Everything posted by idrive
Syard T388....Bought into the hype...u
Makes my day when I say.... I told you so. I hit a couple drives yesterday that went farther than they were supposed too. Was out driving my equel (playing partner) by 20 yards I've also thought that quite a few of the Head Covers recently have been terrible Congrats on having it work right away. Took a few rounds for me to dial in. I've found it just gets better and better and....
FS: Bettinardi Tour Stock BB0 Handground Flamed Prototype Putter
Sweet Putter and One of a Kind. NICE!!!!!!!
Already feeling sellers remorse.... not my style to sell my Epons.... I think I have a fever.....
Re-introducing S-Yard – The Rebirth of a Premium Brand and the T.388 Driver
Pretty much the point I've made in other posts. Try the SR, will be easier to launch with better results IMO.
How much longer are the new .888 drivers?
Legal Drivers can NOT exceed .83 COR SS will make a difference on how much longer the non conforming driver will play. Most non conforming drivers are .87 COR They will all vary slightly but with a 100 mph swing the extra distance is approx. 8-10 yards. If the forgiveness level on a non conforming driver is higher than the driver you play it's possible you'll notice even more distance.
*** SOLD **** Yururi Wedges
SOLD Heads Only Thanks
My son-in-law is going to love them. He has to cause I told him he would
S Yard T-388 Came today
Is your Tour AD the stock shaft? SS? Just asking because it seems (to me) the stock Tour AD is fairly stout. The SR doesn't seem to have any trouble handleing a 100mph swing
S-Yard T.388-which shaft?
Have my SS close to 100 SR works perfect. Would be surprised if S is better
tourstage x-blade 905 heads- 4/pw. Monacco tx shafts
Obviously nobody is reading this. Either that or they think it's a typo
Good Grief!!!!!! These heads would have sold for close to $300 each when new. SDJ wedges are in a league of their own.
Syard BOLD Wedges Came TodAy
What I don't get is that since 2005 all my packages were going through San Fran. They sat there less than 24 hours, never longer than that. About October 2012 they started going through LA. Disaster. 4 days is the best I've seen with my Yamaha Tours there 3 weeks.
Syard BOLD Wedges Came TodAy
LA customs has become a joke. Call them with your tracking # 310-337-8911 sometimes it helps
- ** SOLD ** RomaRo 460 HX
- ** SOLD ** RomaRo 460 HX
supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,
I'm working the weight room heavy hoping I can get enough SS to hit these babies!!!!
WTB Sky Dream Jump Wedges
do you want conforming or non?
Syard T388 Another Superb Round
So many great drivers out right now. If you are fit properly with the majority of them they all would/will work well. This one stands out (for me) noticeably, above the rest. Unless the fairways are super soft mush preventing any kind of roll out this is the longest. That includes my non-conforming Ryoma and Kamui. Playing in the wind the gap widens further still.
- Yamada Imperial Burning copper finish
Gold's Factory Putters
I do like the "new" milling..... but IMO the original PZ rules the roost. The feel, the roll, haven't found anything better. Not like I haven't tried.
2 crazy driver shafts
I need to hurry and figure out how to add 15mph to my SS.
Master Sasaya Modifies an Odyssey Tour iX Black Series
No different than taking your car and putting some nice tires and rims on it. Even if the rims aren't lighter (less un sprung weight) and the tires wider (better traction) it sure looks better. In this case knowing how much better the PZ milling feels and gets the ball rolling better I can believe there is a lot of improvement besides looks. I'd be surprised if we haven't all bought a putter because of looks. I know I've not bought a putter because of the way it looks. Yes, it has to work but I'd be willing to bet this putter rolls the ball better now.
- Sold - YAMAHA 2013 INPRES X Forged wedge 52*
Miura MB5000WC Wedges Update
Well, I am a wedge snob. I have about 40 of the best wedges in all the land. I bent both of mine 1* weaker. playing at 53* and 58* I'm serious as a heart attack when I say that I can't get over how much I love these wedges. There isn't anything that I can't do with them. My wedge play is off the charts right now. The confidence I have with them is beyond imagination. The Bold's (when they show up) will get their shot at taking them out but at this point I don't think they can. I don't think any wedge(s) can. I'm not kidding when I say I've been knocking the stick down with these as well as an Eagle with the A wedge on a par 4. Did I mention I love these wedges??