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Guy's I have come to the realization that who ever invented this game should be SHOT and PISSED ON :-)  :-)  :-)  

Played 3 of the last 4 days , and I don't think I have played this bad since I took the game up in 1989 . Rounds of 86 , 82 and 86  :surprize:  :sad:  

Am almost at the point where if my game doesn't come around soon ,  I chuck everything and take up something else , like fishing and or even bowling :bulls**t:  :-D  

Only thing is I know if I do get rid of all my clubs in 3 months I would have to buy new stuff as the bug would bite once again and then I'll really be f**ked :laugh:

Rrrriiigggghhhttttt...well Mike if you decide to chuck all I'll buy all your stuff at a serious dicount and then in three months you could buy it all back at the same price less a small storage fee... :surprize: :cool:

I understand your woes only to well...this has been as up and down a year as I can remember...but you never know when your brain will decide to turn itself off and the game will get good in a hurry...this is of course only my theory, I haven't done anything but struggle lately and Saturday played one of the finest shotmaking rounds I can remember...hit 12 fairways and every green but 2...all because I was able to NOT think about what the hell I was doing.. :-D

I'd be playing today but for all the lightening arriving shortly...holding a metal club around that stuff truely terrifies me..

AKfly...I quit smoking and gained about 25 lbs...inside of a year it all went away..at the time it bothered hell out of me but I figured carrying the extra weight was better than smoking my 4 packs a day...after 18yrs turns out I was right...my lungs no longer attempt to expel themselves from my chest every morning when I wake up...I do not miss that cough..

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I quit dipping copenhagen and went from 180 (size 33/34 waist) to 195 (size 36) and I can't get rid of it. I guess I need to get my lazy ass out there to work out. I was going to start this summer but the hand/arm problems have kept me from doing it. Hopefully here soon I will start.

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Well I took a long lunch and worked out for 1.5 hours. It felt good-especially after a weekend of heavy eating and drinking. Now I just need the motivation to keep it up along with not eating fast food. :wah:

I've been running two miles each morning this week so I've at least started doing something. Now I just need to hit a cycle of test and get back in the gym. JUst joking about the test but the gym wouldn't hurt. If I could just kick my coke habit (Coca-Cola). I swear I drink at least 3 a day.

I got the wedge back and all looks good. I told them to put the same shaft in it as before and they slapped a sensicore in it. Is that standard for Celveland? I think they just wanted to charge me more :mad:

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I've been running two miles each morning this week so I've at least started doing something. Now I just need to hit a cycle of test and get back in the gym. JUst joking about the test but the gym wouldn't hurt. If I could just kick my coke habit (Coca-Cola). I swear I drink at least 3 a day.

I got the wedge back and all looks good. I told them to put the same shaft in it as before and they slapped a sensicore in it. Is that standard for Celveland? I think they just wanted to charge me more :mad:


Kick the soda - too much sugar. I did it by drinnking diet coke and JD - after a while I never looked back.

So far two days in a row in the gym.

I thought Cleveland uses S400 shafts non-sensicore.

??? - why did you send it to Cleveland ?


Kick the soda - too much sugar. I did it by drinnking diet coke and JD - after a while I never looked back.  

So far two days in a row in the gym.  

I thought Cleveland uses S400 shafts non-sensicore.  

??? - why did you send it to Cleveland ?

Bad writing on my part, I took it to the local repair shop. I just told them to put whatever was in it before and I picked it up with s-300 sensicore or at least that's the label on it. I haven't hit it yet but I loved the club before Pete Dye jacked it up. :mad:

Well it finally happened today . Took a long time , since March but I finally chipped in with my 57* scratch wedge :love:

For birdie yet to and it won me the hole . :smile1:

Won't get into the rest of the game , so will just say it sucked big time .

Since July of 03 have gone from a index of .9 to as of today a 5.4 and climbing . This keeps up I won't even get into the big boys flight of my Club Championship :sad:

I am freaking out...

haven't played golf in 8 weeks!

(we are talking not even gone to the range or practiced putting)

and worse than that I haven't posted on tourspec in a long ass time!

the reason...

