March 12, 201113 yr Hey Stew and Tario if you need to get some calls out to get in touch with friends, family or loved ones let me know and I'll be glad to make them for you. Send me a PM with the message and phone numbers. I know not everyone has access to or uses a computer in this world (ie: my Mom and Dad). Please let me know if I can help. Jim
March 12, 201113 yr jim cheers the phones went back on this morn at some stage and ive been fielding calls from fam and chums so they know were still here. appreciate all the concern form everyone im still sitting here shaking just went and saw my clubbuilder who lives 500 yards away his shop was all over the palce shafts everywhere. clubs strewn assunder. but tokyo in general has held up very very well. there were 5 quakes in 5 differnt spots looks like mother earth has an upset tummy. hoping last night cleared it out and shes back to feeling well agn.
March 12, 201113 yr jim cheers the phones went back on this morn at some stage and ive been fielding calls from fam and chums so they know were still here. appreciate all the concern form everyone im still sitting here shaking just went and saw my clubbuilder who lives 500 yards away his shop was all over the palce shafts everywhere. clubs strewn assunder. but tokyo in general has held up very very well. there were 5 quakes in 5 differnt spots looks like mother earth has an upset tummy. hoping last night cleared it out and shes back to feeling well agn. Stewie hang in there brother!
March 12, 201113 yr Any news on the reactor leaking? I know that the USA had a C5 or C17 on it's way with extra coolant. Our prayers are with you! God Bless Jer
March 12, 201113 yr My prayers for Japan.. & to T & Stew who I just met a few days ago. Hang in there.. Hard to imagine what u guys are Goin thru.
March 12, 201113 yr Author Some of the big supermarkets in our area were closed for cleanup and repair... we had to visit the small local supermarket here in Kiminomori and it was packed. 10 times the volume of customers as usual. Meat, fish and bread were all sold out by the time we got there. I guess that's the way it is here in the countryside outside of Tokyo. As for the nuclear plant, things don't look so good. There has been news of an explosion near the plan and its been confirmed that radioactive material has leaked from the plant. They have warned people within a few hundred kilometers of the plant (us included) that the next few days may rain and bring dirty rain upon us. Small tremors still happening but the frequency has lessened.
March 12, 201113 yr Just read some news over here in Germany on the Reactor. Seems there has been an explosion with many workers injured. They also already confirmed leakage of radioacive material. That is scary. But according to the government, everything outside a 10 km radius is safe for now. Hope it stays that way. Hope you guys are still doing ok over there. It's nice to be able to read your post, so that we know you guys are doing ok.
March 12, 201113 yr Hope you guys are alright. My prayer is with you & the people in Japan. I was talking to my wife two nights ago that we want to visit Sendai in the summer & sampled the ox tongue there. It's pretty sad & my whole family is devastated by the scene we saw on TV. we human are helpless when mother nature exerts her power. God bless us all. Steve
March 12, 201113 yr My thoughts are with you guys, your loved ones and the people of Japan. Let me know if you are planning to fly home Stew. I can check for you what QF are doing. Not sure if Narita is still closed. I think we may be putting some evacuation flights on. 'Lucky the Japanese builders are so good. Can't believe more buildings haven't succumbed. Anywhere else in the world would have flattened the country. May your spirit help you through! Stay safe!!!! Pete
March 12, 201113 yr Author They've now increased the danger zone to a 20km radius for the unstable nuclear plant... its not looking good there. Thanks to everyone for their kind support. The crazy thing is, my body's equilibrium has been thrown off, I constantly feel off balance from the shaking and tremors... I am starting to imagine tremors.... Getting ready for another long night, maybe....
March 12, 201113 yr Author This still has to be one of the most shocking scenes after the earthquake: Everytime I see it I think its CG from a hollywood move... scary.
March 12, 201113 yr Author We just had another big shake... more than 10 seconds... over 5 magnitude apparently... Stew did you feel that in Tokyo? Around 10:17pm I think we are sleeping downstairs tonight... the 2nd floor sways too much...
March 12, 201113 yr This still has to be one of the most shocking scenes after the earthquake: Everytime I see it I think its CG from a hollywood move... scary. Omg..
