Everything posted by jacksonlui
early wrist cock and the wall drill
thanks for the reply. at 3 o'clock i'm not 90 degree hinged yet unless I hinge on purpose. if I hinge on purpose it seems to create a more compact swing and prevents me from going inside and also keeps my clubhead outside my hands. I always though the backswing was quiet hands.
early wrist cock and the wall drill
Tiger of old use to have his hands pretty far from his hip at 3 o'clock which extended his arc. Tiger of new as with most modern players have their hands closer to the hips at 3 o'clock for a more compact swing. I've been trying to work on the latter because having the hands too far causes me to flatten my swing and ultimately hooking. Working on the latter, I have to feel as if i'm picking up my club right away. Does this make any sense or am i going down the wrong path. Any experts out there that can help. btw..i've been working with my swing coach and he's having me work on this and i'm in complete agreement with him eventhough i can't hit with consistency since i still need to practice this. I also need to work on the wall drill, however, it's a lot harder than it looks. Is there a better alternative to this drill that will work better? I need to get more upright at the top. thanks Jack
Epon Blades
that guy needs to learn how to use his camera, what a tease
Miura CB 2006 vs. MB 5003
all the miura hosels were tight, never measured them but definitely much tighter than the normal 355. i don't think it's a problem as long as it's bored straight.
Tourstage X-Blade 2009 Irons Models and Specs
wow, these look awesome. hope they have the satin as an option, i hate that shiny chrome look like they have on the mizunos. i like the 701, looks almost like a type J club.
Nippon WV 125 wedge shafts
Goodsie it would be great if you can start a thread on the smoke wedge shafts, how they compare and why they are better than the regular kb tours. thanks
Epon EMB questions...
777, did your driver come yet? i didn't get to reply in time since i just got my emb but my best guess without knowing your swing would be a 10.5. I'm playing it 43.5 inches and have not on average loss any swing speed or distance, i just hit it more centered. In fact, I can swing my #4 hybrid iron almost as fast as my driver, not really sure why yet but it'll be a good idea to go long and then experiment till you get the length that yields the most centered sweet spot groupings. you'll play from the short stuff more often and increase your GIR stat.
Epon EMB with the cottom treatment
for me it has only been positive. it does seem that the extra cotton balls add extra weight to the head so i'd take that into account. it's great if you're someone that uses a tip weight, lead tape, or someone that uses a shorter driver. let me tell you, I have not really seen a loss of distance or ball speed with a shoter driver, in fact my shots are more centered and solid. the only other thing is that I don't know if disturbing the sound waves inside the head messes with it's performance. maybe Chris can answer that by the way of Epon themselves. my experience says no so I don't know for sure. many other people have done the cotton treatment as well as playing 44 inch drivers, I definitely didn't come up with it. I just implemented it. Jack
Epon EMB with the cottom treatment
i took a lesson today and hit the driver some more. i personally think the sound is very solid, nike sumo solid, not TM510 or J33 solid. I'd recommend this treatment for anyone. so far I'm pretty stoked about this driver. on a side note, i got a spider today and i can't wait to try it out this weekend. i guess fugly is in as long as it performs, does it also apply to chicks ;)
Epon EMB with the cottom treatment
hi Guys I've been reading a lot about the EMB and this is basically how I summarized it after several threads: - not any longer and in some cases shorted than the AF101 - noticeably more forgiving, drives should be longer as an average - the sound was compared to an aluminum baseball bat and yes I did see xchangmax's video, the sound, although not unpleasant, is very loud, like a high pitched twang! Of course I had to try this out for myself because I had wanted something I can work "straight" and is slightly more forgiving than my tour burner. My only concerns at this point was with the possible loss of distance and then the sound. While I couldn't do much with the distance, I wanted to see how I can mute the sound with cotton balls. I've unrolled 8 cotton balls and fed them into the head through the hosel. This was a tedious process but all 8 fit in nicely. I found the insertion depth to be 1.4 inches which is quite a bit deeper than my other drivers. I also found that the bore to ground distance is shorter than normal. So my playing length came out to be about 43.5 to 44 inches. After adding the cotton balls, the head weighed in at 211g. I don't think the cotton balls added that much weight, perhaps the previous owner had this special order or hot melted. Nevertheless, when shafted at about 44 inches, the swingweight came out to D1 which is perfect. After the glue dried, I went on the course and played a few holes. I can say without a doubt that this is an extremely forgiving driver. It had good height and trajectory for me and the entire club was nicely balanced. (I'm using a 70g altus proto firm with a light stabilizer counterweight.) I've noticed I wasn't any longer, sometimes a few yards shorter, but most of the time it ended up in the same places that my tour burner placed me. Due to it's forgiveness, I found my self "going for it". On some #4 hybrid layup holes, I found my self going for it with my driver which left me a wedge shot into the green. Now onto the sound: I didn't experience the loud twang, instead it was a very muted version of that twang which became more of a tonk! It sounds almost identical to my FT3. Sounds like something hitting concrete. I might even compare it to a more muted version of the TM CGB driver or moi Sumo driver. I definitely can live with the sound and it won't raise an eyebrows on the course. I think the cotton treatment was a success and did exactly what I had wanted to achieve. I'm going to play a few more rounds in the next few weeks and see how it performs, beyond the honeymoon period. I might not be any longer but I'm definitely straighter. Although more forgiving, I did lose a few to the right but seldom ran into any hooking issues, unlike my drivers of old. I can't seem to let it loose and rip it without slicing, but I'm attributing that to my swing. Also keep in mind, since the driver is shorter than normal, that might have helped me with the forgiveness factor. I might pop in my longer xcon5 firm which should play at about 44.5 to see if I'm any longer without losing the forgiveness factor. Jack
Tourstage New CB Spy PiCs?
doesn't look like it has a lot of technology like the 2008 model. i would have thought they would start putting more tungsten to increase forgiveness on all their irons.
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
i had a good run with my af901 and went back to the 4 iron typeS. i seem to be more consistent with the 4 iron, but the af901 is pure when you hit one dead center. it has a much better trajectory. i think i might go back to it and see what happens. i have the altus hybrid firm in mine.
Reshafting Daiwa OnOFF driver
any responses?
Tourstage XUT, Ozik, Premium Zone
- deal pending on the putter please make offers on the others before it goes on the auction site
Tourstage XUT, Ozik, Premium Zone
all sold
Educate me on Tourstage drivers.
i'm not sure why either. the 445 black just work for me. the only gripe i have is that the head is pretty sensitive to spin, meaning at times it gives me 500rpm too many. the only other head that comes close is the epon460zr. the spin is very consistent on that head but i haven't been able to find a 10.5. the 9.5 was a tad too low launching for me. i like it in the high teens for carry. i've had a xdrive gr and it was ok, it spun too much for me.
Nippon NSPro heavy putter shafts
thanks i just have the stock version i don't really know what i want or need so i guess that's why oem stuff works they cater to the masses too bad i don't know anyone in socal that has a nice upgraded putter so i can send it back to get redone.
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
i like my NSP1150s and didn't think much of my BGs, in fact i have a set sitting in a closet somewhere, thought i'd give it a try sometime..prob not going to happen. there's a lot of good reviews on the KBs from many different forums so it's worth a try. hype is hype till you try it for yourself right? i'm going to softstep a 5.5..it's suppose to feel smoother than it really is and you have to add wight to the head to get it to D2. i'll report back when i get my shafts in and have some range time with it.
Nippon NSPro heavy putter shafts
the stock shaft that comes with the GF private stock is pretty good, it has a good balance with the 340g head at 34 inches. i bought it just to see what the hype was all about. it's a good putter, not any better than oem stuff, imho. I own the following and placed them in the order that suits me: 1- david whitlam etbw devon 1- GF private stock2 2- tour issued/used Gauge Design mallet 2- premium zone 2 the mallet feels the best, very smooth, but my preference is blades the GF isn't any better than my etbw, they are about the same with the GF being a little softer and the etbw clickier. big price difference though. the premium zone has the softest feel, too soft for my liking, i like a clicky feel to my putters. they are all good, just personal preference i guess. i won't put a review till i log in some rounds with the GF, it might just grow on me, i truly hope it does.
any new Tourstage irons in the works?
is there anything that TS is coming out with at the end of the year?
Nippon NSPro heavy putter shafts
did you ever resolve this Droopy? i'm surprised the sweet spot is not centered on such a premium putter i keep hearing you guys talk about heavy GF heads, isn't it 340g stock for the privates?
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
i wouldn't use lighter grips to adjust swingweight, it doesn't do anything for you because the weight change is in the grip, wrong side of the balance point or fulcrum. it's kind of like wearing a watch or backweighting. you don't loose any head feel if you change those. i believe swingweight was a guideline for builders so they can build a club to play to a specific flex. The heavier the head, the more swingweight, the more flexible the shaft...the opposite if it's too light of a head, the flex is stiffer. adding more weight to the butt will not make the shaft stiffer or softer. hope that helps. a video that I saw on Mizuno where the guy shows you how they build a club in the tour van swingweight the assembled club without the grip.
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
that's good to hear about these shafts did you have to add a lot of weight to get the swingweight back up or did you just leave it as is
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
how are the KB Tours treating you? i just bought a new set of shafts and plan on softstepping to match my NSPRO1150
a MUST GET for any decent ball striker!
has anyone tried it with the kb tour hybrid shaft? it's indeed a nice club, i like the fact that the lie angle can be adjusted