September 24, 201212 yr 12 of the same head?! ok..... :-) 12 different head/shaft combos, 20 if you count repeats...
September 24, 201212 yr 12. Ha! Putting one or my two up for sale this week! