May 9, 201212 yr Author mate thast what i have built rigth now in 10.5* my buddy who makes clkubs in oz built it tried it said without doubt its the ebst club hes ever hit. he swings 110+ i had it on trackman last week, flight wasnt as high as wit hthe diamana x prob bec of the weight. trajectory was lower as well. im taking it to my range on sat proper range proper balls. ill let you know sat, but mines at 44 inch and its good. id suggest the 10.5 * as well rather than the 9.5* wit the heavier shaft yes this driver is one for the ages.
May 10, 201212 yr mate thast what i have built rigth now in 10.5* my buddy who makes clkubs in oz built it tried it said without doubt its the ebst club hes ever hit. he swings 110+ i had it on trackman last week, flight wasnt as high as wit hthe diamana x prob bec of the weight. trajectory was lower as well. im taking it to my range on sat proper range proper balls. ill let you know sat, but mines at 44 inch and its good. id suggest the 10.5 * as well rather than the 9.5* wit the heavier shaft yes this driver is one for the ages. Yea, I got a feeling I'm getting one of these. P9003x just might be the ticket again. Didn't you have an 8.5? You think the 10 to 10.5 range is better for this head?
May 10, 201212 yr Author 9.5 adn 10.5 the 9.5 is seriously LOW. ive got a stinger in the 9.5 and its still really low. the 10.5 im finding i enjoy hiting better more often , i miss a lot less with it. when u see the shape of the head, u will know why i like to play this thing shorter. its all face its huge. the p9003x i play at 43.5 -44 inch MAXIMUM length and dont get anywhere near the max. i can from it, thast why i think for my SS the BB is a better option. as much as i love the P9 . for the big dadys out there i dont know why ud play anything else really.
May 10, 201212 yr Yea, the P9003x is still great. I pulled out the Yonex 380 on the range sessy yesterday and I was hitting these sweet little hooks that were really going further than I usually hit that club. Maybe it was just happy to be out there but that shaft is still great. Got the RC Spoon in 13 degree with Muuzik 787 which is stellar, but the RC VS Tour with the P9 can keep up with that club and the feel is tremendously better. That all got me thinking about bringing out the P9 again and putting it in the KPX. All this driver talk from YOU has got me thinking about picking up two new drivers. The KPX being one of them. I'm very intrigued by it. The other driver that's on my mind is the new RomaRo and I've heard there's a 435 version on the way. The way I was hitting the 380 Yonex yesterday has really got me thinking along the lines of Spoon that the 460cc head is not so much the way to go.
May 11, 201212 yr Supo: is this the same setup you showed trakman results on from a couple days ago as follow?: kamui pro--p9003x bs--67.4 la-12.1 carry 252.8 dist.- 277.2 Data looks similar to data you show for other JDM drivers, unless of course it was not the 10.5 head(??) Do you have trakman results for new setup?
May 11, 201212 yr Author yes it is and no i dont yet.. i gotta do a amalgamtion of al lthe shots per driver to get the overall result ive been told not just a randon one off shot. ill try do that next week didnt get a chance this week
June 18, 201212 yr I am in Japan now on business and came across a lightly used KPX 9.5 with a Motore Speeder VC 7.2 S ( 323g, 45 in , D1 , real loft 8.8 ) Wow!! This thing sounds amazing!! Feel is superb too! Tested head to head against a Baldo 8C, KPX felt and sounded much better in my opinion. Can't wait to bring it back to the US to see how it compares against my Epon AF102 + CB50.
June 18, 201212 yr Author hey hey...!!!! welcome to the club. idont htink theres any point saying what i already know u will prob turf that blado in milliseconds. i think u will find it LOW . so be prepared to cut the shaft down and get a high laucnhing shaft for it . and smash the daylights out of it. it works good!
August 17, 201212 yr Finally have got some range time and a round in with this. Head shape is intriguing like no other driver. They say square face angle but I do think this is slightly closed as I cannot for the life of me fade this thing. It takes what feels like a complete slice swing to get a little fade, which really isn't all that bad of feel. This does hit large but not so much more than my Epon nor my Yonex. I don't think there's a driver out there which will gain me a huge increase. I hit all just about the same. But, on certain swings, this KPX is massive. Just need some more time. This KPX I have is shafted with my all-time favorite shaft the GD P9003x at 46.25" a D5.75 swing weight and of course built by Goodsie. Man does Gary build great feeling equipment. Specs are perfect for me and the length at 46.25" is no problema. But then my other two drivers are of same length so that's what suits me. This KPX is something though. I find it really easy to hit. Love the high face. Flight is low to mid, but I will say its higher than my Epon (Epon is 8.5 degree) and even slightly higher than the Yonex (10 degree). I would love to see what I could do with a KPX in 8.5 degree though. Not sure if I will, but would love the opportunity. Maybe that's a build for down the road. Will report more once I can get some more time with it.
