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Everything posted by Lowpro

  1. "feeling" as long as same flex is used in both and with proper tipping and installation... shold be a far strech...
  2. page 192 new golf smith catalog... $12.99 -- nice price.. along with the new ust frequency filtered putter shaft for $58.. some new shafts to try in the putter now!!!
  3. nope.. your only looking at trimmin git an inch or not even tipping it all.. install it the way it is marked... the tipping will not affect it..
  4. Lowpro replied to sly_sam's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    stiff flex....... depends on what head it will be going into - as to if you need to tip it any.. also your swing-- smooth or aggressive... great shaft.. it will produce a mid to high ball flight.. low spin...
  5. Lowpro replied to plus1's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    it can be done--- but send to someone who can do it** damn joey-- that guy used alot of heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. you'll need taper tips........... i love the project x shafts.. worth a look...
  7. at least a 44'' length to make sure...
  8. the old saying>>>>>>>>>> TEE IT HIGH !! very high mark..
  9. in for the contest............ new site setup is terrific**
  10. all that shaft needs is the 1000cc head that golf smith made up.... looks like this new year will be the year of the $1000 shafts or more expensive shafts overall... this shaft trend started a few yrs ago not too long ago i can remember not even thinking of paying over $50 for a shaft... i know new technology etc.. but the market does what it can get away with....... someone throw down some green and see how this baby hits.. i've hit the cheap ozik's :tsg_smilie_whistle: but can't see pulling the trigger on the 1k shafts....
  11. L99,, try a reshaft of yoru 3wd... pro launch 75, nvs 75, tour platform 27.3 all great fwy shafts and perfect for adding a little launch*** :tsg_smilie_cool:
  12. Lowpro replied to jack0428's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    jack, can you shed some light on the face of the SQ-TOUR, is it as long and shallow or a deeper faced-shorter heel -toe head? thanks for your time..
  13. Lowpro replied to dhorlander's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    the right shaft depends on your game.. do you know your swing speed,ever had a launch monitor session, these are very helpfull in getting the right setup.. if not what other driver setups have you hit that worked, your irons and shafts in them, best iron and yardage you hit it, how far do you carry the driver.. just few questions to see where to start with in looking for shafts,, normal ball flight and typical pattern.. left to right or ... many many shafts out there*** ken
  14. not a big fan as of yet.. made the overall clubweight lighter and i must readd some weight to get the feel back to what i like... IT LOOKS COOL THOUGHT!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  15. Lowpro replied to acrazygolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    graphite-- better feel-more distance-more distance-more distance** basicly it** :cool:
  16. soft step the x-100's...... best option to keep the ball launch down or tappered off some.. surprised you did not like the PX's,,, and if your going light weight -- DG-X100 SL's.... do not understand the sl300's your were given as a choice...
  17. Lowpro replied to johnnypro's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    vista pro line has some .350's... other comp's>> aldila, ust, grafalloy, graphite design, harrison, accuflex, penley........... jjst about all do... what ya need?
  18. Lowpro replied to a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    kegolf.. everyone speaks the truth.. alot of shafts out there and it's all a feel issue. i used to have dg s300's.. have tried > new super lites, mfs 115, penley IMS heavy, ust 115's, projext x 5.5 and now spinners 5.5 and 4.5 in my 60*..... i do not have alot of experience with nippon shafts - but know they are well made... just a suggestion.. if you have the flighted 6.0's than look into the spinner 6.0's and maybe even the 5.5 for the lowest wedge loft>> ie> 60* or 64*.. my reasoning > this wedge is more used for half shots and a stiffer flex usually does'nt work best.. this is what i think and may be different for others.. thanks
  19. Lowpro replied to a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    rifle spinners!!! excellent wedge shafts... :cool: great feel and perfect for half shots or touch shots... not too stiff and not loose at all.. what flex do you play in your irons>> kind and flex...
  20. Lowpro replied to plus1's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    20yrds further!!!!!!! i must be putting the wrong swing on the ball... :smile2: i hit the ozik altus in a stiff flex.. specs> 73-75 grams , mid spin, high launch.. plays close to the 652 or 771speeder.. lively tip with a firm butt section.. GOOD control - i should have gotten the strong flex which is best for 105-115 swing speed, the stiff is best for 98-105.. other shafts>> v.2 75, zcom tw74,accra sc-75, graphite design tour ad.. mcc's matrix with a more active tip.. i would say the ozik medius would be closer to the 757 and pm702 it is 76-77grams, mid-low spin, mid launch.. the ozik infra is 78-*80 grams, low spin,low launch > for the strong players*....... the $1000 shafts>> tp-7 73-74grams,low spin, mid -high launch and the tp-7x 75-76 grams, low spin, low launch.. best for someone who gets paid to play golf :smile1: i would love to try one but even with dealer cost i can't pull the trigger :money: ... but the altus,medius and infra should prove to be world class shafts with accruarcy being the premium outcome..
  21. Lowpro replied to plus1's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i don't have my notes available.. but there are 6 styles.. two of them go for $1000 and the other 4 are the more economical $400.... i tried the lower end - so to say-- the ozik altus>> 74grams, mid-high launch.. had a 3good rounds with it.. accuracy is what i got from this shaft.. and yes it does comply with other highend shafts.>> 757, diamana 73, pm 702, mcc matrix another one of theres that is very solid.. why soo expensive-- the materials used are all very exotic** hand made also-- is it worth it-- the one i got -- yes.. the $1000 model :laugh: hard to say........
  22. look at the accra line of shafts>>> tour 70 in a x flex or (M5)... best option to get a higher ball flight.. others>> nvs 75 x flex, pro launch 75 x flex, ust v.2 75 in x flex.. a slighly heavier shaft for control and all these have nice low torgue with an active tip section for higher launch...
  23. if it's the south blvd dealership i can help you there possible..
  24. Lowpro replied to gxgolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    agree they make some solid shafts and really may not need to change much.. the speeder line expanded to heavier weights and the new zcom line is for another type of player.. competition has just gotten caught up to them..
  25. $3.39 in charlotte nc... unleaded* fill up or play a round? cost the same these days... :mad: