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Fantastic :smile2: ...hope you keep playing well...nice to see that somebody can play this game..mine went south..but we'll try again sunday to see if can't fix things...right


Got the new irons and they are lovely but I took them to get reshafted and when i got them home they feel short to me. I called the guy that did the work and he assured me he cut them to an inch long but I am going to be down near him next week and I am going to get him to measure them so he can show me they are an inch long. If he is right then that means my TM 300's were 1 1/2 inches over standard and now I will have to work to get the swing used to the new length. I swear if I find my old boss from the course I worked at for a couple of years I am going to bury my foot in his ass. First he tells me the 300's were supposed to be 2° up and an inch long...come to find out they were 4° and now possibly 1 1/2 inches long. he is a 100% liar and a sorry sob. :mad: . Oh well I do like how the new Z101 look :tourstage: :love:

Mike congratulations on your victory. :cool: :laugh: :afro:

Thanks guys I really appreciate .

Al , once you get used to the Z101's you will be in :love: all over again .

The one thing I found that was not to my liking was some distance loss , but was able to fix that by going to the Pro V1 X . All is okay now :cool:

I swear if I find my old boss from the course I worked at for a couple of years I am going to bury my foot in his ass. First he tells me the 300's were supposed to be 2° up and an inch long...come to find out they were 4° and now possibly 1 1/2 inches long. he is a 100% liar and a sorry sob. :mad: . Oh well I do like how the new Z101 look :tourstage: :love:


Al, if you bury your foot aren't you afraid you'll hurt his ears? :surprize:

I have a buddy who is getting used to new irons 3/4 in longer..takes a little work but he sures gets more consistant results...if those irons are anywhere near as solid as my 3 wood they'll be incredible.

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Well I joined the Z101 gang. I got my Z's off of E bay (same guy as Al) but it took a couple of weeks to get them. Anyway, I hit the range this morning before work. Very impressive to say the least. Mine have S300's in them and I may just stick with them. After a couple of rounds I will put a full review and comparison to TM 300's.

All you guys getting new irons ....sigh.......very cool tho..am curious to see how you end up liking them.

I've got a TM 510 middie coming that I got for a song but think I'll need to reshaft it as is has a Harmon Tour Design GX x in it...all I know about that is what the website says but me thinks it a tad stiff for my 102 ss...we'll see. My Scratch wedges should be here soon which figures since I just got my wedge game going so I'll have to recalibate the distances...

what'd you all think about the brew ha ha over the conditions at Shinnecock?

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All you guys getting new irons ....sigh.......very cool tho..am curious to see how you end up liking them.

I've got a TM 510 middie coming that I got for a song but think I'll need to reshaft it as is has a Harmon Tour Design GX x in it...all I know about that is what the website says but me thinks it a tad stiff for my 102 ss...we'll see. My Scratch wedges should be here soon which figures since I just got my wedge game going so I'll have to recalibate the distances...

what'd you all think about the brew ha ha over the conditions at Shinnecock?

Shoe... the shaft may be a bit too stiiff, I tried a 660 TR in a X and it was just O.K. but then went to a stiff and picked up 10 yards. The 660 and the CBX are similiar in spec. My SS is 104 on avg.

The conditions for a U.S. open seemed just a little too tough around the greens. I feel sorry for the members as they probably will not have a course for the rest of the year.


Just got my Srixon i302s yesterday. Rifle 6.0s standard. Ran out immediately to hit them at the range :smile2: . They feel really soft. Mis**ts are not punished too badly. My misses are usually 'thin'. This causes maybe 10 yards of flight distance loss, but the ball then seemed to run a little.

What I liked most after one session is that they're easily workable compared to my Hogan AEPs -- almost to a fault :o Also, I could easily hit a 100 yd 'knockdown pitch' with the PW w/ a good deal of spin. Don't know if I'll need a 52° wedge if I can perfect this. The proof will be on the course, of course.

Now to Shinny, parts of the course were really burned out and frankly, unfair -- not all of the course though. I don't want to see a putting contest like we see at The Master's every year, but a tapper should not run 15 ft. by a hole. That's ridiculous. What tends to happen is the 'hot' ballstrikers will be the only ones in contention, and I think we saw that.

Still, you can't say that any one thing lost the open for Phil or won it for Retief. If one person can make the putt, so should others. Retief seems like a nice guy, but pretty boring. I mean, he had no emotional reaction to winning the Open! I couldn't tell if he just won the Open, or just came back from using the copier down the hall. :wink:

Whats up guys!! just got back from Augusta yesterday... what a relaxing trip!

I didn't play as much golf as I would have liked, but sleeping in was a nice change. I played 18 holes one day... walked it in the 100+ heat and almost pasted out. Then I drank to much water while sitting waiting on a 2 hole back-up and felt really sick for the rest of the round.

After my uncomfortable 18, I played 9 the next time I went out and had a blast.

I hate Philly, I need to get out of this place! 4 more terms!

Sounds like you have a new slogan there pete . 4 more terms . Say it a couple of times in a row and I'll think you are running for office somewhere :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sounds like you have a new slogan there pete . 4 more terms . Say it a couple of times in a row and I'll think you are running for office somewhere :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I just wrote a huge response with some great humor about the political climate of the US but I decided not to get to close to any lines... I wonder if we could do a mature political thread. It only seems like a fun exercise of Democracy, and I could sure use some debate b/c I'm not sure which clown to vote for!

I guess I should ask Chris...

AK and HIP..thanks for the advice..sort of along the lines I was thinking but we'll see later this week. I know more about "thin" shots than I care to admit.

HIP ..any idea why you can hit the knockdown now and not previously?

Pete, welcome back..."4 more terms"..at least they only last months as opposed to years!...as for mature political discussion I believe that's an oxymoron, seldom see maturity around politics..could always try tho..

we've had so much rain that the greens are marked with the footprints of everyone over 60lbs whose walked on them for the last week...it's easier to putt on freshly aerated greens than these things...I don't remember ever seeing anything like this before...I refer to it as entering the land of hit and hope, I even had a 2 1/2 footer bounce dead right of the hole on Sunday...good thing I don't take this too seriously :o

AK and HIP..thanks for the advice..sort of along the lines I was thinking but we'll see later this week. I know more about "thin" shots than I care to admit.

HIP ..any idea why you can hit the knockdown now and not previously?

No clue Shoe. Shaft? The fact there is less weight in the sole of the club than the Hogans? There real test will be the course.

Pete, welcome back..."4 more terms"..at least they only last months as opposed to years!...as for mature political discussion I believe that's an oxymoron, seldom see maturity around politics..could always try tho..

I think a lot of people feel this way... and I think its ashame. Was this country built on the idea of people getting together and talking about the relavant issues. How are we as people supposed to enlighten oursevles to new ideas if everyone is scared of political discussion.

Maybe because today it is so rare to find someone willing to admitt that they may be wrong. Everyone has these phanatic ties to parties that tell them how to think on every issue. They fall in rank and file behind their party to make them feel secure in their idea.

Strength in numbers or comfort though conformity?

The problem with this country is people are affraid to speak their mind, whatever thier stance may be, because its not the proper thing to do.

For as long as I remember my parents told me not to discuss politics or religon with people. But aren't these the two subjects that should be discussed the most.

Why are people so phantical that they cannot engage in a reasonable conversation without breaking into slander?

Mike are things different ion Cananda? are people more willing to discuss politics and religon? Because its my theory that this is built into the US culture to keep the people nice and passive, easily to manipulate.

Damn Pete you are getting philisophical on us. Aren't you afraid you will ruin your reputation :laugh: . I usually try to steer clear of politics and religion unless I am debating with my father in law :smile2: . Maybe it is time for the evil sidekick to return.

Mike...email me...I have a few questions for you about my wrists. I will send you my email address in a pm. If you don't get it let me know.

You make some very good points Pete and it would make sense that people would want to discuss politics and religion yet look at the history of warfare throughout the world and examine the cause. Except for the Trojan War, which was fought over a woman, the rest are the result of either religious or political disagreements. Look at the founding of this country, the direct result of religious persecution.

Something about those topics results in the removal of all gray areas, especially religion, and the black and white picture that remains is focused on "right" and "wrong". Why does this occurs so frequently and with such passion around these two topics ? Perhaps because if these essentially core beliefs are refuted the entire foundation of your life turns to sand castles as the tide marches in, in other words you have to recreate you belief system and for most folks that is more frightening than going to war. And unlike other subjects, where the possibility that more than one way to look at things correctly exists in religion and politics the consequences of being incorrect create so much anxiety that I will kill you before I can accept that premise.

gotta stop too early to get this deep and I am much more comfortable being shallow


Pete, welcome back..."4 more terms"..at least they only last months as opposed to years!...as for mature political discussion I believe that's an oxymoron, seldom see maturity around politics..could always try tho..

I think a lot of people feel this way... and I think its ashame. Was this country built on the idea of people getting together and talking about the relavant issues. How are we as people supposed to enlighten oursevles to new ideas if everyone is scared of political discussion.

Maybe because today it is so rare to find someone willing to admitt that they may be wrong. Everyone has these phanatic ties to parties that tell them how to think on every issue. They fall in rank and file behind their party to make them feel secure in their idea.

Strength in numbers or comfort though conformity?

The problem with this country is people are affraid to speak their mind, whatever thier stance may be, because its not the proper thing to do.

For as long as I remember my parents told me not to discuss politics or religon with people. But aren't these the two subjects that should be discussed the most.

Why are people so phantical that they cannot engage in a reasonable conversation without breaking into slander?

