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If I'm not mistaken all it is diet coke and Jack !!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

" You bitch, why didn't you tell me it was a rum and coke" :lol:

Just purchased the Cally driver for Kristin. Man I hope she doesn't outdrive me with it :lol: Serious bag update at the end of the week. I'll post pics when everything gets here. 8) I'm posted at the front door for the delivery guy :roll:

LOL...great movie quote......isn't waiting for the delivery guy a lot like watching water boil...seems to slow everything down and take forever?

I like serious updates..so much better than those trivial updates involving buying new tees... :lol:

am anxious to see what you have in store..

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Sorry for the delay had to go mow the damn lawn, before its tarts to pour again.

I think my lawn is going to blow away. We're supposed to get some serious wind this weekend. Good thing I can't go play, it'd be a tough go with a driver and three wedges :lol:

Sorry for the delay had to go mow the damn lawn, before its tarts to pour again.

I think my lawn is going to blow away. We're supposed to get some serious wind this weekend. Good thing I can't go play, it'd be a tough go with a driver and three wedges :lol:

Yeah that would be tough . Unless the course had 18 300 yard par 4's :lol:

But that again , look at all the practice you can get in this weekend with your driver and the 3 wedge's :wink: :lol:

But that again , look at all the practice you can get in this weekend with your driver and the 3 wedge's

Therein lies my problem, two of them are already gone out of the bag. I've got this itch that I can't help but SCRATCH. :lol: and I don't like to hit clubs that already have their death certificates signed. However, the itch will still be around for another 3 weeks so I guess I'll have to use them until then.

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Sorry for the delay had to go mow the damn lawn, before its tarts to pour again.

I think my lawn is going to blow away. We're supposed to get some serious wind this weekend. Good thing I can't go play, it'd be a tough go with a driver and three wedges :lol:

Bitch, bitch , bitch - I am getting new irons. :D

you can put a hand on the end of your putter 8O 8O :?:

you can put a hand on the end of your putter

Now that could make for some uncomfortable putting. Plus, unless you used a long putter it'd have to be a female hand because I don't want a male hand that close to the wedding tackle. :lol:

No, I'm talking about the little rubber thingy the seasoned citizens attach to the end of the putter grip. It's almost looks like a rubber door stop. I'll see if I can find one and post a link.

All it basically is , is a small suction cup that sticks to the ball and pulls it up and out of the hole .

I see..it helps if I read all the words in a post in order to fully comprehend what is being said, however my reading, like my swing, gets a little quick sometimes,

we've had so much rain the last 24 hours I gotta go find my inflatable shoes..one of the course's I play is probably under water by now and more on the way.

Day 3 of the deluge :!: Sitting here watching my lawn become more snarly than any US Open rough I guess I should be grateful it's not nice out since I couldn't play anyway..but dag nabbit I be gettin' tired of rain..sure hope my new wedges get here in time for the city tourney..

speaking of US Open rough who you guys picking :?:

I actually got out to play today... went to the good old muni for some ghetto golf.

I hate muni people!!!! my ball got stolen 2 times! True I had this odd 20yrd fade that showed up with th driver off a few tee's but just cause I am in the rough don't give someone the right to pick up my ball while they are looking for thiers. I even had the opertunity to confront one guy who I saw pick up my ball... the fat bastard lied through his teeth to me! I wasn't about to get nasty about it on the golf course cause its not my style but I hope the jack @ss threw out his back swinging at the thing and will never be able to play again.

The other guy just played the wrong ball without looking at it... I guess I can forgive that but I hope the other guy rots in golf hell.

I actually got out to play today... went to the good old muni for some ghetto golf.

I hate muni people!!!! my ball got stolen 2 times! True I had this odd 20yrd fade that showed up with th driver off a few tee's but just cause I am in the rough don't give someone the right to pick up my ball while they are looking for thiers. I even had the opertunity to confront one guy who I saw pick up my ball... the fat bastard lied through his teeth to me! I wasn't about to get nasty about it on the golf course cause its not my style but I hope the jack @ss threw out his back swinging at the thing and will never be able to play again.

The other guy just played the wrong ball without looking at it... I guess I can forgive that but I hope the other guy rots in golf hell.

Glad to see that you finally your able to make it out pete . And you know something , what you described here does not only happen at Muni golf , happens at my course every day of the week and to me it just doesn't make any sese at all . I'm at a semi private Military course .

When I see a ball lying in the rough or where ever I never pick it up never .

To me that is stealing and I hate people who steal . Beside's it is probably a 10 round wonder Rock Flight that the guy is using and what the f**k would I want that POS for .

I wish they had golf ball police out on the course example . GCP - Is that your ball Mr Bloggins ?? Mr Bloggins - well officer it is in the area where I hit mine so it must be . GCP- May I see that ball Mr Bloggins ??

Mr Bloggins - If you really need to see it officer here it is . GCP- Now Mr Bloggins , every one at this course know that you are a tight wad and that moths fly out of your wallet when you open it , so JUST WHAT THE f**k ARE YOU DOING WITH A PRO V1 ??

You Mr Bloggins have just bought yourself a 30 day suspension . Good bye Mr Bloggins .

Sorry to ramble on but I think you might get my drift now :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was thinking of installing a trap or 2...

place a ball in the rough with fishing line attached to it... on the other end of the fishing line... a deadly pissed off cobra.

Some jerk tries to lift the ball and WHAM! a fatal dose of cobra venom!

I was thinking of installing a trap or 2...

place a ball in the rough with fishing line attached to it... on the other end of the fishing line... a deadly pissed off cobra.

Some jerk tries to lift the ball and WHAM! a fatal dose of cobra venom!

I'm laughing very hard at the moment..thanks pete...need a little web cam on top of the cobra's head so you could watch this as it happens...

:lol: :lol:

That would be priceless and for a fact we could even make a Master Card priceless commercial out of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

That would be priceless and for a fact we could even make a Master Card priceless commercial out of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Round of Golf - $55

Box of Top Flites - $3

Finding a Pro V1 in the Rough - Free

Dying from a cobra bite - Priceless...

Don't be a cheap bastard buy your own balls with Master Card!

That would be priceless and for a fact we could even make a Master Card priceless commercial out of it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Round of Golf - $55

Box of Top Flites - $3

Finding a Pro V1 in the Rough - Free

Dying from a cobra bite - Priceless...

Don't be a cheap bastard buy your own balls with Master Card!

Priceless pete , Priceless :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey mike I played nine today!!

But my car has developed an over heating problem... this is real bad news not only could it ruin my budgeting to get me a either a red x or a np 2, but it could also limit my golfing even further. My car may be sidelined permenantly or atleast for a week or two. I really don't have a way to make it to the course!!!!

My only golfing buddy has one of those anti golfing girlfriends. He actually has to sneak out to the course to play, shhhh!! but he wasn't supposed to be golfing today!, so his action is limited at best. He usually plays at 6:30am on a Saturday so he can be bitch wipped for the rest of the day... 6:30am really doesn't comply with my lifestyle! on a Friday if I put down the beer before 4am something must be wrong in the universe. And ff I get up that early for golf it better be atleast 36 holes.

I am so glad my girlfriend isn't anti-golf... I am really glad she is pro-golf. She always asks me to send her a text before I tee off so she knows not to try to call. Then when I call her after I am done she asks me about my round... AND SHE ACTUALLY WANTS TO HEAR AND LISTENS TO ALL THE NASTY DETAILS. For example I told her yesterday that I worked on explosion shots after my round b/c I was struggling on short beach shots and today she asked specifically if my sand play was any better!!!! I was shocked... now I feel bad about glazing over when she talks about some topics.

The great thing is my girl understands that its time for the boys to be boys... my friends girl actually forced him to go out and buy her clubs so she could play, which she only did once. Even if my girl did play I would still want to get out with the guys from time to time... and I am sure my girl would understand this...

Poor guy, and he just bought a house with her! He's done he just signed up for a life of suck (and not the good kind)!

Damn i just threadjacked myself in my own thread... now that takes skill!

Anyhow... significant others who try to hinder golf playing suck, and the fact that I can't get to a course sucks bigtime!

Hey mike I played nine today!!  

But my car has developed an over heating problem... this is real bad news not only could it ruin my budgeting to get me a either a red x or a np 2, but it could also limit my golfing even further.  My car may be sidelined permenantly or atleast for a week or two. I really don't have a way to make it to the course!!!!

My only golfing buddy has one of those anti golfing girlfriends. He actually has to sneak out to the course to play, shhhh!! but he wasn't supposed to be golfing today!, so his action is limited at best. He usually plays at 6:30am on a Saturday so he can be bitch wipped for the rest of the day... 6:30am really doesn't comply with my lifestyle!  on a Friday if I put down the beer before 4am something must be wrong in the universe. And ff I get up that early for golf it better be atleast 36 holes.  

