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Every other night for me its 15 mins of straight leaderboard.

Both pics are at impact... 1st pic is about 7 months ago before the leaderboard... 2nd pic is recently(using the leaderboard). Pics don't show that much of a difference, but the feel is totally another story. Notice weight is a roll over of the right insole instead of the toe and right heal lifting(knees more together). This alone has changed my game tremendously.



Second is my take away, instead of coming way inside, I've been working on keeping the head of the club outside my hands more until my arms are at least past 8oclock. Again before and after.



Pics of club head lag I have increased. before and after



Last wider more power full base for better balance. I find myself inbalance on every shot since I've been using the leader board, From Day 1


avge yrd gain is 5 yrds on every club, but the major difference is the amount of effort I put into the swing now as opposed to before using the training device. And secondly is the ball striking and distance consistency. I must say, this device is worth the money alone for that department. I'd give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Still much improvement to do, but overall, its easy to setup and use, small to store and worth the $.



Edited by xchangmanx

Which specific exercises are you doing on the leaderboard? There are several.

how much do you attribute the gain to the training aid? or is it mostly through practice and awareness.

there's been a lot of negative reviews on this device.

i'm tempted though

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RG- I practice at the driving range once a week and golf about once a week, I practice the leader board at night roughly 15 mins, and maybe even less. I only do one drill. Its my own made up drill. Basically I place all the bands on and I take my swing setup stance, I swing the club like I'm hitting the ball. I do this for 2 mins then take a quick break... then 2 mins again... I do this for around 15 mins. The Key for me is to never move my right leg during any point of the swing for the entire 2 mins... even during the follow through...As many swings as it may take, during the 2 mins I try not to let my right foot move.(the right foot slider on the LB) During this move, I found that to keep my foot in place I couldn't complete a full follow through. Repetition of this was key for me... Kinda makes you look like Moe Norman if you ask me.... but it worked for me.

Besides I believe that you must try and experiment w/the device to get the right exercise out of it that will best suit the aspects of the game you are trying to improve. For example LB was the perfect device for me because I wanted to work on posture, lag, coil, balance and ball striking. This one exercise works for me on all those aspects.

J-I think that if I were to dedicate more time(each session) and regime the training w/all the exercises, I might have seen improvements quicker. But really, how many of us buy training aids and really stick to them? I invested my money in this guy and used it minimally over the past half year. 45 mins a week during my local news telecast right after work.

I think i'd say 75% of the four points I was trying to improve shown in the pics are attributed to directly to the leaderboard, I knew that if I could improve these 4 aspects of my game.... somewhere along the line, posture and ball striking will come back. (over the last 3 years... I was always trying to improve my takeaway, weight transfer, clubhead lag, and overall balance. After watching many videos, trying many drills and training aids, I'd say the leaderboard was the right training aid for me and it provided the most results.)

The other 25% of the gain of course was taking that feeling w/those key moves out to the range and course every week and trying it out.

Most importantly I believe for me the leaderboard really "magnified" the swing feeling of "Coil" or "torque." The loading of the right leg creates such a powerful release when done right, and the leaderboard really allowed me to strengthen that feel.

I never said the leaderboard improved my scores, but it did improve my swing and my ball striking; and w/that came improved distance accuracy and consistency.

TSG's video section, Brett does a really great job on how to use it... and it is clear that it takes practice to get to 4 bands and keep your right leg there.... For me, once I was comfortable w/4 bands the power and ball striking just fell right into place.

Hope this helps...


  • 1 month later...
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Proof that I have increased my accuracy w/the driver due to leaderboard; I've posted this video of me hitting the driver which I carried about 250 and rolled to an additional 40 some yards to a good 290 almost 300. No proof of yrdage... but if you compare this to my video of me hitting the EMB driver 6 months ago, you'll be able to see the obvious difference in power and balance.

Driver is a 9.5 tour burner stock tp matrix shaft. Hole is 18th at TurtleBay Palmer course.


Edited by xchangmanx

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feedback/input on my swing appreciated. Help is always welcomed here....

wow, 40 yards of roll? that's a LOT!

nice swing but it's hard to see because either the camera wasn't behind you or you had a very closed stance.

that's a loud driver too, sounded like you crushed it. you can tell by the rich sound of pure JDM being crushed =)

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I've been trying to spend alot of time on the launch monitor... trying to get the spin below 2400rpm, thats what give me that roll.