August 17, 201212 yr Author good to hear. glad u likeing it. its a very interesting , unusual head shape in deed. i think if ur a fan of things like the super deep , then this will appeal. maybe the differnce in what i get to you is the lenght of the shaft + the swing speed u e get . im playing mine at 44.5 inch , thats a hell of a lot off butt trim comapred to 46.25. and ive always said im at the beginning of where this shaft starts to perform m well, 49mp-s is prob too slow for this shaft . i dead set can not make thsi go left i iota ,ever. and i got it in the 10.5 which is .05 closed. matters not it wont hook at my SS. lordy lord 8.5* in this head wholly schomkes. that wud be a monster. i wudnt get it off the turf. keep me upadated mate im going a slighty differnt route with this head.. more info for ya in a cpl of weeks.
August 18, 201212 yr Finally have got some range time and a round in with this. Head shape is intriguing like no other driver. They say square face angle but I do think this is slightly closed as I cannot for the life of me fade this thing. It takes what feels like a complete slice swing to get a little fade, which really isn't all that bad of feel. This does hit large but not so much more than my Epon nor my Yonex. I don't think there's a driver out there which will gain me a huge increase. I hit all just about the same. But, on certain swings, this KPX is massive. Just need some more time. This KPX I have is shafted with my all-time favorite shaft the GD P9003x at 46.25" a D5.75 swing weight and of course built by Goodsie. Man does Gary build great feeling equipment. Specs are perfect for me and the length at 46.25" is no problema. But then my other two drivers are of same length so that's what suits me. This KPX is something though. I find it really easy to hit. Love the high face. Flight is low to mid, but I will say its higher than my Epon (Epon is 8.5 degree) and even slightly higher than the Yonex (10 degree). I would love to see what I could do with a KPX in 8.5 degree though. Not sure if I will, but would love the opportunity. Maybe that's a build for down the road. Will report more once I can get some more time with it. Bloody hell! you must be a monster in the tee box!
August 18, 201212 yr good to hear. glad u likeing it. its a very interesting , unusual head shape in deed. i think if ur a fan of things like the super deep , then this will appeal. maybe the differnce in what i get to you is the lenght of the shaft + the swing speed u e get . im playing mine at 44.5 inch , thats a hell of a lot off butt trim comapred to 46.25. and ive always said im at the beginning of where this shaft starts to perform m well, 49mp-s is prob too slow for this shaft . i dead set can not make thsi go left i iota ,ever. and i got it in the 10.5 which is .05 closed. matters not it wont hook at my SS. lordy lord 8.5* in this head wholly schomkes. that wud be a monster. i wudnt get it off the turf. keep me upadated mate im going a slighty differnt route with this head.. more info for ya in a cpl of weeks. Stew, out of interest, if your 110mph is that with a 44"/44.5" shaft? obviously you would be higher SS with 45"? if I'm a very comfy 115/117 at 75%/80% at 45" will i be ok to play the P9003 at 44/44.5"?
August 19, 201212 yr Author nope... 108-110 is what i hit at the range with most al drivers . well its actually measure in m/ps here and im 49 +- ish.. when i hit one offs, i average about 47.5- 48 when im just hitting multiple balls. most x shafts seem to suit ok . . and 44- 44.5 inch yea no probs with p9003x.... x.... esp i n square lie of the 9.5* head. no prbs at all. not sure about the 9003s... tho never hit it., 117 i think ud love this shaft......., p9903x
August 22, 201212 yr Author hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..., the new beast wil be ready tonight............ 10.5* to 10* real loft. 200gram 0.25* CLOSED... yup closed... diamana X 70s cut ot 44.75 inch slightyly heavier head. to give more punch, but this head is predominanlty an anti left head and with the coupling of the diamana x whixh is the same, i figure... ill need shorter length for control. thsi thing hammers the ball so extra length not needed bec it goes far anyway. im gagging to see if this will out perform the 44.5 P9003x. doube lweekend of golf this wekend so results wil be in sunday afternoon. open bag policy this weeknd so i can game both of them together.. perfect testing ground.....!!! im really thinking this driver will be my no1. im really confident this will assumew the bag roll for the rest of the yr. HUGE statement.... lets see.....!
