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If your gonna be selling stuff I thing the certified seller is the way to go..at least for a while ..you could become the first official icon ho and change every other day just for grins...sort of like i check Alan's and Hipcheck's avatar to see what's up today ....just MO.. :cool:

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Wow has anybody else seen the new one ??? It is outstanding and if I had high speed cable I would be buying a new computer right this moment .

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

I think if you are going to be selling stuff then change it. It would be nice if we could bounce back and fourth. If I sale my z101 then i might get it for the sale but I think I would want the good ole gutter gang back. I have some rteferences of previous sales so I think I would not have a hard time saling. Enough for now...I'll check in later.

Mike...I saw that iMac..and what can I say but I like it..thing is really attractive to me, especially that self contained flat screen...and quiet..I read where they have 3 fans inside so they can run at a lower speed thus less noise...very nice stuff...now if I could just figure out how to make a gif picture smaller...but techno tard that I am...it may take awhile but if it can be done I'll figure it out even if I have to ask somebody.. :laugh:

You guys will never believe what I did yesterday...


After our last Final a bunch of us grabbed some beer and hit the course. Ah what a great time! I love golf :love:

the best thing was despite the huge amount of time I took off my game wasn't that bad... well the front nine was good, the back nine was a little drunk.

The hardest part was judging distance, the course had really sparse markings... this combined with not being sure how far I hit my irons made for some interesting shots. I flew several greens.

My driving was excellent. I only missed two fairways on the front. One I hit into a bunker and the other I tried to fade into a short dogleg but went straight and came to rest just beyond the fairway.

My game from 100yrds in was terrible though but considering this I still managed 17 putts on the front nine. Two three putts, which I felt lucky to only take three, and I had a string of 3 1 putts which felt real nice.

The hole where I hit into the bunker was real fun. my ball wasn't actually in the sand but on the front slope. I had about 120yrds to the green so I pulled a 5 iron figuring the slope would add loft to the club and landed it on the back of the green. It always feels real nice when things work out the way your planned.

Like I said my short game was hurting. I only hit 3 greens on the front. and cause of that I shot 13 over. My score card as lots of doubles on 2 putts and bogeys on 1 putts. I had a triple b/c I sailed the green by 40yrds.

We won't even get into the drunk mess on the back nine but it was a lot of fun.

It feels good to be back. I got 3 weeks off so hopefully I'll get out again. the money is a litttle low though.

i also played today...shot 82 with 5 doubles and three birds. The first two birds on par threes the longest putt was two feet. Damn that felt good. The z101 will not make it back in the bag. I will be going tomorrow to get the graphite shaft removed and the steel put back in so I can sell them. I have been getting great reviews in the post I made...TM vs Ping vs Titleist. I am leaning towards the s59 wrx with the sweeper grind on them at D8 sw. I think the z101 at d3 are just too light for me since I have been using e1 for the last three or four years. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Pete..glad you got thru finals and got to play...I'm with you, I love golf :love: ..

Alan..good to see you hitting your irons..that's the trouble with experiments; they don't always work..I'm curious to see what you finally wind up getting and how they work...I'm starting to ponder changing my irons after the new year

ya'll have a good holiday and if you're traveling take your damn time..to many assbags on the road as it is.. :-)

Wow has anybody else seen the new one ??? It is outstanding and if I had high speed cable I would be buying a new computer right this moment .

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Just saw it. Apple just kicks a** on every other computer manufacturer out there. I'm typing on a PowerBook right now drooling on the keyboard after seeing the iMac. Apple rocks.

Wow has anybody else seen the new one ??? It is outstanding and if I had high speed cable I would be buying a new computer right this moment .

:cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:

Just saw it. Apple just kicks a** on every other computer manufacturer out there. I'm typing on a PowerBook right now drooling on the keyboard after seeing the iMac. Apple rocks.

Glad to see that there is at least one other Mac geek here beside's pete and myself .

I can't wait till the local mac store has got one in so I can at least go down and drool over it :laugh: :cool:

Wow has anybody else seen the new one ??? It is outstanding and if I had high speed cable I would be buying a new computer right this moment .

:cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:

Just saw it. Apple just kicks a** on every other computer manufacturer out there. I'm typing on a PowerBook right now drooling on the keyboard after seeing the iMac. Apple rocks.

Glad to see that there is at least one other Mac geek here beside's pete and myself .

I can't wait till the local mac store has got one in so I can at least go down and drool over it :laugh: :cool:

Well, I'm no Apple geek, though I probably should be b/c of it's use in graphic development.

Anyway, I did just buy an iPod mini though, and once I accustomed myself to the backassward interface, I must say I pretty psyched. It's a cool little machine...Anyone else have one?