Mike are things different ion Cananda? are people more willing to discuss politics and religon? Because its my theory that this is built into the US culture to keep the people nice and passive, easily to manipulate.

pete , that is a tough question to answer . A lot of people tend to believe that we have the same system of government and have the same way of voting for the government . When I reality we don't . You vote for a party or is it the leader of the party ?? While we vote for the person that is in our area that is part of the party we would like to see in power .

What we have is a very old British system that most of the commonwealth doesn't even use anymore .

I know this is off track from your question but it is a lead in , :laugh:

Up here almost everyone I have ever met or talked to is willing to talk about politic's any where except in bars :laugh: And you know why that is :D

It is a national pass time to diss who ever is in power wheather you voted against him or for him . It is so bad that it has gotten to the point where a lot of young people don't even vote as they see no future with any of the party's that are involved .

As for religion , I do not follow a religion . On my dog tags it say ND and I will leave it at that .

Like shoe said it is way to early in the morning for this :smile1:

Now lets hope that IE doesn't lock up on me when is submit this post and my day just might be a good one :smile2:

Wow guys we are definitely hitting all new depths for golf message boards!

You guys bring up some amazingly insiteful points.

Mike what you are talking about in Canada is happening in America, but for different reasons.

I see the youth of America, well all of America, becoming extremely disenfranchised with the Democratic process. I talk to a lot of people who feel that it really doesn't matter who they vote for. They feel like no matter who is in office they will do whatever the please, not represent their constituants.

I think the proof is in the fact that in the last Presidential was decided by the Supreme Court and only a small minority were up in arms...

Ok sure, the people who voted for the victor aren't going to raise their voice, but if you remember the majorty of America voted for a guy who is unemployed right now. So shouldn't the majorty be up in arms?

but they are not... Why?

Well from what I have observed people just don't care because either canidated was any better or worse than the others.

When you ask people who they will be voting for in the coming election and then ask them why, they overwhelming reason given for their choice no matter who the choose is that they are the lesser of the two evils...

Is this the way we should choose the leader of the "free" world? The lesser of two evils?

ok I am going to respond to myself.. I just realized why we have the choices we have in this current election...

What kind of person actually deserving of the title of President of the United States would want to get involved in this mess we have here?

Not I!

This up coming term is a doomed term no matter who gets elected they will not be well liked. There is no clean and simple solution to our current situations, no matter what is done it is going to be messy and unpopular.

I what I see happening is no matter which party gets elected in the next Presidential will be punished and there will be a huge swing to a very partisan Federal government. Which scares the sh1t out of me!

I agree with the dissing part...I believe that most, not all because you can't deal with absolutes, people are negative because they need something to bitch about thus giving meaning to their petty little lives. Harsh..probably. And because the naysayers are so adamant,sometimes violently so, that they are correct that those with positive attitudes towards government don't often express them. Wait I need coffee...

better now..for an example, there's a thread here, i forget the original topic but it involved chisag praising Aldila shafts and FAQ asking his position with Aldila..and it turned very nasty very fast, even Joe K got involved to try to smooth feathers and that's just about a freaking golf shaft...why did it get to that level? because one person chose the less intelligent route and the other followed down the path of idiocy..because they both had to be RIGHT.

I learned a long time ago that the biggest choice I have in life is do I want to be RIGHT or do I want to be HAPPY? everything else follows from that choice when dealing with other people.

and now my head hurts and its not even 6am..goddamn golf forums' making me think...not comfortable at all.... :whistle: :-)

Well guys I'm back home and hope I don't have to go anywhere for a while. I'm glad that the political discussion didn't stray off on any angry tangents. So, kudos on that one.

On a similar note, in Vanity Fair this month or last there is a great article on conspiracy theory. Not sure of the month but it has Jackie O on the cover and says Return To Camelot. That is a subject you can warp your brain thinking about :D

I've got a big match against Kristin tomorrow if I can drag her out of the house. We'll be playing for some serious prizes, dishes, vacumning, laundry, all the good stuff :smile2:

Always good to get home...as for the match i hope you can stand up to the pressure....those are some heavy duty loses to incur...I imagine it could get a little testy the longer the outcome stays in doubt :laugh:

as for the political discussion staying civil..I have been married twice and no longer believe myself to be right about anything...having been divorced twice I no longer feel the need to go to war over anything ideological...hell having given away 1/2 my stuff twice I'm trying to figure out how I still own anything.. :surprize: :money: :wah:

now I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow to see how the new driver works :smile1:

On a side note, since I was in Dallas I went to Golfsmith and Edwin Watts to check out some of the new stuff. Shops here don't seem to carry the large inventories like these two monsters. Anyways to my point, the Ping DOC is the biggest F-ing thing I've ever seen in my life! How in the world could you show up for a round and be taken seriously? I'd read it was big and nothing could prepare you for it but DAMN! Somebody had some good stuff when they were designing that baby.

I also rolled a few with the Red X and have to say I was pretty impressed. It seemed to have great feel and balance. The face insert wasn't too soft and I think one may be in my future :money: It was on the practice putting green in the store but it wasn't into a net so I guess I can comment on it :wink:

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