August 23, 201212 yr Author semi results in....................., 8 hours of thoughts(sleep) needed to process my night. 3 kamui pro heads.. 3 differnt shafts.
August 24, 201212 yr Author rightyo ..., 9.5--gd bb7s 45 inch at about 321 ish... d2 10*--diamanaX 44.75 x 327 x d2.5 10.5* --gd 9p9003x---44.5 x 328 ish the diamana was built yesterday. the others ive had for a wee while. looks..., easily the gd bb shafted one. the colours ontheat shaft are prefect. the others meeeeeeeeeeeeeh..., weight..., the BB was the lightest in feel at pick up and balance. its was easily the fastest to get thru the ball . i felt it was too light and soft. the diamana was heaviest swing weight and impact, very heavy at impact. repsonded better the harder i went at it. the GD p9003x heavy topick up but light thru impact, the differnce beinfg the 191 gram head VS the 200 gram head vs 198 gram head. the gd can get sowm very quick speed going on the downswing but it noticeably weighier up the upswing. favourite impact was easily the diamana X flight......, BB7s ........, was mid. bot the bal turning over both ways , and bad misses both ways were catastrophic. . dead ob... middled shots were very long prob the extra 1/2 + inch making the differnce with the light swing weight. this would suit a swinger around 100 -105 perfectly id think over that i think gusy will strugle to hold it in, misses too seriosuly punished. diamana X........, lowish mid bullets. very straight arc the angle oflaucnh to fall is very small. the balls hit the net with a thud and im expecting lots of roll with this for certian. it reminded me of a higher launching 435 .. or rather the 425 tour. ilove this launch i love this kinda flight. was very very happy with it with shiiiiiiiiity heavy range balls. the p9003x........,. high soaring bombs. straight up to a very high apex. not much roll out its 99% carry with this baby. ball wasnt going as far bec hitting dead smack into the wind but was no slouch either. distance....., the diaman 200 g 10* was prob overall the longest it hink ill know tomorrow as i hit them on the range with proper balls. but the angle of decent and kick this gets . id be surprsied if it wasnt. the thing ifound was the P( 10.5 was easily the msot accurate.............. easily............. easiliy ewasly easily........ higher and straighter by a long way. the BB7s was prob the longest on a single shot, but consistancy was a miss so the diamana got it for sure. all wil be resolved tomorrow. and ........... ill get real results then but for me now,,,, the diaman 200 g head seems to be the best OVERALL fit. and hte 44.5 p9 is the cougar for hitting fairways. i wii lgame both of these tomorow under strict match play big coin conditions. that ll really say somehting .
August 24, 201212 yr Stew: you will "game both of these tomorow under strict match play big coin conditions" Two drivers?? Who are you...Phil Mickelson??
August 25, 201212 yr Author haahahah alomst, but he stands on the wrong side on the ball yea i use 2 drivers a lot. normally one is high launching and 45.25 and one is 44.74 of 44.5 and low. today i used 2 drivers. the kpx diamana x and the jbeam425 tour- shingo both 44.75 inch thsi time and i dropepd the 3i 4i and 5w. 2 drivers,, 3w ute 3 wedges puter .. 5-pw no probs at all. missed a few too many fairways, but my swing was crappy, and back too sore form thurs range session and its 38* celcius. but i got both drivers in play. and il re game the 425 tour tomorrow. as im pretty happy with the results ofthe diamana x . thats really good. stil not 100% sure about the jbeam, i think its the head shape im not crazy about, bec the shaft is a beauty. the kpx suts my eye perfectly.
August 28, 201212 yr I'm ordering a custom 10* with 0.5* closed face, plan to build it with the new AD Z9003 70X.......hoping this cures my driver issues!
September 1, 201212 yr Author so i changed the back weight by 3 grams the flight goes higher and the ball starts drawing...on command..all day... never had that before. with any driver. my driver is set for the year folks..,
September 2, 201212 yr Stew, only 3 months left for 2012. Do you mean your driver will only set for 3 months? Hahahahaha
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