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Guys I just wanted to say Merry Christams to all of you. I have been playing some golf...three times this week after tomorrow. I like my new b-stone 460 but I am looking forward to trying the Accra in it. Hope Santa is good to all of you!

Al , what are you using for a driver now ????

Pretty soon your closet will look like mine :tsg_smilie_money3:

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Mike I am using a Bridgestone 460 that I got a great deal on. I am really liking this driver. A lot of people have commented that this driver is hard to get airborne but I am having no trouble with it. This is a great driver for someone that normally plays the left side of the course. If you already fade it then I would not reccomend. Merry Christmas....(I guess I need to update the signature)

Ho Ho Ho...

who would have thought that one day that simple phrase would have so many different meanings? May you all have a very safe and Merry Christmas. And as long as I'm muttering old phrases, may you all be blessed with that age old dilemma; "so many clubs...so little time".

and now it's off to work I go...retail support gets all the good hours :tsg_smiley_no:

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Merry Christmas Everyone !

Hope all is well and all your wishes come true !

My wife surprised me with a new smoker yesterday - obviously she could not hide it under the tree.


Edited by AKFLY

Merry Christmas Everyone !

Hope all is well and all your wishes come true !

My wife surprised me with a new smoker yesterday - obviously she could not hide it under the tree.


A new smoker Andy ?? As in a cuban cigar type smoker :tsg_smilie_confused:

Or is it s meat smoker ?? If so what kind , do you have a link that you could send me so I could take a look at it ??

Will be having a real quiet day today . Not being able to go home is rough but am dealing with it .

Not going to have a traditional dinner as am having Chateaubriand :tsg_smilie_smile: instead .

Nice creamy GARLIC sauce on top the beef and the spatzle should be quite good . :tsg_smilie_cool:

Take Care guys .


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A new smoker Andy ?? As in a cuban cigar type smoker :tsg_smilie_confused:

Or is it s meat smoker ?? If so what kind , do you have a link that you could send me so I could take a look at it ??

Will be having a real quiet day today . Not being able to go home is rough but am dealing with it .

Not going to have a traditional dinner as am having Chateaubriand :tsg_smilie_smile: instead .

Nice creamy GARLIC sauce on top the beef and the spatzle should be quite good . :tsg_smilie_cool:

Take Care guys .


No cigars for this guy. Got a smokin pro


Mike - sorry to hear about your Christmas dinner - hope all is well !

By the way wat is your username on Aim ?

What a nice quiet Christmas, grilled a turkey for myself and my mom. Mmm mmmm good. Was a nice quiet day. Tomorrow, back to work..but as is OT I do not complain.

Listened to the Blackhawks blow a 2-0 lead to Detroit in the last 40 seconds of the game, then lose by giving up a goal in the last second of OT! Never seen that happen in all the years I've followed hockey.

No cigars for this guy. Got a smokin pro


Mike - sorry to hear about your Christmas dinner - hope all is well !

By the way wat is your username on Aim ?

WOW , that is real nice . Will have to look into one when my BBQ goes to the big place in the sky :tsg_smiley_yes:

Wonder what the cost would be up here ?? At least would not have to worry about propane anymore .

Am guessing you can use either wood or that other stuff :tsg_smilie_whistle: What ever it is in it .

My Christmas dinner was great Andy , so don't fell sorry about it . Would rather have Chateaubriand than turkey any day of the week :tsg_smiley_yes:

My AIM name :tsg_smiley_secret: Actually don't remember will look it up tonight and then give you a ring on AIM .

Later .

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WOW , that is real nice . Will have to look into one when my BBQ goes to the big place in the sky :tsg_smiley_yes:

Wonder what the cost would be up here ?? At least would not have to worry about propane anymore .

Am guessing you can use either wood or that other stuff :tsg_smilie_whistle: What ever it is in it .

Mike - I bought my unit at Lowe's also check the website for locations in Canada. You can burn coals and wood or even logs. The main compartment can also be used as a BBQ.

Today I have four slabs of Spare ribs going on the smoker. Should be done by 8 o'clock.

On the grill I have a pork tenderlion going.

After the ribs are done I am going to smoke a salmon filet for New Year's Eve.

Ah the last feast before New Year's resolutions are mae an broken :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: :tsg_smiley_embarrassed:

Edited by AKFLY

Mike - I bought my unit at Lowe's also check the website for locations in Canada. You can burn coals and wood or even logs. The main compartment can also be used as a BBQ.

Today I have four slabs of Spare ribs going on the smoker. Should be done by 8 o'clock.

On the grill I have a pork tenderlion going.

After the ribs are done I am going to smoke a salmon filet for New Year's Eve.

Ah the last feast before New Year's resolutions are mae an broken :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: :tsg_smiley_embarrassed:

Wow , thats a lot of cooking Andy . Sure you will have enough mouths to feed all that food to ???

Will check out there site ( Lowe's ) to see if they are sold on my area or not .

Mike - I bought my unit at Lowe's also check the website for locations in Canada. You can burn coals and wood or even logs. The main compartment can also be used as a BBQ.

Today I have four slabs of Spare ribs going on the smoker. Should be done by 8 o'clock.

On the grill I have a pork tenderlion going.

After the ribs are done I am going to smoke a salmon filet for New Year's Eve.

Ah the last feast before New Year's resolutions are mae an broken :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: :tsg_smiley_embarrassed:

OK no LOWE'S up here . But they are sold at Home Depot .

Have one right around the corner from me . Will have to stop in and see what one would cost .

Thanks Andy .

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I want to wish all a Happy New Year !

Especially Mike - I hope all in 06' comes together.

The family is off to Shoe's neighborhood to do some skiing and celebrate New Year's.

Good luck to all

A safe New Year to all...

just reading about the food Andy had going made me hungry. mmmm ribbbbbsssss :tsg_smiley_yes:

Andy, enjoy the skiing..and Shakey's

May the New Year bring you all nothing but roses whose thorns draw no blood!

Edited by shoe295

I want to wish all a Happy New Year !

Especially Mike - I hope all in 06' comes together.

The family is off to Shoe's neighborhood to do some skiing and celebrate New Year's.

Good luck to all

Must be nice :tsg_smilie_sad: Hope you had a great time and didn't break anything skiing other than your wallet maybe :tsg_smilie_money3:

Feel like I've entered the monsoon..rained all morning, actual thunderstorm and into the afternoon yesterday and got up to like 41*..evidence of global warming?..hah! methinks is some kind of trick of nature to lul me into complacency and suddenly freeze my a** off. I wonder how far north Andy went? if it was far enough he got plenty of snow I believe.

I don't think I've seen the sun for about 5 days...starting to get that closed in dark and gloomy feeling..I like to call it feeling "English" which refers to the feeling conveyed in d**kens' and Conan Doyle's descriptions of weather...

peace and love...I'm off to brood

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Well no broken bones.

We did not go far enough north and got rained out Monday.

Two days is better than none.

Feel like I've entered the monsoon..rained all morning, actual thunderstorm and into the afternoon yesterday and got up to like 41*..evidence of global warming?..hah! methinks is some kind of trick of nature to lul me into complacency and suddenly freeze my a** off. I wonder how far north Andy went? if it was far enough he got plenty of snow I believe.

I don't think I've seen the sun for about 5 days...starting to get that closed in dark and gloomy feeling..I like to call it feeling "English" which refers to the feeling conveyed in d**kens' and Conan Doyle's descriptions of weather...

peace and love...I'm off to brood

Hey shoe , that is what my weather is like all winter . So now you know why we have a crop called BC Bud up here :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_wink: :tsg_smilie_smile:

Sorry to hear you got rained out one day Andy , I know it must be a bummer .

At least there were no broken bones .

Glad to see everyone survived the New Years Holiday. I played golf and played horribly but thank god I had a strong team and won 33 bucks. I am taking a break from golf for a few weeks. Need a break...not playing that bad but man i am just in a mental funk like you would not believe when it comes to golf. ...oh well.

Andy I love the grill...I have been contemplating getting one like that so I can start smoking some things.

I am starting to get scared when Shoe starts quoting d**kens and turns into a moderator.....when the hell did that happen?!?!?!?!. Yall have a great week.

Edited by Alcap26

Glad to see everyone survived the New Years Holiday. I played golf and played horribly but thank god I had a strong team and won 33 bucks. I am taking a break from golf for a few weeks. Need a break...not playing that bad but man i am just in a mental funk like you would not believe when it comes to golf. ...oh well.

Andy I love the grill...I have been contemplating getting one like that so I can start smoking some things.

I am starting to get scared when Shoe starts quoting d**kens and turns into a moderator.....when the hell did that happen?!?!?!?!. Yall have a great week.

Alan if that makes YOU nervous just think how I feel! :tsg_smiley_crazy::tsg_smiley_rain: I'm not sure I could ever get my fragile psyche to accept 4 months of this kind of weather without winding up with a sawzall in my hand knocking down walls, tearing up stairways, ripping out kitchen cupboards..think golf is an expensive hobby try remodeling your entire house all at once! Come to think of it this argument makes my golf look cheap in comparison heh heh *light bulb appears over head* this line of thinking may have some merit! As for the moderator, Chris asked me the other day, how could I say no? So if you have any ideas on how to make the sight better please share them. ( it's kinda frightening tho isn't it :tsg_smilie_wink: )

In my youth I never needed no grill to smoke things!!!


There's just something about taking dead raw flesh and tossing it over a hot fire that makes me feel so :atsg_smilie_tourstage: ....must be a testosterone thing ya think?

Mike, nice winter crop ya got up in your neck of the woods ya hey der; I have all to much understanding of how that happens and how much time is involved in tending that crop, yes indeed the aroma of smoke and stale beer um um good ... :tsg_smilie_confused:

Guys, we haven't seen the Sun in 14 days! Grey and brown are the colours du jour; yech. I'm thinking I need to go on an extended road trip somewhere like oh I don't know Puerto Rico! Southern Wisconsin must have p*ssed off Mom Nature in a big way to deserve this treatment. Heck I'd even settle for a week of -14* if it brought sunlight with it...*sigh and droop shoulders*...back to the basement to await the football games..

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Guys, we haven't seen the Sun in 14 days! Grey and brown are the colours du jour; yech. I'm thinking I need to go on an extended road trip somewhere like oh I don't know Puerto Rico! Southern Wisconsin must have p*ssed off Mom Nature in a big way to deserve this treatment. Heck I'd even settle for a week of -14* if it brought sunlight with it...*sigh and droop shoulders*...back to the basement to await the football games..

Bright and sunny here in the Chicago suburbs - hell I may even take down the XMas lights. Hit balls yesterday at Cloged Hill - felt good to make some swings. Nice enough to play today but I have a house full of neighbor kids and the wife is off to the opera with my daughter. Could be worse - I could be off to the opera. :tsg_smilie_wah: :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: :tsg_smilie_wah:

  • 2 weeks later...

We had just over 4 inches of snow yesterday just to make driving interesting. Getting anxious to play, or at least hit a few balls just to see if I remember how. I'm deciding that I don't care much for even a mild winter so perhaps I need to hibernate for a couple of months a year.

This year is off to a lucky start; I won an Iomic putter grip in the first drawing here and a set of irons over on golfwrx in Jackaroo's story contest. What a difference a year makes. I like winning stuff. It's even better than buying stuff cuz it's cheaper.

Hope no one is suffering post holiday let down...enjoy the week

Yeah the fix is on with the putter grip contest :tsg_smilie_whistle:

My wife and I are extremely busy. The weather has been good enough to play but we are starting our own business out fo the home so I have not had time to think of playing. Hell I still have not shipped my driver to Andy to get him to reshaft it. I need to do that. I did get a new 42 inch HDTV proj TV though....sweet.

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Well we got more than 4 inches of snow here - looks pretty.

Shoe way to go on the winnings.

Al - ship the driver before this crap melts :tsg_smilie_cool:

Not sure if you guys heard - but Chain was in the hospital for two weeks. He is home recovering so everyone wish him well.


Andy thanks for the info on Chain. Glad to hear he is doing good. If I can get a box this week I will ship the driver.

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Al - whenever you are ready my friend.

Today is a day to fire up the smoker - beer can chicken anyone ?

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