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Not a heck of a lot pete . It seems that the winter doldrums have set in and a lot of people are taking breaks .

Some of us have taking to hanging out in the chat room and one or more of us seem to be there every night .

So if you get a chance stop by some night , lets say between 8pm and 9pm your time or EST . :laugh:

Maybe you will at the very least have a good laugh . :laugh:

Well I have been on sabatical for the last couple of weeks. Haven't been feeling too good but I think things are turning around. Not much for me Pete just glad to be feeling better. Have a great day guys!


I love your avatar, I happen to catch that show! That had to be the funniest stuff I have ever seen on tv... MiniMe riding a scooter ass naked, only to ride over and piss in the corner... classic!

omg!!! we just dumped again with about 15cm of snow,lol. i hate winter. watching the pga tour is getting me all excited for golfing, but then we get more snow

omg!!! we just dumped again with about 15cm of snow,lol. i hate winter. watching the pga tour is getting me all excited for golfing, but then we get more snow

Well then maybe you should move elsewhere :laugh:

Out here we got a big dump last saturday night around 15 - 20 cm's and you know what ?? By Monday morning it was all gone . No snow left anywhere and the ski hill even had to close :laugh: :laugh:

But now we have the pinapple express coming throung so am still not golfing as all it is doing now is raining :-) :-) :-) :-)

omg!!! we just dumped again with about 15cm of snow,lol. i hate winter. watching the pga tour is getting me all excited for golfing, but then we get more snow

Well then maybe you should move elsewhere :laugh:

Out here we got a big dump last saturday night around 15 - 20 cm's and you know what ?? By Monday morning it was all gone . No snow left anywhere and the ski hill even had to close :laugh: :laugh:

But now we have the pinapple express coming throung so am still not golfing as all it is doing now is raining :-) :-) :-) :-)

its a good idea to move elsewhere. we had snow ouple weeks ago, but it melted and started to get a little warm, but weve had the past few days around -10.

Snow's coming down about an inch an hour here in NJ right now...We've been lucky so far this year, but our luck has run out.

I'm still grilling some meat outside though. A little blizzard can't stop me. 'Sleet, rain, or snow...The ribs must get grilled..." :cool:

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I am looking at about 9 inches on the deck and it is still coming down.

A good way to spend the day hungover. :D

Snow's coming down about an inch an hour here in NJ right now...We've been lucky so far this year, but our luck has run out.

I'm still grilling some meat outside though.  A little blizzard can't stop me.  'Sleet, rain, or snow...The ribs must get grilled..."  :cool:

nothing can stop u from grilling,lol

Just got my irons back from Mr Kwok...new shafts, blueprinted, back to cord grips, and a foot of freaking snow on the ground...fortunately my neighbor has shoveled a spot in his backyard, which is on a bluff overlooking the city beach so if it gets above 3* soon I can go smack a few to get a feel for what these Tour Concept shafts are about...been dealing with two family crises (teenager + drugs+ alcohol for one) for the last month so my mind has been on other things..but damn do I need to smack some golf balls around...the new year is off to a poop start...but I'm beginning to believe we'll get all the crap out of the way BEFORE I can play so that when the season starts in March all the distractions will be dealt with or to the point I can ignore them and get my game in shape...women and children...there are days I wish I could sell them on the open market...or even just give them away.. :yuk:

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Shoe - hang in there. You live in avery good state with plenty of family counseling and great programs. Take advantage of it.

Hopefully it is just a phase that slows with maturity. Communication solves most problems.

Let me know how it goes - I have three to deal with in the future.

:smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2:

Thanks Andy...fortunately I have a lot of professionals involved already..and with 20 yrs of experience dealing with this issue I've learned a lot...I just keep telling the kid that I'll love her until she learns to love herself...and then we will both love her...now if I could just hit the range and beat some frustration on a couple of hundred balls...snow's not melting fast enough... :o

Thanks Andy...fortunately I have a lot of professionals involved already..and with 20 yrs of experience dealing with this issue I've learned a lot...I just keep telling the kid that I'll love her until she learns to love herself...and then we will both love her...now if I could just hit the range and beat some frustration on a couple of hundred balls...snow's not melting fast enough... :o

snow will never melt fast enough,lol

Thanks Andy...fortunately I have a lot of professionals involved already..and with 20 yrs of experience dealing with this issue I've learned a lot...I just keep telling the kid that I'll love her until she learns to love herself...and then we will both love her...now if I could just hit the range and beat some frustration on a couple of hundred balls...snow's not melting fast enough... :o


I don't know your situation, or do I want to, but I feel that this would be an appropriate time to share with all of you a little bit more of me. Hopefully all of you with kids out there my age or approaching it can take something from it and learn.

