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Will tipping cause me to lose alot of distance off the tee?


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Ok, now that I've determined how much to take off my shaft (1/2"), I was wondering if I will lose a signifigant amount of distance off the tee? The shaft is 45" and when I tip it will become 44.5". I'm not very tall (5'6") and think it may help my accuracy. What do yall think?

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You are to butt trim and not tip trim, correct? All my drivers are 44.5 and am not losing any distance going from 45" to 44.5".

Well on Mitsubishi's website it says for stiffer performance 1/2" tip. So I guess that means to take it off the tip? I went to one of the local club repair shops and asked him to do it and he was just trying to sell me another shaft so I'm gonna go to another guy. Just wanted to get some feedback on here.

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It is misleading to technically state that playing a driver shaft 1/2 inch short of the new "industry standard" will create a loss in distance. Actually, if you look in most tour pros bags you will find a driver that plays to 44.5 inches. Do they loss distance? The length of a driver shaft should be determined by a fitting just as you would the length, lie and loft of your irons. This will improve your overall fairways hit and lower your scores. Before you pull and tip this shaft I recommend finding out the bore depth of the driver you play then contact a guru and ask for advice. You may do more harm than good depending on a number of technical factors.

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