Everything posted by Lowpro
904 HB, Banzai, Aldila NVS
tbone, out of the three mentioned the aldila nvs will give a little higher ball flight than the bonzai..the 904 is more for a stronger - quick tempo player and does'nt really promote a high ball.. also the new GD hybrid shafts would work well-- not up to par on which one is the best though..
What will they think of next?
chris, i like the gripper socks but the toe socks might get ya beat up in the locker room** as for the ion treatment i saw evrything from socks,headwear,bracelets,necklace's you name that were ION treated at the orlando pga show.. one company "phiten" had alot of cool stuff with that process applied. picked up a few samples and will try out soon.. thanks
New Graffaloy Prototype Comp NT65
jp, from what the rep told me - it's a combo of the blue and pro launch as far as feel is concerned.. with that being said - i know how the others play and i see the new blue nano doing well in 05. should have a few in a week or two and i'll post up after they are hit.. :smile1:
WTB: Fujikura Speeder Pulls in X
clarjpm, have two 757 stiff pulls, tour graphics non tipped.. so one may work for a three wood w/ a little tipping to reach a X flex.. if no luck with an x find shot me a email..
J. Parnevik using Accra Tour
"HARIBO" very sorry, too quick and the brain turned it into hairbo.. and yep forget about the sc-75 in fwy wood than.. maybe the SC fwy shaft down the road would work.. got one from them in a 95gram weight- these should be out in a few months.. sorry for the mis-print.. have a good week.
Frequency analyzer
excellent machine for what is needed to be checked... price is right also..
J. Parnevik using Accra Tour
hairbo, try it in a 3 or 5wood... i have one in a ss-03 4wd and it flat out rocks.. untipped in a stiff flex.. so maybe it can be used.. i have hit the sc-65 and 75 in drivers and with my 105-110 swing speed it was fine.. so give it a try... ken
J. Parnevik using Accra Tour
i think melton made a good point.. it probably has to do with the very low torgue and lower ball flight - with the young guns very high swing speed and along with probably accra pushing the SC model on that tour could be the reason. but on the senior & pga the tour series has been the one of choice.. and funny the 50gram x flex is in big demand.. enjoy :cool:
fujikura tour platform pullouts
be glad to install these for anyone needing help.. most labor on woods run's $15 for installation.. thanks :smile2:
ping G2 8.5*/ NV 65 X
to all -- if anybody wants a different shaft in any of these clubs - please let me know and i'll shot you a price on the reshaft...thanks :smile1: :smile1: :smile1:
J. Parnevik using Accra Tour
from what accra has said to us-- most pga guys are using the tour series.. nationwide players like the SCseries best.. but i did not notice the shaft-might have to drop a line to the accra rep... :smile1:
Correlation between Driver Shaft, FW Shaft and Iron Shaft
akfly, yep i really loved the nv-75 -- versus the nv65.. more control and maybe suffered a few shorter yrds but more in the fwy.. i did'nt think of the new zcom shafts....... mmm could fit the bill very nice.. must admit the SIX is a great shaft and have hit some long drives with it- really all light weight shafts but for my inconsistant swing heavier & shorter works best for me...
NV shaft tips?
fo the tp's.. you need the nv hybrid shaft... :smile1:
fujikura tour platform pullouts
1) 27.3 x-flex, 43.5'' length,no tipping done..v-55 grip on.. $50.00 2)27.3 s-flex, 43'' length, no tipping done..multi compound cord..$50.00 3)4-pw dynamic gold sensacore s-300, lamkin black grips..$60.00 ***any questions just ask*** paypal, credit card or personal check ok... thanks,
ping G2 8.5*/ NV 65 X
a few items for sale here.. 1) new ping G2 8.5* loft, square face, aldila nv 65x, 45''..$250.00(1 round) 2) ping ISI tek, 8.5*,stock stiff shaft,45''.................$90.00 (used) 3)sonartec MD 19*, i-rod stiff flex......................$150.00 (used) 4)sonartec MD 19*,i-rod stiff flex................$180.00 (almost new) 5)sonartec MD 21*, i-rod regular...........$180.00 (almost new) ***all items are in good shape** be glad to field any questions you may have.** out of the box waranty-- you don't like the way it looks return it for full refund.. no problem.. we do paypal, credit card or money order.. most US shipping will be $8-10.. international depends on location.. thanks,
we are a certified dealer, be glad to help with any questions you may have.. we have sold many of the tour series shaft and not because it's the most cost effective.. tha shaft flat out performs.. low spin,nice launch and great control. the SC series is best suited for the quick tempo or hitter..someone who need a medium -low ball flight-- also works well in fwy woods. the SE is for the stronger player also a good fwy shaft. all preoduce low spin..something we have seen on the course and on the launch monitor.. thanks
r7 757 shaft tipping question
tipping will not lower the spin-- only make the club stiffer-- a shaft change is the best option..
Correlation between Driver Shaft, FW Shaft and Iron Shaft
you seem to like heavy clubs.. and if you still have the SIX n the taylor - i would look at a heavier shaft and maybe going 44-44.5'' in length.. - just going by your profile- speeder 757,859 or ys-8, purple ice... shorter - heavier driver would allow you to feel the club through the swing.. just a guess.. ken
Hosel Length
have'nt worked on either irons before - but you can email the two companies web sites and should get an answer back on the hosel depths... ken
NV shaft tips?
the nv-65 has 3.5 torgue and would say medium tip, the nv-75 has 2.8 torgue and firm tip, the new nvs has a soft tip.. if i had to rate the tip firmness that's how i would rate them.. all have different playabilty factors. hope this helps.. ken
Fuji Pros 3 X-flex
toby, it's a blessing and a curse.. i hardly ever have the same setup head/shaft combo for a long period of time.. but i'm curious and lucky to be preve to try many of the new shafts out.. any questions you have i would be glad to help answer - if i can- or just bounch ideas around, never a problem and you are not obligated to purchase anything from us. talk is free.
nakashima 19* utility/ sonartec MD 21*
perfect christmas gift from the wife** :smile2:
Fuji Pros 3 X-flex
jp, don't really see why you could'nt handle the x flex. i got a stiff about a year ago and eventually had to tip it to play stiff enogh for my swing speed. not really high but i do have an agrressive load on the downswing.. i'm about 105mph and feel i could have ysed a x flex untipped to get the job done..
nakashima 19* utility/ sonartec MD 21*
1)nakashima 19* utility/ i-rod stiff flex, 41'' length,winn v17 arrow.. used club - but in great shape- no sky marks......$140.00 shipped.. 2) sonartec 21* / i-rod reg flex, 1 round played,... $180 :money: .00 shipped **has the blue color i-rod shaft in it** any questions feel free to ask- shipping in the US , international buyers will be shipped by fedex and i'll be glad to look up the rate.. thanks,
accra se shaft
morning coffee bump.. this shaft is for the better player and would be great for a 3 or 5wood.. :cool: