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Hey guys . How are you all doing . Myself am doing real well , and have no complaints at all .

Not that you guys would give my any sympathy anyways :tsg_smiley_yes:

But thats all right . Am really starting to get the itch right now for some fairways and greens .

But will be waiting for the spring time for sure .

Later Guys


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Hey guys! I'm still alive, in Iowa, but still alive. Mike, great to hear you're doing well! I need to do some reading catch up on this post but it looks like everyone is well. BTW, I haven't bought a new set of irons in over a year. My Joe K'd J33 combos are just that good. The driver is a different story but they never behave.

Well guys I will have to say that I have not picked up a golf club since July 10. I am suffering from some serious burnout. I mean the last time out I played 27 holes and shot 40, 39, 37 and I was just not excited. Too much time on the golf course over the spring with the golf team. I have since taken up tennis. My wie plays and is a good player....she played through high school and then for the college we went to for 2 years until she had a pretty bad back injury. It is fun to go play with her and we are thinking of getting in a doubles league when I feel my serve is more consistent. Mike I am still very glad to hear that you keep improving. It is also good to see Lance come out of the wood work. Do you still want the Accra Tour 70? If so it is at Andy's...just get in touch with him and it is yours. Have a great weekend guys.


Hey guys! I'm still alive, in Iowa, but still alive. Mike, great to hear you're doing well! I need to do some reading catch up on this post but it looks like everyone is well. BTW, I haven't bought a new set of irons in over a year. My Joe K'd J33 combos are just that good. The driver is a different story but they never behave.

Iowa , did I read that right . Iowa ??? What the hell is in Iowa :tsg_smilie_whistle: . Do they even have golf course's in Iowa ?? :tsg_smiley_laughatyou:

What happened to Texas Bro ??

So that's where you have been hiding . Are you hiding out from the Mob or the IRS . LOL


WOW talk about another country heard from...what part of Iowa have you landed in ? Do you have to wear an aluminum foil helmut so the aliens can't steal your thoughts?

Alan, tennis is a good game except for all the running involved..way to much like work for me and I've discovered that after age 50 my eyes can still pick up a rapidly moving tennis ball, my brain will still decide where I should go to hit it, but my body just sort of stands there going "you want me to do WHAT" ...sad but true all those stories about the disconnect between the mental and physical.

I haven't done anything but practice for the last few weeks...3 kids going back to school and a $500 brake job on the car sort of killed the finances until September. I have however discovered how to putt much more consistantly than ever and am anxious to take this new found skill out on the course with me...seems that the center shafted putter has made a huge difference in my results.

Mike, best in your continued recovery and may you find yourself back playing soon!

Well guys let me tell you things have been quite hectic since Sunday night. My father had a heart attack about 8:00 sunday night. My mother called me and told me to get to the house quick. I just live about 2 acres away. I get there and dad is throwing up and his blood pressure is 213/148. I walk in and get him in the car and get him to the hospital (it is shorter me taking him than waiting on an ambulance). We get there and he is about to go limp on me and the hospital staff swarms on him. They get his blood pressure down quickly and stabilize him. About 3am they transport him to Knoxville, TN to another hospital that his cardiologist works out of. I take my mom home to get some sleep and cleaned up and get back to the hospital about 4:30 am monday morning. Still no sleep. They arrive at 9:00 am to take him to get his heart cath and my mom has not made it to the hospital and my father is getting worried and does not want to be alone so I wait with him in the prep room. He was scared and I can say in 32 years I have not ever seen him scared of anything other than snakes but this was a different kind of fear. My mom makes it back to the hospital before they do the procedure and he is a bit relaxed before hand. He came out of the heart cath fine with two stints. They found that 2 of the three arteries that feed the heart were blocked but on a positive note he had an extra artery that only about 10% of the people have that made it easier on him so instead of 2/3 blocked it was 2/4 blocked. The extra artery saved his life and helped prevent him from having any damage to the heart whatsoever. I finally got some sleep around 3 yesterday. I don't know why I posted this but it feels good to get it off of my chest and I consider you guys friends.

Shoe be sure to give Mac a hard time for me for stinking it up so bad on the golfwrx contest. Guys take care of yourselves and have a great week. I think mine will be a little more tame than it started (I hope)


  • 2 weeks later...

Good news guys . Get to go home finally , am waiting till Tuesday though so I don't have to fight the long weekend crowd for a ferry to the Island .

Will not be going back to work as of yet , the Doc told me to take my time and get back into it slowly . So I will :tsg_smiley_yes:

He did give one piece of real good news though . I can start golfing again tomorrow if I want . So thats right kiddies back to the links after a year off . :tsg_smilie_cool:

Now if I can just stay away from the B/S/T I will have it made in the shade . :tsg_smiley_sun:

Later Guys .


Glad to hear you are back and can start playing agin Mike....That is great news.

Oh look..Mike's signature has returned!!! Good to hear you get to go home!

Alan, hope your dad's doing well....scary each and every time we are confronted with our mortality. I've only had to stare it in the eyes on a few occasions and I'll tell I blinked each time. Quite a perspective adjustment tool!

I don't think I've played in a month...damn being busy...oh well I'll get a lot of fall golf in before the snow flies. Then I get to work on picking up some new equipment.

Later gents!

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Just checking in !

All is well with me and the family.

Mike - I need to hear from you - especially if your back in the T.O. area.

Alan - hope your Dad recovers quickly.

All in all - just lost the umff to play.

Hope all are well !!!!


Today was the day . Hit balls for the first time in a year .

Am now very sore lol

But it did feel very good so booked a lesson for next week . Figured I might as well , hoping to get rid of any bad habits before they come all the way back .

Lets hope it is not a waste of time . :tsg_smilie_money3:

Later guys


  • 2 weeks later...

mike, I bet you were sore..after all that time off some of those muscles retired!

Andy's heard from...probably fished all summer and grilled enough food for the neighborhood.

Been doing yard work...not very exciting but some things gotta get done so I can play later in the month

stay well all

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys . How is everyone these days ??

Myself am well as can be , no problems right now so am keeping my fingers crossed .

Have actually played once since I have been home . Not the best round of golf ever but I can't and won't complain since it was over a year since I had played . All I will say is I broke 90 . :tsg_smiley_yes:

Only thing is I think I need a new driver , so if you have any suggestion pass them on please , :tsg_smilie_money3:

Decided after the round to put the clubs away again till next year though and start from scratch.

Still riding my bike but am looking at a new one once again , just have yet to decide what to buy .

Right now it is a toss up between a Victory or a custom built bike .

Take care guys and fairways and greens .



It is good to hear you got out and got to play. I have not touched my clubs since July 10th. I am enjoying tennis with my wife. We are playing 3-4 times a week for 2-3 hours a night. On the driver note I love my b-stone 460. Great club and hides it's size very well. I guess I need to get back out but I am suffering from some severe burn out. Good luck on your bike choice. I hoep all of you guys are doing well.


Hey guys . Stuck in a new avatar today .

Yes the driver lived after the crash , for a fact "she" walked away .

Anybody know who it is ?? Bet you don't :-)

Mike is it Danica Patrick or Sarah Fisher?

Guys this year Scotty Cameron is coming out with a new Napa called the Napa Valley...limited to 2006 pieces and I am getting one of them. I got lucky when a new Edwinn Watts just opened and I befriended the manager and asked if they were getting some and they are getting two. He is keeping one and I am getting the other. More than likely it will go straight to ebay to make a nice profit. I also told him to keep me in mind for future special releases. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Nope , Nope . Not even close . :-)

Not even from this side of the pond .

One more try Alan .

What , you are not even going to try it ??

Great weekend to Alan .


Mike it is going to get sold without coming out of the plastic. We are going to be building a house hopefully in 6 months and every little bit helps. I will have to get back to you on the avatar...a little research needed. Have a great weekend.


  • 2 weeks later...

Mike, I have no idea on the driver, clue me in please..but glad to hear you're doing well and still at home.

Alan, sounds like a lot of tennis to me..way to much running with no large angry person after you, but then you're still a young guy.

I'm playing what may be the last round of the year tomorrow..as a way to celebrate another year older and deeper in debt. Thinking about renting teenage daughter's out to young couples contemplating children; after a couple of weeks of seeing what they are in for the decision should be tougher.

I highly suggest checking out the ProDivision blog as I'm a pretty good writer if I do toot my own horn.

Take care guys

How is everyone these days ??? Good I hope .

Myself am doing Ok . No problems so far . Hope like hell it stays that way . :-)

As to my new pic , it is Katherine Legge . Champ Car series .

Have to run so take care .


Holy flying race car driver..that's quite a spectacular spill. Cars imitating airplanes can never end well. I played on the 30th with 3 guys who were absolutely a hoot. I haven't laughed that much during a round even I don't believe. When we shook hands on the 18th green the thanked me and said it didn't appear that they bothered me at all......which only meant they needed to work on that during the off season.

I'm going to be adding a couple new sticks to the arsenal, need a new hybrid/ fairway wood in the 18-20* range for sure. Probably a couple other adjustments also depending on how the winter goes.

Be well.


Good for you Shoe . Glad you had fun . Rainy season has started here already , so I don't know when or even if I will get out this year again .

I wonder what the rest of the old clan are doing these days ?? Any idea Shoe . Since it seems that some never post anymore .

Is therew another site that I do not know of that everyone else hangs around at ???

Yeah accidents like that can be pretty scary , I rolled a tractor trailer back in the 80's so I know what it's like . :tsg_smilie_whistle:

Take Care and have a good weekend .


Mike and Shoe good to hear from you both. Shoe you are a good writer on the blog. Mike I hate to hear your rainy season has come. Good luck getting out again. I have taken a sabbatical from the links. I am just not into it right now. I am sure the bug will hit again but right now I just do not have it in my heart to go out. I am enjoying tennis for the competitive fire again I have missed since I put down my baseball glove when I was 18. My wife and I have fun playing but we both want to win and we have found another couple to play with so it has been fun. As for Lance and Andy I have not heard form them in a long time. Maybe they will appear again. I hope all of you have a great weekend.


Hey guys...

Oh my goodness! what a crazy series of events!

I won't bore ya'll (hint hint) with the details, but my company is relocating me to their plant in hartsville SC.

My first day of work will be January 8th, 2007.

I gotta say I'm excited... I'll miss snowboarding as much as I was able to last year, but I hope to make it up by playing golf year round.

I'm probably going to end up living in Florence, since Hartsville is a little too quiet for my liking... so that means I'll only be an hour or so away from Myrtle Beach. I heard they got a couple of courses there... hehe

Just thought I'd let the gang know about my new location... good to see everyone's doing well!

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