So far I've found that 13-14* launch angle w/my ss is perfect.

I injured my back 4 months ago and have been swingin slower ever since, prolly 6-9mph slower. Matrix xcon 5 is a great high launch low spin shaft for me right now...

For my smooth tempo I get a good 14* launch from the 9.5* head @106 mph for a carry of 250avg and if its soft I get stuck at 250; but if its firm and rolling, I get a solid 30-40yrds roll.

I truly believe its the shaft. Having tried a number of different shaft/head combos spending the time on the launch monitor paid off On that note... not many other shafts produced this low rpm w/high launch for me. One shaft to mention was the Diamana white 73stiff. I was getting away w/11* launch and 2200rpm, but I was having a little difficulty w/the making solid contact.

Easiest to hit was Rombax from the tour burner TP

Hardest to hit was the Diamana white.

your natural shape is a draw right? maybe that's where all that roll is coming from.

Edited by jacksonlui

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Hey Thanks for the input J... GREAT OBSERVATION! I was waiting for someone to p/u on the point that I have a hard time hitting it right. Tario knows this already.... I was looking for a shaft that wouldn't go left... I chose the Md7 w/af101, and it was positive results. Tight dispersion mid to high launch... I had it pured by Goodsie and it was like going from a .50 cal to a sniper rifle. (but still NO ball that starts left and works right)

So, yes my natural swing is a into out swing... I've been trying over the past 3 years to cup the wrist and move out to in on the downswing... and even laying the club head off alot, But I've had little success.

On those left to right holes I either die trying or layup at the dog leg. Hitting straight shots have only come recently w/the leader board and still I manage to draw the ball over 5 yrds when not intended to. :( for this reason... I've been aiming and where from 5-10 yrds right to accommodate for my miss.

the tour burner suits me nicely cuz it has a 2* open face, just a little more confidence.

Hitting that fade has never been my "go to" shot, I'd like to learn how to move it left to right w/contol, as my induced attempts at fading the ball have resulted in mostly slices that end up only 220 yrds, 40 yrds short of a decent carry. I also miss w/pushes that are blocked out of this world. So to round up I get a good fade ball 1 out of every 5 shots. (I really wish to improve this)

All the proshop guys tell me to hit down at the ball which works for irons, not the driver. Also I do not wish to explore a more vertical swing plane....

It's a ongoing process for me on this one, this is the 4th year now... lol LB has helped out alot.


Edited by xchangmanx

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Pics at impact... coming into the ball and ball leaving face: LB has helped me make solid contact.

this is w/a 7 iron.



i fight the same inside out issue to the point where i had issues with shanks.

the best way to correct it is the following:

- put a box 1 inch from the ball so that if you push, you will hit it. you'll eventually learn not to hit it. you can come over the top or inside out, this will cause a straight ball flight and better contact. give it a try and stick to it. i like to use a long cardboard box. sometimes i would tee up near the marker on the tee box. working on your path and plane will translate to the driver.

let me know how it goes. one of the reasons i was hitting it inside out was because i was taking it inside, i need to keep the shaft in front.

from that picture of yours, your ball position is too far back in your stance which will also cause an inside to out swing. an in to out swing needs a more open club face at impact.

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i fight the same inside out issue to the point where i had issues with shanks.

the best way to correct it is the following:

- put a box 1 inch from the ball so that if you push, you will hit it. you'll eventually learn not to hit it. you can come over the top or inside out, this will cause a straight ball flight and better contact. give it a try and stick to it. i like to use a long cardboard box. sometimes i would tee up near the marker on the tee box. working on your path and plane will translate to the driver.

let me know how it goes. one of the reasons i was hitting it inside out was because i was taking it inside, i need to keep the shaft in front.

from that picture of yours, your ball position is too far back in your stance which will also cause an inside to out swing. an in to out swing needs a more open club face at impact.

Alright I'll give this a try, I think it'll be a good training aid. I'll report back in couple months after I've worked this into my routine.

Thanks J, its always good to hear from guys who have the same problems. :tsg_smiley_secret:

Am I the only one out there experiencing gains w/the Leaderboard? or is it just that I'm the only one that bought a leaderboard? lol

Edited by xchangmanx

i have too many training aids already.

Edited by jacksonlui

I also have the leaderboard. I try to use it every night. My results are very similar to yours changman. The biggest difference I noticed was my ball striking, I am now able to hit a 4 iron with good enough trajectory to keep it on the greens. My driver still needs work, in fact alot.

I am also hitting the Tour Burner TP with the whiteboard. I am not sure of my numbers with it as of late, but I can tell you my launch is very low, and i seem to have trouble with contact. I am either going to reshaft it with a GD MD, X-Con, or get a different driver. I had very good results with a R7 limited 10.5 stiff, 14*-15* launch 2700-2800 rpm's. I wish I had mine to compare that day, but stopping at my local golf shop wasn't planned that day. I guess, it never is :) out shopping with the wife and decided it was my turn :)

Back to the leaderboard...Balance is the key to my swing. In fact I have found that if I stand with my weight more even across my feet (heel to toes) I am able to stay balanced better. After all the swing starts from the ground up. The second key to my swing is lag. If i make a conscious effort to achieve more wrist cock at the top along with width, chances are my shots are going where I want them. I know this is because of the leaderboard. I do the drills from Brett Smith's video.

I am by no means at my peak. Last year was the first season I played golf seriously. Before I was usually once a month. Currently I play to a 14, but I started the year around a 19, also I ended last season with my last 4 rounds 85, 81, 82, 84 respectively. Mind you, my driver was killing me, avg only 3-4 fairways hit. My club has a ton of trees, so finding the fairway is your friend. My goal this year is to be in single digits.

Unfortunately, living in North West Indiana (near Chicago) there is a ton of white stuff on the ground and it's a whopping 2* F high of 27* later. I am not going to be playing for sometime. For right now, it is leaderboard drills in the garage until spring.

Edited by jnims29

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Before leaderboard, I was swinging hard to get big yardage. Id have to swing 115+ SS to get to 300yds.

I've been using leaderboard for 8 months now and have decreased my SS from 115 to 107avg. I use the same drivers and I now carry less yrdage but gain more roll.

Before leaderboard w/TS 9.5* 08 445 stock diamana shaft. Vector

Height: high

Spin: 2850 @ 12.4*

SS: 116

ballspeed: 167avg


total: 293 roll

8 Months of leaderboard w/same driver


Spin: 2050 @ 13.6*

SS: 108

ballspeed: 154avg


total: 289 roll

All my shots Draw about 5-10 yrds, the old swing before LB would start low then rise high(I believe because of the spin) w/my altered LB swing, ball striking is much more solid ball is a much more boring traj that is med height. Center shots are very consistent and the ball rolls aton. Key for me is to get low ball spin

I can also attest to the almost effortless power. Without even putting anymore effort, I am about 1/2 a club longer. This is mainly due to better contact, but also stacking my rear leg. Sliding the skate back def. works out leg muscles I never used in my golf swing.

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Thanks for the help guys.

Here is my vector progress before and after leaderboard for my 56* sand wedge going on 8 months now.

before vector=56* SW

full shot=75-80yrds avg

After vector=56* SW

full shot=100-105yrds avg

Pure contact and more clubhead speed is what LB helped me create. Misses are prob less now, but still I miss a good deal too, but they do not come up nearly as short as before leaderboard.

Edited by xchangmanx

I agree with the mis-hits. I am finding the middle of the clubface more often. I have been trying a bunch of new drivers on a launch monitor. It's actually been a hard decision for me because when you are hitting the ball well, every driver seems great. Now, that i have a more dependable and repeatable swing, I can concentrate more on launch numbers and spin.

Thanks for sharing, was your improvement pure leader board or were you working on other things as well? The difference it made visually and from the vector readings are impresive.

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Thanks for sharing, was your improvement pure leader board or were you working on other things as well?

Before you read on> my quick answer is this>

Bottom line> If I didn't have the leaderboard, I do not believe I would have made these gains quite as fast... let alone made these gains at all. The following details out what leaderboard has done for my power game, and ball striking game...

"Every golfer is an aspiring golfer and constantly trying to improve his/her game.... no matter the handicap." from ben hogan.

I've taken lessons from friends... etc.. over

With that said, I was plateauing out w/every training aid out there. Stuck at a 13. for a good 3 years... w/average/minimal ball striking skills, and avg distance of the tee around 260 w/the driver. but I played w/blades and endured the mis**ts..

