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Do you watch THE APPRENTICE..

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So are you BOOK Smart or STREET Smart??

I'm with team NET WORTH!! :money:

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lol, did u watch it last night?

I did. IMO the Book Smart team don't have a chance!! They're a bunch of panties!! :-D

Do you think Trump Fired the right guy?

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i cant believe that girl gaveup,lol. yea i agree with the firing. watching him in the first couple of episodes, his ideas werent the greatest. he kept second guessing himself and he said he was an advertising genius he didnt display that anywhere. i do believe michael should have been fired. although hes exempt he clearly didnt care if they lost or won bc he ws exempt. he didnt do anything.

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i cant believe that girl gaveup,lol. yea i agree with the firing. watching him in the first couple of episodes, his ideas werent the greatest. he kept second guessing himself and he said he was an advertising genius he didnt display that anywhere. i do believe michael should have been fired. although hes exempt he clearly didnt care if they lost or won bc he ws exempt. he didnt do anything.

I'm glad the hippie was fired, he took forever to make a decision.

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I really like the new Dove Commercial!! Now THAT sells..

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This seasons cast at best is horrible, they all suck.

My interest in both groups is fading fast.

I spent 2 years at CU in Boulder, Colorado and had to drop.

Then I spent 3 years in Trade School and finished with an IT & Computer Science Degree

I guess that makes me a halfbreed!

Neither group can get along, and there seems to be no intelligent life evident in both groups, Trump better think of something quick.

Hopefully he will put them in Charge of Trump National Waste and Dissposal!

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