I have decided to change career plans. Out goes engineering and here comes photography. I have always been in love with cameras, and have some talent with one in my hand.

I wanted to become an engineer because it paid well and I am good at math. I also was drawn to engineering because I saw a glimmer of creativity. I am by nature a creative person (part of the reason I like golf), I to feel like I am being creative in order to be happy. Well I have witnessed that glimmer of creativity squashed by corperate america.

As many of you witnessed my last co-op consisted of being paied to post on Tourspec for about 6.5hrs a day. Good fun you might think. Yeah its cool for a little while, but after a while an overall sense of worthlessness sets in. And then to make matters worse I saw how truely worthless engineers are thought to be by large companies. As I sat in my cubical the department around me was disassembled. Great engineers who saved that company millions of dollars a year were fired to be replaced by a contracted engineering firm who had no experience in this business's field.

I can't work thinking that no matter how good I am at what I do I can be replaced without the blink of an eye. Where is the reward?

Is it to much to ask to have a job where my talents are appreciated? Where I might achieve something more than being an expense.

So now I am setting off to become a photographer. I would like to work in documentary photojournalism, but I am not limiting myself. As long as my creativity can be used I'll be happy.

So anyhow I have been busting my butt trying to get a foot in the door of the photography world. I have been reading and making contacts on the internet, I started working for the college news paper and am working on getting some freelance work.

And guess what they have messageboards that make our golf ones look silly... check out this...


You have to pay to post and they have a waiting list... and in order to get on the waiting list you have to be backed by a current member! The reason why is that the best of the best are on there day to day... could you imagine if Tourspec had Tiger and Phil dropping by to talk gear!

Good luck with the career change pete . And here I thought you had snuck away on us and gotten married :laugh:

Some very interesting pic's on that site . Have sent a link from the site to my work and will be passing it along to some people I know .


Mike congrats on the chip in. Feels great doesn't it.

Pete...I 100% understand how you feel. I have felt that for a while at my job and am looking to starting my own business...franchising off of my father in law. Just do not feel the appreciation in financial ways and other frustrating day to day happenings.

I went to the range and the hands have been feeling a bit better but it seems that the contact with the ground causes the top of my hads to hurt...more of a burning pain. This sucks. So the game is in bad shape. Oh well enough of my pity party...I hope you guys are having a great week and glad to see you back Pete.

Thanks Al . It's good to hear that the hand , wrist is feeling better .

Am hoping that something good happens this weekend with my game . It has to come around sooner than later I hope .

Got the Club Champ next weekend , and I don't want to be playing this bad for that .

If I am , guess it will be time to take a long break and take some lessons or even go to a week long golf school :sad:

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Pete - find your happiness - life is too short to be doing something you do not love.

Mike - way to go with the chip in. I hit the range heavy the other day and I am back in love with my TS z's.

Al- glad the wrist feels better - how do you like the shafts in the irons ?

The board seems to be "petering" out - needs a shot in the arm.

Or is it a winter thing ?

It has been really dead lately. Not sure what the shot in the arm would be but it needs something. I think one of the problems is all the different time zones everyone is in. I thought the contests might help but they really haven't.

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It has been really dead lately. Not sure what the shot in the arm would be but it needs something. I think one of the problems is all the different time zones everyone is in. I thought the contests might help but they really haven't.

Personally - I think the honeymoon is over - evreyone knows evreyone and there is only so much you can say about golf.

Anyway - no in in the gutter gang is using a R7.

My buddy just called and said his retail is the best driver he has ever used.

I'm too in love with my 300 now to go to a R7. No way I'm paying that kind of jack, it'll be 300 bucks in no time. The only thing that would maybe tempt me is a 510 DF, which are starting to get into my price range. I'm trying to decide if I want to scrap the 3 and 5 wood and play a 4 wood. :money:

I really do not think I am going to shell out that much for a club I do not use that often. I love my 580 so I think I will stick with it for a while. I think the posting just lulls a little right now because it is summer and people are out in the fresh air enjoying things...as it should be. I like the shafts but I am going to reshaft the 7 iron with graphite and see how i like it. Just looking to take some shock away and I was hitting the Z101 with the TX Tour shaft quite high. I might have to strengthen the lofts but I am no playing enough to justify it. Maybe when the body is healed...hopefully soon.

