
I now have a 10.5 Hi-Bore with a 6564M and it is a missile pad. It’s certainly not the longest driver I’ve ever played, but it is among the straightest. Very easy to work. Almost makes you want to carry two drivers. Wait a minute...
Upgrading an R7 425...?
Axiv 6568M - the Axiv does very, very well in this sized head. If you have a good clubmaker, the shim will make no difference. The Graphite Design M is also a fantastic shaft (with that SS you might find the PT S a little willowy). If you are looking for something a little lighter on the pocket, I've always thought the R7 and NVS 75 were made for one another.
BERES by Honma Pics
I'll bet that club plays as much like as MX-23 as I play like Tiger Woods.
axiv 6568 in Hi-bore or R7 460?
I've hit the Axiv in both. The Hi-Bore is straighter but the R7 longer. You pick.