I am so glad my girlfriend isn't anti-golf... I am really glad she is pro-golf. She always asks me to send her a text before I tee off so she knows not to try to call. Then when I call her after I am done she asks me about my round... AND SHE ACTUALLY WANTS TO HEAR AND LISTENS TO ALL THE NASTY DETAILS. For example I told her yesterday that I worked on explosion shots after my round b/c I was struggling on short beach shots and today she asked specifically if my sand play was any better!!!! I was shocked... now I feel bad about glazing over when she talks about some topics.  

The great thing is my girl understands that its time for the boys to be boys... my friends girl actually forced him to go out and buy her clubs so she could play, which she only did once. Even if my girl did play I would still want to get out with the guys from time to time... and I am sure my girl would understand this...

Poor guy, and he just bought a house with her! He's done he just signed up for a life of suck (and not the good kind)!

Damn i just threadjacked myself in my own thread... now that takes skill!

Anyhow... significant others who try to hinder golf playing suck, and the fact that I can't get to a course sucks bigtime!

Good to hear that you made it out today pete , me had a little down turn with my cold so thought it was best to stay home and you know what , I was right am feeling better already .

Now about your car , what is exactly wrong with it ?? You say overheating problem , but that could be caused by a number of things . Some are real bad and others are not so bad . Any idea on yours ??

Another question for you , how are you putting ?? Great , Good Fair or Terrible ?? . The reason I ask is you already have a great putter why do you want another maybe good one ?? I'll trade you straight up my Baby Ben for your 1.5 :lol: :lol: Just joking .

Get the car fixed and don't even think about another putter till yours falls flat on its face .

Like I said about 15 pages and 500 posts ago pete , you have got a keeper there so don't do anything to f**k it up my man :wink: :)

well my father... the optimist thinks its just a thermostat problem...

me... the pesimist... I think its the transmition, it seems to be reving real high at highway speeds.

as for the putter... my putting is ok, I have been fooling around with an olf POS oddessy, I hate the insert but I kind of like the plumers neck. It makes me feel more confident. Hence the NP 2.

The red X just looks real tempting... I'll need to give it a demo, but it looks hot.

well my father... the optimist thinks its just a thermostat problem...

me... the pesimist... I think its the transmition, it seems to be reving real high at highway speeds.

as for the putter... my putting is ok, I have been fooling around with an olf POS oddessy, I hate the insert but I kind of like the plumers neck. It makes me feel more confident. Hence the NP 2.

The red X just looks real tempting... I'll need to give it a demo, but it looks hot.

So I take it then that you are not getting and coolant in the pass compartment ?? If you were that would mean heater core problems .

Red X looks hot and so does the almost grand they are going for on eBay 8O

well my father... the optimist thinks its just a thermostat problem...

me... the pesimist... I think its the transmition, it seems to be reving real high at highway speeds.

as for the putter... my putting is ok, I have been fooling around with an olf POS oddessy, I hate the insert but I kind of like the plumers neck. It makes me feel more confident. Hence the NP 2.

The red X just looks real tempting... I'll need to give it a demo, but it looks hot.

So I take it then that you are not getting and coolant in the pass compartment ?? If you were that would mean heater core problems .

Red X looks hot and so does the almost grand they are going for on eBay 8O

huh? The air conditioning works... and when I turn on the heat it helps a lot.

pete , if your heater core is blown you would get coolant leaking into the passanger compartment . That is what I was getting at .

From what you just described it sounds like you need a new RAD . Turn heater on and the temp gauge goes down correct ??

I actually got out to play today... went to the good old muni for some ghetto golf.

I hate muni people!!!! my ball got stolen 2 times!

It's the golf equivalent of keying someone's car! It's a d!ckless move! (Travolta - Pulp Fiction). Happened to me the other day.

I think I should start each round with the ball I'm going to play down my pants, then put it down there between each green & tee, getting it really funky.

Next thing you know, some dude picks up your wayward drive, it'll cost you a stroke, but you laugh your ass off! :P

Pete..glad you got to play...sorry about the car, I hate those kinds of things and hopefully it won't cost a lot to repair.

as for your buddy and his manhood abuser..tough..used to have one of those problems, and you don't sign up for life..just give her 1/2 of everything you own and you can be finished (if there aren't any kids,then you're never done)..I've developed a theory on why guys stay in those kinds of relationships...fear that they will NEVER see another woman naked again 8O :lol: :lol:

speaking of girls, played with a gentleman and his college aged daughter yesterday (it didn't rain until after 9PM), and had to work my ass off not to have her beat me, kid had quite a game...

enough babble...Pete hope your car gets better cheaply, Mike hope your health returns..

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