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Maybe he's the mystery guy Nikki Hilton got married to  :whistle:  

Hip- Is that the greatness of Coco B. Ware in your av?

Awwww yeah! Koko B. in da house! Let's make a change though shall we? This one's too good.

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Maybe he's the mystery guy Nikki Hilton got married to  :whistle:  

Hip- Is that the greatness of Coco B. Ware in your av?

Awwww yeah! Koko B. in da house! Let's make a change though shall we? This one's too good.

Nice avatar Hip :laugh: :laugh:

I love the new avatar hip. Bald bull in my opinion was the hardet to beat. man that brings back some memories. The Eld**k is sweet. I will have to shorten it an inch but it feels great. Very close to the monza...at least on the carpet. Can't wait to give it a try on the course.

My favorite name was Soda Popinski. Mike was easy to beat once you figured out his tells. He was quick though.

On another note are any of you guys watching WSOP on ESPN?

I was watching it the other night, good stuff. I like when the amateurs get all cocky and the pro's steal all their money. :money:

I love this thread. It is the only thread that you can go from talking about ones new putter to the classic Punch Out. That game was great. I always had trouble with Bald Bull until I got the joystick controller that they made for the NES. That game and excitebike were some of my favorites..plus who did not like the original super mario bros.


I watch the WSOP. I wish Chris Moneymaker was playing more but there are some characters out there.

I'm addicted to the WSOP and WPT on the travel channel. A lot of big names went down to am's in this years WSOP. The internet is making conventional poker wisdom go out the window. Moneymaker is out, Negraneu, Men Nyguen, Phil Helmuth, Phil Ivey are top names in the game and they're out day 1. That's the equivalent of the top 10 going out of the Match Play championships on the first day. I saw who won but I've forgotten his name so I'm totally into the main event on ESPN.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< I had to use this avatar at least once. The big guys have been getting it taking to them this year on the WSOP. I enjoy watching it but my wife wonders how I can sit and watch people play cards. That is why we have 2 tv's.

I enjoy watching it but my wife wonders how I can sit and watch people play cards.  That is why we have 2 tv's.

:roll: My wife will watch Celebrity Poker on Bravo. The WSOP is too intense for her taste though. Not enough talking, laughing etc. When I play down in Atlantic City, there are some real freaks on those Hold'em tables, let me tell ya.

Two weeks ago, we went on vacation down the NJ shore with the rest of the extended family. I was recruited to teach the family how to play Texas Hold'em.

It was like teaching Steve Wonder skeet shooting. :laugh:

So in other words , you had a boat load of fun :laugh: :laugh:

I am so freakin bored at work it is not funny . Am the only one in today and have only had 5 customers since 7:10 this morning :tired:

Only good thing that has happened is the big boss here , stopped in to see me and told me to lock the place up early this afternoon and have a extra long weekend :smile2:

So you can pretty well guess what I'll be doing this afternoon :whistle:

Yes that's right , hitting the links :laugh:

Leave early...wish I could...

I have trouble watching poker on TV...just doesn't do much for me...I'd much rather watch the women's beach volleyball...I've become a fan :surprize: :surprize:

Off to work..ya hoo....I'd rather be working on my short game...it is, how you say, SUCKY! at best...starting to get antsy for my new wedges to get here...anything for improvement .....practice for me tomorrow...have a great weekend guys

Thanks for the good tidings shoe :smile2: Hope the wedge's get to you soon also as I don't think you will be unhappy at all .

Don't work to hard my friend . :smile1: As if , right :laugh:


I know what it is like to wait on the wedges but it was 100% woth it. How long has it been since you ordered yours? I can't say how much I love this wedge. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Hi all... long time... i am just procrastinating during a break from this killer project.

Uh this sucks I haven't been golfing in over 9 weeks. I am not sure I'd remember which end to hold. I hate school. Heck even if I had the time to golf I couldn't afford it here in the land of $40 muni's!

Ouch , that has got to hurt . NO golf for 9 weeks and $40 muni's . :-D

But glad to see you have at least made an apperance this weekend .

