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As many of you know from my signature I have been pushing our new blog www.Golftoimpress.com.

It's layout is based off of another one of my web communities ( mmafightstage ) in a different industry but we have been getting slandered by mygolfspy.com with allegations that we stole his entire site and copied his content and entire business model.

I am sorry I have to air the dirty laundry but Adam from mygolfspy has been emailing just about everyone about the alleged theft of his entire business concept.

As many of you know I was blogging before mygolfspy existed remember TourSpecBlog? ProDivisionGolf? then MGCR, and now GTI. So now the go to software is wordpress and of course I am going to use what's the best like hundreds of other golf blogs do.

Here is the weird part he was cool with me and we were supposed to work together until I posted 2 things: the Taylormade Raylor and Mizuno MP-68 both found from members on WRX which we credited in our blog. Just moments posting after those cool and worthy topics on our blog I get a very vulgar email telling me i'm stealing his content, business model, and entire website.

Worse part is I get a bunch of emails this morning and he is going around emailing this to everyone on our blog roll.

All the while he is the one taking the images out of our forum and watermarking them with his logo.

I dont know what his problem is but from our many contacts over the last 7-8 years no one can confirm he was a golf club designer for major OEM's and no one could confirm that he sold two successful golf e-commerce sites as he claims.

We tried to level with him asking what exactly do you mean, how do you want to resolve this matter, eventually I just began telling him to focus on his site and not ours.. I have recieved dozens of emails from him saying stuff like " he doesnt deal kindly with pieces of S**T like me", "I made a big mistake", "I'll see you soon", "Where do you live" and much MUCH worse.

We have a post on this written by Jacque of TSG voicing the fact in a fair and honest manner here: www.golftoimpress.com

**UPDATE** If you read the comments in the blog post all of his replies are coming from false email's and the same IP address. In our stats th IP matches his.

Sorry again for airing the dirty laundry like this.

I don't read blogs much. All I know is that TSG has always delivered on the items I've purchased in the proshop.

I have looked at mygolfspy.com for the first time today and as a lay person (tech challenged), I cannot tell of any similarity between MGS and GTI in general contents or web design. We are here because of our interest in JDM golf gear and JDM related news/development.

Honestly I am not a fan of conflict or bickering of this sort.

We have enough stress in life as it is.

We all share the same passions and all have the same goals.

We love golf and the equipment and want to shoot the lowest score we can or just plain have fun.

All I can say is that TSG will continue to work hard to deliver the best products it can to all its great customers worldwide and the new GTI blog is just a great way of sharing info and our love of golf with everyone.

bottom line is the guy upset... and "thinks" certain thoughts that make him come to the conclusion set forth... weather or not he is profiting off of his blog I don't know; either way, stepping on toes is never a really good thing to do.

If I was drowning I'd call for help, not complain and call other swimmers cheaters; who will help then?

"Management does not like people who complain and stir up a ruckus. We call these people instigators, and at times it is best to let them vent their necessities as it is just who they are..." taken from my boss spoken to me.

I guess information is that valuable... even in the golf world we have data that causes a "rukus" lol

In my experience on the golf forums. Each and every forum/blog has a dirty little secret or a fault/flaw. Some are just bigger than others. It becomes sad when they start hurling mud at each other though.

Golf is and should be a gentleman's game even on forums.

wow. so much drama.

i've been on their website, eventhough some images are similar but the feel and content seems entirely different. i don't know, maybe it's just me.

I don't care, TSG is the best next to golfwrx.

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