Yeah I think it is just a summer thing . Wait till winter comes back and people will be on here 24 hours a day getting there fix .

Al , the TX Tours you say you hit them high ?? How high compared to your 300's and shafts in them . I was a low ball hitter and in my Z's have the PX hit them real high for me .

So I think it is more the head and not the shaft .

No way am I getting a R7 at the price of them now . Have a great driver in the 500 and am plenty long enough with it for me .

Mike: I hit my 300's lower with sensicore s300 in them. It was more of a high but flat trajectory. With the TX tours it is more of a goes high then drops trajectory. I hope that is clear. 1 thing for sure is I have always been a high ball hitter...these just seem to be a little higher...may bend them to get it down. I am also thinking of experimenting with graphite in the z101 because of the hands. I may just quit for 2 months. I am getting the 7 iron done tomorrow. Not sure which shaft...will let you guys know how it goes.

Thanks for the info Al . Good luck with whatever shafts you try .

Hey Pete....thought you'd dropped off the end of the world...one of the few things I've learned is if you're not happy with what you're doing find something else...hope the photography is a success, my ex brother-in-law is very successful..did you finish your engineering degree?

Al..am curious how the graphite will affect your hands..in theory should be more better..but in theory I should be able to speak proper English..

I'm dumping my internet provider on Monday, the DSL goes out every night at around 8PM and the tech guys insist its a wiring problem in my house...after 6 nights in a row of calling and getting the same answer I suggested that their attachment to my wallet was about to have a wiring issue also..so cable modem here I come...and I work for one of the phone companies subsidiaries...it's a shame when your own employees can't be loyal...but I have this insane desire to have stuff I'm paying for work all the time not just some of the time..silly me..with work being busy and the internet unavailable I've been missing this place...plus I've been playing as much as I can...this game is so much in the head it's crazy...or maybe my heads crazy and the game makes perfect sense..although I'm leaning more towards I'm just an old burnt out drug fiend lost orbiting a planet of my own creation...can you tell it's early?

ah well..off to the salt mines..

:tired: :tired:

Good luck Pete. I once had delusions of an engineering dancing in my head, but I feel much better now! :laugh:

I understand the creative side. Even though it pays kind of crappy, I'd rather been enjoying myself building web sites and graphics any day! :cool:

OH MY GOD I SUCK!!!!!!!!!! I missed one fairway, by about a foot, and shot a 44 on the front. I wasn't much better on the back with a 40 and two missed fairways. My short game was sooooooooooooooo bad I'm thinking about joining Mike in vacation from golf land. :mad: I was absolutely lacing the ball with my woods and my wedges were the exact opposite. I had the touch of a blacksmith today. I'm gonna hit the greenies or brownies or what ever color of beer bottle I can get my hands on and call it a day.

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OH MY GOD I SUCK!!!!!!!!!! I missed one fairway, by about a foot, and shot a 44 on the front. I wasn't much better on the back with a 40 and two missed fairways. My short game was sooooooooooooooo bad I'm thinking about joining Mike in vacation from golf land. :mad: I was absolutely lacing the ball with my woods and my wedges were the exact opposite. I had the touch of a blacksmith today. I'm gonna hit the greenies or brownies or what ever color of beer bottle I can get my hands on and call it a day.

I took the weekend off from golf and sat on the beach, Much less stress. :)

Been away for a little while guys . How has everybody been ??

Game is starting to come around , ( about freakin ) time :mad:

So sorry to say that the b/s/t will not have anything for sale in it for a while :laugh:

Except for maybe a 660 , will wait and see what happens in the next couple of weeks .

Oh and the ??? in my sig not tellin ya what it is yet . :laugh: Want to see how it works first .

Boy has it ever been dead here today :-D Is the whole Gutter Gang on vacation right now :whistle:

Where is everybody :sad:

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