Good luck with school pete . :cool:

Glad to see Pete come out of hiding. I played today with the Eld**k for the first round and this thing is stupid easy to putt with inside of 10 feet....did have some distance putt issues but I think this is due to the increased head weight and the fact that this putter needs to be 1 inch shorter. I am gong to put the TM 300 back in the bag in place of the z101. I am hitting the z101 too short. I started a post in the general golf forum all about this. Please read and post opinions guys. Dilema that needs to be solved. Oh shot an 82 that should have been a 79 at the worst...three bad holes. I hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great week.


Well, it's official. I'm a idiot. I was killing my Hogans. Striping them. Then I switched to the Miuras. Hit them well, but they're definitely more demanding.

So i switched back to the Hogans. After 3 horrible rounds and one good one with them, yesterday I hit rock bottom.

94. That's right. 94. I couldn't hit anything. I had 0 good shots. If I didn't have cigars and beer on me for our tourney, I would've thrown my clubs in the water. Worst round of the year by far. Stevie Wonder could've played better.

I'm selling the Miuras and putting the Hogans into retirement. :spit:

Pete...welcome to the land of enchanted nut jobs..oh sorry that would be radio shack...$40 munis would kill me..sorry for your woes but I'm sure they are only temporary...

last 2 rounds I played where in 25=30mph winds...fun fun fun cuz I love making stuff up...unfortunately I kept mis**tting my punch shots and my sand game was MIA...frightful front nine...absolutely frightful..but it was a hoot in that wind...line the ball up to putt and it starts moving with the breeze... :surprize: ..so of course I'm blaming my irons for this miserable failure...which leads to plotting their replacement...a visit to the clubfitter before the year is out to get correct lie angles and lengths determined, then a daydream journey thru the import forum followed by major plotting on how to liquify my assets when I have no assets so I can come up with the :money: :money: for this thing...there is no fool like a man in the midst of fooling himself...but it sure can be fun...

Pete...welcome to the land of enchanted nut jobs..oh sorry that would be radio shack...$40 munis would kill me..sorry for your woes but I'm sure they are only temporary...

last 2 rounds I played where in 25=30mph winds...fun fun fun cuz I love making stuff up...unfortunately I kept mis**tting my punch shots and my sand game was MIA...frightful front nine...absolutely frightful..but it was a hoot in that wind...line the ball up to putt and it starts moving with the breeze... :surprize:  ..so of course I'm blaming my irons for this miserable failure...which leads to plotting their replacement...a visit to the clubfitter before the year is out to get correct lie angles and lengths determined, then a daydream journey thru the import forum followed by major plotting on how to liquify my assets when I have no assets so I can come up with the  :money:  :money: for this thing...there is no fool like a man in the midst of fooling himself...but it sure can be fun...

shoe that last para sounds awfully familiar :laugh: Sure we don't have the same kinda job :-D :laugh:

Mike, perhaps we do...although I do get paid amazingly well for doing very little..

Hipcheck...I commiserate with your troubles...this silly game will beat us bloody...I find that I can't take it as seriously today as I did, oh say, last week.. :o but then I haven't played a solid round in a month..just can't get things working and I'm hitting the ball reasonable well..sigh...I even went so far as to have the library special order me a book by Michael Hebron "The Art and Zen of Learning Golf".

The title reminded me of something I read years ago, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence" which I found extremely fascinating seeing that it had very little to do with actual maintainence...at this point in time I might even try practicing for a cure :surprize: :-)

then of course I read Pete's post that he hasn't played in 9 weeks and realize that playing badly beats not playing at all...it is after all a game .... :spit: ...ah well...I gotta get it together cuz I need to make some :money: :money: and I have a money game coming up with a pair of pockets I need, make that NEED to get into in a very DEEP way....back to school clothes and all time of the year...

later gentlemen, enjoy and be grateful we're not ducking shrapnel for breakfast


Hey guys I think it is time for a change . Am seriously thinking on getting rid of my gutter gang icon for a TSG certified seller icon .

What do you all think about that ??

Let me know as I am going to let you guys have the final say in this :smile1:

You will only have today to state your case about me keeping it or chucking it :laugh:

So fire away boys and let me know what you think . :smile2:


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