First off I am an only child. I come from two great parents who would do anything for me and never expect anything in return. I honestly couldn't have asked for better parents, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

In all through my primary education I was a goodie-goodie, I got good grades, I played in the band, I played sports, I was President of the Latin club, but I wasn't a complete tool. I still managed to do alright with the ladies.

It all started in middle school, my buddies and I would go to the swimming pool in the summer and sit around with lippers of tobacco, because we thought that was cool. And usually a day wouldn't go by without one of us puking or heads off from swallowing some of the dip. Back then we didn't even think of smoking, because we were all on the soccer team. Then we saw some of the guys on the High School team smoking cigarettes.

So now we were smoking cigarettes. We used to have to walk two miles to get to this gas station that would sell to anything that walked in the door. I never really liked cigarettes or dip. I did them to be cool. I never did either when I was alone. Both usually ended up making me feel sick, but I did them anyways, because like all young kids I strived to be "cool" and if I had to feel like I was on the brink of puking at all times to be "cool" then by God I was going to do it!

Next came pot. I has wanted to try it, but was just waiting for an opertunity to arise. Then one day in the summer before ninth grade, again at the pool, some of the older guys from the soccer team were smoking some pot and asked if I wanted in. I remeber we smoked out of this little bong that collapsed into what looked like, or could be mistaken for a film container. We smoked, I did get high my first time. I almost freaked out because they were threatening to make me drink the bong water.

Next came alcohol. I can't even remember my first experience with alcohol. It was some time during ninth grade. Back then and to this day I never really cared for alcohol. Now don't get me wrong, I love beer, but in moderation. Mixed drinks and shots are not my bag. The only times I have fun with alcohol are when I the drunk sneaks up on me. I hate going out to those meat market bars. I stand there the whole time wishing I was drunk, then I get home and wish I was sober, and then in the morning I wish I was dead. I hate alcohol.

In tenth grade the school started doing random drug tests so during the school year I would stop smoking pot. This only opened up opertunities for other drugs, since most drugs get out of your system in a few days where as pot takes weeks to get out of your urine.

So the next method of intoxication came in the form of "the rave". I was working for this cater and ran into this kid I knew from high school, who then invited me to go with him to this rave. I had to beg and beg my parents to let me go, and against their better judgement they let me go. I will spare you all the details but over the course of the night I ingested in the following order; some sort of muscle relaxer, some green triangular pill, half of another white pill, and then some ketamine. It was one of the crazier experiences of my life, crazy in a good way.

The rave thing went on for the next two years. I got to know all sorts of drugs because of raves. Most of the time I really didn't know what exactly I was taking, but I had this feeling of invinsibility. I kept telling myself I was going to these parties because I really liked the music and the drugs were just a bonus. I could definitely feel the effects of the pills on my brain. I would only go about once a month and for the week after I was half retarted. Observing this I decided to ration myself to only on roll per term in my freshman year of college. I tried going to raves without pills and it was not as much fun. Without the drugs my interest dwindled.

I didn't even really smoke that much pot during my freshman year, my college friends weren't really into it so I didn't really do it. Instead it was the frat parties and waking up next to the toilet. In hidesite I would have had a much better time in my room with a joint and a good book, but thats not how you get laid. And that is the number one concern of most freshman boys.

I got myself a steady girl and the drinking dwindled off and I started smoking pot again. I got tired of that girl, continued to smoke and drank a little.

This basically continued until present. In recent times I have experimented with coke, I could see where I might get caught up in it if I was less stable. Two weeks ago a started a hiatus from pot because I want to make sure I am clean if I have to take a pee test for a job for after I graduate.

I miss it I really do. I miss taking a few hits and walking around the city with a camera. I miss taking a few hits and curling up with a book before bed. I miss the honest and intraspective conversations that would come up while sharing smoke with friends. I really wish I didn't have to be a criminal to enjoy these times. My dream job would be to own a bar that only sold premium weed and premium water. I love spring water and pot, a match made in heaven.

Anyhow through all this I almost managed to get out without my parents knowing about any of it...

I skipped my senior prom to go to this four day rave. When I returned home I have been up for four days and was still tweaked out from a steady diet of ecstasy, acid, and crystal meth. My parents sat me on the couch and told me someone had told them that I was doing drugs. I figured I was trapped and outright denial was not the way to go, so I figured I'd admitt to the pot hoping it would satisfy them and stop them from digging deeper and finding the real mess I was. They sent me to a shrink, who I only told about the pot. He said, based on the fact that I was an honor roll student and seemed to have my s**t together that I was just experimenting and didn't need further treatement. My parents were satisfied.

Lately my parents have kinda busted me a couple of times. Its only because I really don't care if they know or not. As a matter of fact I wish they would know. I really wish I could sit down and smoke a bowl with my parents. That is on my things to do list. I think it would be fun.

Anyhow I have my s**t together. I am on the brink of graduating from one of the most rigerous engineering programs in the country in the top 5% of my class. I have beautiful wonderful girlfriend who I plan to spend the rest of my life with. All and all, I'd have to say I am doing pretty good up to this point.

I have to say that all my drug abuse in the past has made me a better person today. It has taught me a lot about how little we actually know about reality and how twisted our perseptions can become.

the rave years were definitely the low point for me, and also the most dangerous. During this time I also had no idea who I was. I thought I was being an individual. I felt so cool because I was part of the "underground" however I was just pledging to a less popular flag. I felt like I had an identity with this "underground" because I had baggy pants. It was completely rediculous, but something I think everyone goes through at some point. My girlfriend had a huge problem with an eating disorder, it almost killed her. I guess my misadventer was just a wrong turn in the search for self idenity. I saw this image of a "raver" and want to be it, but it wasn't me. I am still not sure I can tell you who I am, but I feel like every day I get a better sense of what I like and what matters to me.

I am not sure what I set out to do with this, so I can't really be sure if I acomplished anything with it. It was very cathartic to write, so sorry if I bored you

All I can say is WOW pete :surprize: Took a lot of guts to post this so all I can add is this :cool:

yea pete, that does take a lot of guts to post. i give u props.

That's crazy Pete! Lots of guts...

I'll be on the lookout for anyone with the username 'PhillyPeteSr.' viewing this thread :laugh:

Thanks for sharing that Pete. It's nice to have you back more frequently the way. I think a little experimentation never hurt anyone but when it turns into full fledged addiction it can be very destructive. I personally think I'm very lucky to not have an addictive personality, other than ho'ing golf clubs but that's a different story alltogether. I have friends that still struggle with the white horse to this day, yeah they're succesful, but you can't help but wonder where they'd be without the monkey on their back.

Thanks for sharing that Pete. It's nice to have you back more frequently the way. I think a little experimentation never hurt anyone but when it turns into full fledged addiction it can be very destructive. I personally think I'm very lucky to not have an addictive personality, other than ho'ing golf clubs but that's a different story alltogether. I have friends that still struggle with the white horse to this day, yeah they're succesful, but you can't help but wonder where they'd be without the monkey on their back.

Good point...

I think my short attention span probably saved me from having some major issues. I tend to get tired of this real quickly, hence club hoing when I have money.

I only posted that because I honestly don't care who knows that about me. That is me that is who I am. I would tell my parents all that but I really don't think they want to know.

That is probably a good thing , not telling your parents pete .

I know with mine I am always afraid I would give them a Heart Attack .

Shoe keep fighting the good fight and know that we are here for your escape time when you need it.

Pete my friend took balls to post that and just let me say I thank you for doing it.

Well whats happening out there is golfland kiddies :laugh:

Anybody get any new sticks , or how about new shafts :laugh: So how was everybodys week , hope you all had a good one at least .

Well whats happening out there is golfland kiddies  :laugh:  

Anybody get any new sticks , or how about new shafts  :laugh:  So how was everybodys week , hope you all had a good one at least .

my weeks been pretty horrible. suffered my second concussion in 6 weeks, grandma had open heart surgery. plus im having some bad back trouble and neck trouble and cant really sleep at night. good thing is tho i had a job interview monday and a second one today. hopefully i get job. i need money to buy my new nike tour pro combo and my r7 stand.

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