Posted April 11, 201113 yr So............, ive been patiently waiting and deliberating on these for a cpl of yrs. my buddy just let his set go to buy a new set after hitting them so well for a long time. his new set arethe sb01s with NS orange. these will be INCREDIBLE...! so i got a set of sb-02 1* flat, ripped out the DG s300 SL shafts, which actually go pefectly well ,but they were too light. and i found mysef swinging thru the ball to quickly and loosing my tempo. so i took these out yesterday and hit a load of balls. the topline really is quite dauntng to look at at first,the sole very thin but the overall shape is juts lovely. bit of roundedness bit of squareness, i lke it. my yururis have a thin top line but these are really thin, they are lot thinner than the 1957s that the american market gets.a bit longer in the body and just a slightly bigger all round face. the feel is ,well. its miura at his best. if ur a miura fan then these will make u smile. they are a lot softer than the cb1006 , which i love btw.., they frame the ball well. and the sweet spot is just joyous. off centre they are NOT that terrible, theres no pain shooting up yr left arm when u thin one. and u can work these just wonderfully. they are most def NOT for hiting a long way they are most definatly for target practice. and without a doubt........., the greatest designed PW ever made.... theres a distinct possibility id get another one of these PW to use in every set of iron i play., this thing is just the nuts.........., over all where do they sit. well for softness ,the EPON is softer. for looks they win. for playability for a good player they are hard to beat. i can not wait to take these to Australia in 2 weeks for some play. see if i cant get them wired properly after 2 weeks of solid play huh..........,
April 11, 201113 yr your right about the pitching wedge, that is so good looking. can you just order the pw?
April 11, 201113 yr Miuraism is a line where you can actually be fit then they custom grind it for you provided you go there and have a translator. Would that be something your interested in stew? Another system like that is where we can actually send you to the Mizuno Chuo plant for a fitting and they custom grind mizzy irons for you. Two amazing programs, not cheap but an experience in itself.
April 11, 201113 yr Author oh yea.., custom grind is something in particular i need, love to see how the whole process works in person as well. that would be terrific.
April 11, 201113 yr Miuraism is a line where you can actually be fit then they custom grind it for you provided you go there and have a translator. Would that be something your interested in stew? Another system like that is where we can actually send you to the Mizuno Chuo plant for a fitting and they custom grind mizzy irons for you. Two amazing programs, not cheap but an experience in itself. hey Chris, im interested in grinding as well. i want to order a set of yururis but want a custom grind. can this be done on the phone? just give some basic info on AOA, divots profile etc etc? no one does that sort of thing locally.
April 11, 201113 yr Imagine if Epon had a similar program... that would be the ultimate of the ultimate.
April 11, 201113 yr u mean an angle grinder , sandpaper and steelwool and led tpae wont work? it will. most custom heads though are heavier to compensate for the grinding, i believe that you can use lead tape to get some weight back but for those that are oc about their clubs they will need to get re-finished etc etc. but anyone knowledgeable in golf club grinding and understanding of the interaction of club and turf can do this. i personally dont know anyone that can do this locally. care to experiment with one of your sets?
April 11, 201113 yr Hi Stew, Have you seen any CB Miuraism lying aroung in Tokyo. please give me a shout if you do. Thanks mate. I really want to try them. B
April 11, 201113 yr Yururi doesn't do this. Mizuno does and fairly aggressively within reason. I've ordered Miura custom grind a couple of times and it was very conservative, not much to grind off there. If anyone IN JAPAN is serious you can PM me. I personally would rock the Mizuno program because of the options and custom finish and stamping. for C, By phone mizuno can do this, im not sure how aggressive you want it but worth a try and it would make a great write up.
April 11, 201113 yr supo67, thanx for posting them pix! wondering about those for awhile, never had a chance to see a set in person. they do look very similar to my mb5003 with the later being only slightly longer and lower than those, razor sharp top lines as well.
April 11, 201113 yr Author yes indeed, the top line is likw, wow, compared to the yururi flatbacks pictured which i thought must be the smallest things around they are loads smaller and thinner. and the fourten tc1000 which by normal wstandards is a small head ,well it looks like a game improvement iron. if thins ur thing, then these are the ones.
April 11, 201113 yr yeah top line is razor. one pro here said after looking at mb5003 'man, you can shave with these!'. if you game them for awhile probably anything else you see after that gonna look chunky to you. thinking about it i dont recall seeing anything sharper, would remember if i did for sure, love that look.
April 12, 201113 yr Author gotta game them , this weekend hit a heap of balls but havnt ogt em wired yet, this weekend no cashla on thel ine so perfect op to tyr em out , thye do freak me out!
April 18, 201113 yr Author gmaed these on sat. in blowy blustery conditions. on great but cropped turf. divots easy to hit fianlyly remembered how to hit my irons and played tee to green really well. was hitting 4 iron to 10 feet into wind on 188 yard par 3s with the tiniest draw an hit nice high cuts all day into the greens yes my iron play was solid. these irons play beautifully. the mix of the ks shmada 10 tour in these is a great mix, mid flight no ballooning no worm burining, easy to work an all round very very good feel the miuraism heads really frame the ball beautifully and allow me to be very confident over the ball i found i didnt try and belt he cover off the ball jsut down clubbed one on most holes with gret results the middle of any club feels great but i found these to be a thie best in the scoring irons the 9 nad pw looked like unsheathed katanas and i cud puthe ball anywhere i liked. the PW especially is mouth watering, there really is a case for me to game this with every set of irons i play seeriosuly , from knock down chips to full scything cuts i didnt miss the centre all day are they better feel than epon and kyoeis.....................,? well i was really impressed with the softness of these compared to some other muras ive hit. loads better they are a lot softer than the kyoeis ,and alomst but not quite as epons even tho they arnt the compact as the sb01s i cud feel every nuance of the iron having them 1* flat as wll made a nice differnce i as conscious of my hands all day and got them thru the ball every time except once with an 8 iron in the middle of hte fairway with a 135 yard uphilll shot to big green , i shanked the bloody thing 90 yards dead right ! (thtas ok for me as that puppy is always jus around the corner....) i was teetering about selling these and and eithe gettign new set. or just pulling the plug, but aftef sat........, they are making the trip to oz this weekend over all thoughts in blustery hard conditions they suited really well they are beautiful feeling , evey bit a good as the rumours say. the slightness of the top line made no odds to me all day what soever. they are a great iron and after i play them abit more i wouldnt be at all surprised if i grow to abslutely love them. so much so that i might just grab a brand new set one day..............,
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