Since it has been five days since we have posted down here I thought I would let you guys know about my week. First off I got the Joe Kwok wedge and this thing is beautiful. The review is in the import/tour equip....I accidently put it in the wrong forum...oh well. Played in a four man captians choice. I got a gift cert for 2 rounds of golf. The tourny is for handicapped kids in my county's schools. Great cause. We did not do so good...but we had a great time. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

Glad to see this thread come up again. Tough weekend for me. My wife's father died on the 100th floor of the Trade Center. It's amazing how much it still hurts to this day.

It's tough to see things like college football start on Sept. 11th, even though it's 3 years later. I guess because you lose someone your so close to in such a public way, you know your Sept. 11th will never ever be normal. I understand and realize the importance of getting on with our lives, but for some of us, it can't fully happen.

For 9/11 victims, their lives represent so much. My country is at war because of their death -- with not one, but two countries. Most deaths aren't captured on tape and replayed a billion times over. It's a really heavy feeling, especially since the whole attack was pointless and cowardly.

Sorry for the rant guys. Just a tough weekend. We knew about 50 people who died :)

Hip- I agree that there needs to be some type of day of respect set up for those who perished on Sept.11th. It seems that the relevance of the day is not recognized as it should be. There seemed to be hardly a mention of it. I realize that it did occur on a non news day(Saturday) this year but my how quickly we forget.

On a golf note, I played Bear's Best on Friday and had a great time. THe course is in pristine shape and they actually have to let the greens grow to slow them down to a 10 for the tournament this year. They've been selected as one of the three hosts in this year's PGA tournament, which finally secured a sponsor. Thank you Michelin!

Hip...sorry for you loss...I am not sure that the feelings around the time of a loved one's passing ever get easier..my dad's been gone for 15 yrs and since he died on my birthday it sort of dims the celebratory mood. I can only imagine the feelings associated with a loss as a result of an act of cowardice. I noticed all the flags here were at half mast....a nice touch...I for one will not forget...

on a lighter note...my wedges should be here soon, at last, then I can spend the end of Sept and all of October playing as often as possible...this is why I save my vacation time... :cool:

Thanks guys. Shoe, sorry about your loss as well. Yep, the days just won't be the same...oh and it's about time you get the wedges! How long has it been????

I ordered them April 30th..but due to manufacturing woes am still waiting...ah the joys of being in business...seems there was a plating malfunction involving acid contamination eating some of the heads...trashed all the carefully groomed headweight specs....sigh

I ordered them April 30th..but due to manufacturing woes am still waiting...ah the joys of being in business...seems there was a plating malfunction involving acid contamination eating some of the heads...trashed all the carefully groomed headweight specs....sigh

shoes in 2 weeks that will be 5 months :surprize: Lets hope they have not forgotten about you . :-D

Oh no...Ari and I have been talking..most recently the end of August when he said they got my shafts in and just need to complete the grinding and have them finished at which time I get them...hopefully they don't get lost in shipping..(I really hope I didn't just jinx myself)....

Hey guy's , has anybody seen our fearless leader around lately :whistle:

If he doesn't make an apperance soon we might have to stage a coup and get us a new one :laugh:

The Gutter Gang can not stay leaderless :laugh: :laugh:

* Just some mindless rambling's very early on a Tuesday morning *

I think he's out looking for Moose and Squirrel


Yeah I have wondered where Pete has been. another great pic Hipcheck.

I have returned to the life of the bachelor again this week. Wife is in Birmingham, Alabama working. Played golf yesterday in an hour and 50 minutes. Played to fast...felt like I was running from shot to shot even though I was in a cart. The Joe Kwok wedge is the s**t. Great from 125 in and has replaced my pw as my shot for long pitches. Just puts more bite on the ball. Today I came home from work and I could not resist. Sunny...not a cloud in the sky and took the boat out. Cruised up the lake at 35 mph with the wind blowing and the water was like a sheet of glass. Went about 20 miles up the lake and back. I was in heaven. Had the headphones on with a little Jimmy Buffett playing and just enjoyed the ride with 2 beers. That was great. Almost makes me want to give up golf and just spend more time on the lake. This my freinds was true Chamber of Commerce weather. hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did.

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Yeah I have wondered where Pete has been. another great pic Hipcheck.

I have returned to the life of the bachelor again this week. Wife is in Birmingham, Alabama working. Played golf yesterday in an hour and 50 minutes. Played to fast...felt like I was running from shot to shot even though I was in a cart. The Joe Kwok wedge is the s**t. Great from 125 in and has replaced my pw as my shot for long pitches. Just puts more bite on the ball. Today I came home from work and I could not resist. Sunny...not a cloud in the sky and took the boat out. Cruised up the lake at 35 mph with the wind blowing and the water was like a sheet of glass. Went about 20 miles up the lake and back. I was in heaven. Had the headphones on with a little Jimmy Buffett playing and just enjoyed the ride with 2 beers. That was great. Almost makes me want to give up golf and just spend more time on the lake. This my freinds was true Chamber of Commerce weather. hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did.

Is that Alan next to Pete ?

:roll: ....yes sir I believe it is...some boat trip eh

too funny

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