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Well whats happening out there is golfland kiddies  :laugh:  

Anybody get any new sticks , or how about new shafts  :laugh:  So how was everybodys week , hope you all had a good one at least .

my weeks been pretty horrible. suffered my second concussion in 6 weeks, grandma had open heart surgery. plus im having some bad back trouble and neck trouble and cant really sleep at night. good thing is tho i had a job interview monday and a second one today. hopefully i get job. i need money to buy my new nike tour pro combo and my r7 stand.

Hope grandma is ok !!! Guess after this concussion that you will be hanging the skates up ?? Good luck with the job mike .

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Well whats happening out there is golfland kiddies  :laugh:  

Anybody get any new sticks , or how about new shafts  :laugh:  So how was everybodys week , hope you all had a good one at least .

my weeks been pretty horrible. suffered my second concussion in 6 weeks, grandma had open heart surgery. plus im having some bad back trouble and neck trouble and cant really sleep at night. good thing is tho i had a job interview monday and a second one today. hopefully i get job. i need money to buy my new nike tour pro combo and my r7 stand.

Hope grandma is ok !!! Guess after this concussion that you will be hanging the skates up ?? Good luck with the job mike .

thanks. she seems to be doing ok. hopefully she holds up. the job will be helpful. i didnt give the first concussion enuff time to heal. only a week.ill proly pass up my 2 games next week. i sat out thursdays game and fridays game

Pete..thanks for that post...a journey through the joys of adolescence from a more modern perspective than mine is always appreciated. The thing that stands out is your use of the word moderation...of which my only understanding comes from the dictionary...I have no concept of what it means as applied to living life...I have been learning some over the years but excess is still the path I wind up on more often than not..and that leads to no place good believe me, its just easier to get off that road once I recognized the demon that got me where I am today. Unfortunately that trait is hereditary and I have passed it on to my kids who will have to deal with it in their own way, but with an advantage I did not have, that of my shared experience of how addiction works and how it can be dealt with so as not to destroy their lives. The reality of this disease is that it kills 90% of those afflicted, usually in a nasty fashion. I won't get on my soap box and will end with this...moderation is the responsible way to partake of anything, be it pot or booze or fig newtons..there are just some folks who have no idea how to do that..

Al...thanks for your response...now I just need a couple of more days in the 50's so the snow melts and I can try the irons out..

Mike...still looking for a shaft for my 4 wood...thinking a GD YS 8 or a Purple Ice..but we'll see

CMike...hope grandma is doing better...sounds like it's time to stick to less agressive sports my friend...chronic pain is not something you want to deal with at your age...

And to think that 50 days ago my life was just gliding along in a happy groove...just goes to show that I should never take today for granted cuz the trainwreck you experience tomorrow may be your own...peace friends


I have been pretty quiet lately from this thread and from the site in general. I know this. Today I had to have a colonoscopy for the problem I have been having since back in late November. Let me tell you if you have never had one preay to god you do not have to because the prep for it is a killer. Still not 100 percent sure what the problem is but and least found the source of the pain. Waiting to see if it is some sort of infection or jsut stress which I seem to not have an outlet for. Golf used to work but it is not doing the trick anymore.

Andy: Got the new R7 yet? you will have to let us know what you think.

Shoe: I hope things are going good for you. your family is in our prayers as you go through this time.

C Mike: How is your grandmother? I hope she is doing great.

Shoe I completely agree with your last comment although for me to a different degree. You always have a great way of putting things and I hope your train wreck gets repaired swiftly.

Hopefully not to repeatitive but hell No food for two days then being drug induced out cold can play with you mind.

Unfortunately this thread is becoming too much like life lately...too much bad news!

I wish everyone the best in their own respective dilemmas. Not too much drama here, though I'm seriously thinking of quitting my full time work and completely branch out on my own. I hate wearing the monkey suit everyday :sad:

On a lighter note, I picked up TIGER WOODS 2005 for the PC for only $9.99 at Circuit City! Great deal!!!! :cool:

Also I just added 512mb of ram to my pc, so this beotch should run faster than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs...

Oh, and coming soon to the bag....Cobra SS Forged....SATIN :love:

I agree with you hipcheck...life seems to be gettin' in the way of having a good time...but fortunately I always seem to get over that part really quick..must come from all the practice I've had dealing with the series of crash and burn episodes that scorch my past...now i just have to start shopping for a new driver and maybe a putter and my bag will be completely made over from last fall....let the shopping begin :wink: :cool: :money:

Alan...colonoscopy bowel prep are the worst...empty oneself from stem to stern..hope the problem is easily repairable..and I appreciate the prayers...I need all the voices I can get (it helps if they come from outside my head cuz I can't keep track of more than 5 of those at one time)


Satin Forged SS?????? I love my SS's but wonder what they would look like in satin...are you having them refinished?

Shoe, problem is repairable/maintainable...still waiting for tests to come back and make sure there is nothing unwanted growing down there.

I would like to play golf tomorrow (supposed to be around 60) since I am off but the damn chair looks awful comfy so might spend the day keeping it from running away.

Hip I want to know about those irons! :cool:


Satin Forged SS?????? I love my SS's but wonder what they would look like in satin...are you having them refinished?

Hip I want to know about those irons! :cool:

Paul @ Shreveport has a finishing wheel that he can use to brush the chrome. So, it won't be a true factory finish, but it will be a very even 'satiny' look b/c it's hooked up to the grinder.

Anyway, I'll receive the clubs this week and I'll post some pics for you. He tells me they look awesome! :cool:

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Satin Forged SS?????? I love my SS's but wonder what they would look like in satin...are you having them refinished?

Hip I want to know about those irons! :cool:

Paul @ Shreveport has a finishing wheel that he can use to brush the chrome. So, it won't be a true factory finish, but it will be a very even 'satiny' look b/c it's hooked up to the grinder.

Anyway, I'll receive the clubs this week and I'll post some pics for you. He tells me they look awesome! :cool:

Guys - seriuosly the dremel tool worked great - then finish with a 3m finishing pad. It came out very even.

Practice on some old irons or wedges first - not hard at all.

Guys - seriuosly the dremel tool worked great - then finish with a 3m finishing pad. It came out very even.

Practice on some old irons or wedges first - not hard at all.

...and 93 hours later you've got satin! :laugh: J/K, seriously, how long did it take? I know with this process you need to be extra careful, b/c if you go thru that chrome at all, it's trouble.

Personally, I don't trust myself. I'd probably get too impatient. :)


Guys - seriuosly the dremel tool worked great - then finish with a 3m finishing pad.  It came out very even.  

Practice on some old irons or wedges first - not hard at all.

...and 93 hours later you've got satin! :laugh: J/K, seriously, how long did it take? I know with this process you need to be extra careful, b/c if you go thru that chrome at all, it's trouble.

Personally, I don't trust myself. I'd probably get too impatient. :)

Agree..how steady do you have to be? :whistle: ..for how long? ..us older gents get shaky holding anything in one position for more that 45 seconds...hell some mornings i have to switch hands in the john or i'll piss on the floor and/or excite myself..

Colonoscopy preps SUCK. There are no two ways about it. At least these days you don't have to drink as much crap as you did a few years ago. Hope everything works out Al, GI issues are no fun whatsoever. I've got a great GI here if you ever move to Vegas.

On a positive note, a local guy Monday qualified for the AT&T. He'll be carrying a bag with our company logo on it so go Scott Piercy, hopefully he makes the cut.

I'll have some of the AKFLY satinized irons in my hands soon so I'll be able to provide an in depth report. They should look AWESOME with the Tour Concepts in them.

Hope all is well Al .

Chain you will have to post some pic's of you Z 101 ( Akfly'd ) once they are done :smile1:

Mike I feel better. Finally getting back to tthe swing of things with the eating deal. After 48 hours of no food and some stout "colon blow" to clean the system it gets a little difficult getting back to the solid food. Lance thank for the reccomend...my guy is good but slow...ina good way. he will listen to your concerns and throughly explain things to you...last time I was in his office he was in the room with me for 45 minutes explaining things and just educating me in general...although he was 50 minutes late getting me in I felt sorry for the guy who had the appointment after me. he has that rep...great Doc just always late. I would like to see the satin z's of chains also. Be sure to post pics.

Glad to see you are feeling better Alan . :cool:

Remember keep a stiff upper lip and keep moving forward . :smile1:

Colonoscopy preps SUCK. There are no two ways about it. At least these days you don't have to drink as much crap as you did a few years ago. Hope everything works out Al, GI issues are no fun whatsoever. I've got a great GI here if you ever move to Vegas.

On a positive note, a local guy Monday qualified for the AT&T. He'll be carrying a bag with our company logo on it so go Scott Piercy, hopefully he makes the cut.  

I'll have some of the AKFLY satinized irons in my hands soon so I'll be able to provide an in depth report. They should look AWESOME with the Tour Concepts in them.

Actually I think bowel preps BLOW more than they suck...at least that's what I remember....and I'm with the other guys..would love to see some pics of your AKFLY'd irons after you get them..

anyone else ever wonder how the hell you keep a stiff upper lip? can you eat like that? do people understand what you say when you talk with a stiff lip?

Colonoscopy preps SUCK. There are no two ways about it. At least these days you don't have to drink as much crap as you did a few years ago. Hope everything works out Al, GI issues are no fun whatsoever. I've got a great GI here if you ever move to Vegas.

On a positive note, a local guy Monday qualified for the AT&T. He'll be carrying a bag with our company logo on it so go Scott Piercy, hopefully he makes the cut.  

I'll have some of the AKFLY satinized irons in my hands soon so I'll be able to provide an in depth report. They should look AWESOME with the Tour Concepts in them.

Actually I think bowel preps BLOW more than they suck...at least that's what I remember....and I'm with the other guys..would love to see some pics of your AKFLY'd irons after you get them..

anyone else ever wonder how the hell you keep a stiff upper lip? can you eat like that? do people understand what you say when you talk with a stiff lip?

Ha Ha you are freakin hilarious shoe :o :whistle: :wink: :laugh:

The Satin Cobra Forged SS have arrived! Holy satin Batman! These are beautiful :love: I'll post pics in the WITB thread later...

As always, I wish everyone good luck with their colons :cool:

I'm alive! Sorry I haven't been around much guys, been pretty busy with work and a new lady friend. :whistle: Hopefully I can get my ass in chat here soon.

Those irons look great Hip!

Thanks gents. I can't even tell you how good they look in person. I bought these used for a steal b/c they had reg. DGs in them ($225 in 9+/10 condition) and new I wanted Nippons, so I sent them to Shreveport. When Paul told me he got the finishing wheel I immediately asked him to give them 'the works.'


A friend of mine sent his 690.CBs to him at the same time and opted AGAINST the satin treatment. We both got our irons today and my friend took one look at my irons and said "Holy :poop: I have to send my irons back to have that done."

They look sooooo damn good in person. I have to take some pics in the sunlight.

Hope everyone is doing well...

Man, Andy did an awesome job on the z's. I doubt pics will do them justice but the satin with Tour Concepts just looks amazing. I'll take some pics in the daylight tomorrow as long as it doesn't fraking rain again :mad: Minimal, congrats on the new companion of the female variety. The getting to know them part is the best.

Nice irons hip...sunlight pics are awaited with bated breath ( whatever the hell that means..i think i read it somewhere once and always wanted to use it in a sentence...hopefully it doesn't mean one's breath resembles catfish bait).......if those and chainsaw's pics look like i think they will i may start thinking about doing that to my hogan's....

minimal..congrats on the lady friend...i've always had a soft spot in my heart (not my pants you pervert comedians out there) for the ladies..it matches the one in my (big) head.

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