Started doing Bretts drills since the videos came out... (appreciated very much from a forum member.. as they really helped me out, also Brett was nice enough to help me out w/some wind issues and hitting it low) So all that good stuff: videos, help from the forum, and friends, got me to around 116 SS and finally into the 300 club. but still I wanted to strike that ball w/the irons!!

I then watched Bretts leaderboard vid and decided that was the perfect training aid for me. I've been using it for about 9 months now... and it has drastically improved my ball striking and "stacked" position over the ball, and the move you need to fire your hips through w/out moving your right leg (power)

I'd say the leaderboard was what really improved my iron play.

my distances before leaderboard as follows w/epon 301s 1150 stiff 2*flat 1*weak vector

5 = 195

6 = 180

7 = 160

8 = 150

9 = 138

p = 125

Distances 9 months on leaderboard

5 = 210

6 = 195

7 = 177

8 = 165

9 = 145

p 48* = 135


-I noticed it by flexing my right leg (quad muscles) just the same as placing four bands on LB and keeping it in the fully stretched position; I could easily hit it further w/out changing a single thing on my swing. for example, flex the right leg more and the ball goes 5 yrds further, flex even more and it goes 5 yrds more.

- take 175 yrdage, I'd take a 7 iron, but if I wanted to I could take an 8 iron and image that I just placed 2 more bands on the LB device and make that swing. This would cause me to flex or "load" my right leg more which would create a faster hip turn from the top and faster hands w/more lag through impact... the key from from the top, just focus on making the same swing through the ball.

Something for you all to think about... my findings, I can't attest for others, as I have used LB almost every other night for about 9 months now... so this is my results>

-I have never had a training aid like it(LB)... LB makes your RIGHT FOOT STAY DOWN until impact... if you do this and stack your power w/a firm right leg... YOU MUST FIRE YOUR RIGHT HIP THROUGH in order to hit the ball solid... IMHO "if you take your leaderboard swing out onto the course, you will discover untapped, effortless power" My driver is a testament to this. I swing 8 mph slower after leaderboard, and I achieve the same distance That is what has lead me to believe LB contributed to the ball striking.

9 months ago my friends were all driving it way past me... now I hit my irons shots so solid I don't even really care about the driver.(but we all know it is the king of the tee box) Once a week I play a whole 18 w/my Epon 5-p and putter lol. Friends are now envious of my newfound ball striking. :tsg_smilie_laugh:

They constantly ask what training I do? I still have not told them about my leaderboard and don't plan on too. LOL the greenies are now mine!!!

They are now thinking its the all the JDM technology and equipment I use... I always tell them yes, its all about JDM!!!! They are all about trade all their stuff in for JDM equipment.

Lets hope they never find out about this post/Leaderboard!!

Edited by xchangmanx

that's awesome. i have similar number to your before swing. i'm trying to shorten my iron distances because hitting greens with short irons is a problem for me, however i can't get my driver ball speed pass 135 which doesn't fit under the yardarge curve of my irons.

can someone please post a video of Brett's Leaderboard drill again or send me a copy?

I'm really tempted in trying this out.

I have a problem with a slight sway and balance and losing my tush line. I'd also like to fix my head moving forward at the top of the swing.



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i can't get my driver ball speed pass 135 which doesn't fit under the yardarge curve of my irons.

can someone please post a video of Brett's Leaderboard drill again or send me a copy?

I have a problem with a slight sway and balance and losing my tush line. I'd also like to fix my head moving forward at the top of the swing.

Hi Jack,

re: the first question, is that your driver ball speed or swing speed? 135 sound alot like a 92 mph clubhead speed driver.

If you swinging 135 ss thats pretty damed fast you should be seeing 195+ballspeed.

re: your vid, I'll try to post some videos tomorrow of the exercises I do.

re: your sway and balance. I have this problem too, what works for me is to go back to Ben hogans stance instructions. Place your right foot, hips and shoulders= 90* to your target line, no matter what your left foot looks like make sure your right foot is 90* to target. During your whole swing you should maintain that right leg posture never letting it break or release your right hip. If you coil against your right leg...(what leaderboard teaches) you will stop swaying and start turning.

hope this helps,


thanks Tim.

my ss is not 135. i wouldn't want that fast of a swing speed, that would be a bad thing.

my LM says 88-90mph. i've done that bridgestone ball fitting and it puts me at 100mph. i don't really believe it though.

thanks for the tip, i look forward to the video.



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