March 12, 201113 yr We just had another big shake... more than 10 seconds... over 5 magnitude apparently... Stew did you feel that in Tokyo? Around 10:17pm I think we are sleeping downstairs tonight... the 2nd floor sways too much... yea there were 2 fukushima wheer the other one was and miyagi way north we got a small shake. but after yesterdays thing everything feels small now oh god imagine what war must be like if this is just what the earth does. aparently theres an entire village of ............................10,000 people that are msising in miyagi im lost for words..........................,
March 12, 201113 yr Author aparently theres an entire village of ............................10,000 people that are msising in miyagi im lost for words.........................., Yeah that's the town getting wiped out in the video... utterly shocking. Helicopters keep flying above here... sounds like a war zone.
March 12, 201113 yr We just had another big shake... more than 10 seconds... over 5 magnitude apparently... Stew did you feel that in Tokyo? Around 10:17pm I think we are sleeping downstairs tonight... the 2nd floor sways too much... Totally lost for words....just keep safe all.
March 13, 201113 yr This still has to be one of the most shocking scenes after the earthquake: Everytime I see it I think its CG from a hollywood move... scary. That is absolutely insane and terrifying.
March 13, 201113 yr That is absolutely insane and terrifying. revised numbers today 11 meters plus waves and 9.0 magnitude. the new footage released today is jawdroping. thers nothing u can say its like a movie.the earth was still ish today notthing since early morning cpl of shudders but were so used to them now .the only concern weve got is the reactor, beenon the phone to qantas all morning trying to get a flight if were going itll be tom as its dues to rain on tues nad the wind is heading sth east right over tokyo not sure if i fancï½™ glowing yellow for the next thousand yrs reallly. so it might be sayonara..........................,
March 13, 201113 yr Author The reactors are a serious issue. Not only meltdown but also because there is a severe shortage of electricity. Millions of houses are still without power. It was announced today they are starting rotating power outages all across the prefectures around the Tokyo area in order to divert power North. Unfortunately Oami where we live is included. We are scheduled to be out of power for 3-4 hours in the morning then another 3-4 hours in the evening. Apparently this may go on for some time. Watching the detailed news reports today of the rescues and now many victims was heartbreaking as people being interviewed talked about losing their loved ones as they fled the tsunami. Also seeing the result of the devastation is mind blowing... According to the meteorological agency here, there is a 70% chance of another quake topping 7.0 magnitude hitting again within 3 days. So far estimates are for a death toll above 10,000 Tomorrow we head out officially for groceries as we've exhausted all the food in the house... our dog has eaten all his food too. (^_^) Some supermarkets reopened today and neighbors who went told us it was very very crowded and things like bread and meat and fish once again sold out very fast.
March 13, 201113 yr i cant get a flight out of tokyo looks like im staying till were called. shops here as well out of prtety much most things and no petrol city of 30 million people not knowing the immediate future hmmmmmmmmmmm could make for some intersting days ahead. but good thiing is i got a new yahama hybrid today for what i have absolutely no idea but tis a beauty! stress relief i think! in hope all things return to normality sooner . prime minister said in press relaease today this is the biggest event since WW2 the scale of desturction wont be known for ages and if thta power plant folds end of chat
March 13, 201113 yr Gocchin, Supo67, How close are you guys to all the destruction? It is something you can look out your windows and see or maybe smoke in the distance? Never been to Japan so just real curious. Is it affecting you because so many people left their towns to move to higher ground? Hope you found food today as I cannot even dream what you guys have been through. My thoughts are with you both.
March 14, 201113 yr how YOU can help this page lists ways to donate to various organizations internationally personally i feel like the Japanese Red Cross is the best bet right now for international donations The relief money collected through Google Checkout will be donated to a charity set up through the Japanese Red Cross to support victims of the earthquake and rebuild the afflicted areas.
March 14, 201113 yr Author Thankfully we are not that close to the primary damaged areas but there is also damage here in Chiba including 30 dead or missing from the coast side here. I am about 30 minutes away by car from that huge refinery fire that started after the quake. Tokyo withstood the quake but there is damage and just flow of society there has been messed up due to the quake. I just got power back in my house just now as the rolling blackouts have begun. We will lose power again in a few hours. Right after we got power back we were moved by a huge tremblor... house swayed for nearly 10 seconds as this one was much close to chiba just of the east coast here. A 6.2 in Ibaraki. I think I am getting motion sickness from all this swaying... and to top it off, my Japanese income taxes are due tomorrow and I still have to do them somehow... We are heading out to battle the crowds for groceries now... Stew, whats the grocery and supermarket situation out in Tokyo, are they also out of bread and meat and fish and stuff like that? Here are the number of quakes that have moved us in the last 24 hours alone! 10:14 JST 14 Mar 2011 10:02 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M6.2 5- 10:07 JST 14 Mar 2011 10:02 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M6.2 5- 08:57 JST 14 Mar 2011 08:53 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.9 3 08:50 JST 14 Mar 2011 08:47 JST 14 Mar 2011 Nagano-ken Chubu M3.3 3 08:47 JST 14 Mar 2011 08:41 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.7 3 07:51 JST 14 Mar 2011 07:46 JST 14 Mar 2011 Akita-ken Nairiku-nambu M3.0 3 07:20 JST 14 Mar 2011 07:16 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.3 3 04:32 JST 14 Mar 2011 04:27 JST 14 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.2 3 04:20 JST 14 Mar 2011 04:16 JST 14 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.9 3 02:33 JST 14 Mar 2011 02:29 JST 14 Mar 2011 Chiba-ken Toho-oki M4.8 3 02:09 JST 14 Mar 2011 02:04 JST 14 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.4 3 00:15 JST 14 Mar 2011 00:10 JST 14 Mar 2011 Chiba-ken Toho-oki M5.0 3 23:32 JST 13 Mar 2011 23:28 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.4 3 23:32 JST 13 Mar 2011 23:28 JST 13 Mar 2011 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-chiho M3.9 4 22:48 JST 13 Mar 2011 22:43 JST 13 Mar 2011 Sanriku Oki M5.0 3 21:48 JST 13 Mar 2011 21:44 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.7 3 21:00 JST 13 Mar 2011 20:56 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.8 3 20:42 JST 13 Mar 2011 20:37 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M6.0 3 18:56 JST 13 Mar 2011 18:52 JST 13 Mar 2011 Miyagi-ken Oki M5.5 3 18:32 JST 13 Mar 2011 18:25 JST 13 Mar 2011 Iwate-ken Oki M5.5 3 15:23 JST 13 Mar 2011 15:19 JST 13 Mar 2011 Iwate-ken Oki M4.3 3 15:04 JST 13 Mar 2011 15:00 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.7 3 12:39 JST 13 Mar 2011 12:34 JST 13 Mar 2011 Nagano-ken Hokubu M4.0 3 12:35 JST 13 Mar 2011 12:31 JST 13 Mar 2011 Nagano-ken Hokubu M4.2 4 12:14 JST 13 Mar 2011 12:09 JST 13 Mar 2011 Chiba-ken Nambu M4.1 3 10:34 JST 13 Mar 2011 10:26 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M6.4 4 10:29 JST 13 Mar 2011 10:26 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M6.4 4 09:44 JST 13 Mar 2011 09:41 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.5 3 09:42 JST 13 Mar 2011 09:32 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.8 3 09:36 JST 13 Mar 2011 09:32 JST 13 Mar 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.8 3 08:44 JST 13 Mar 2011 08:41 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M5.2 3 08:39 JST 13 Mar 2011 08:25 JST 13 Mar 2011 Miyagi-ken Oki M6.2 5- 08:35 JST 13 Mar 2011 08:25 JST 13 Mar 2011 Miyagi-ken Oki M6.2 4 08:29 JST 13 Mar 2011 08:25 JST 13 Mar 2011 Miyagi-ken Oki M6.2 4 08:03 JST 13 Mar 2011 07:59 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.4 3 07:37 JST 13 Mar 2011 07:31 JST 13 Mar 2011 Iwate-ken Oki M5.7 3 07:22 JST 13 Mar 2011 07:13 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M6.0 3 07:17 JST 13 Mar 2011 07:13 JST 13 Mar 2011 Fukushima-ken Oki M6.0 3
March 14, 201113 yr yup shelves are empty every conveneince store pretty much bare nad no petrol i looked yesterday and all stations empty ur phone on ill call ya
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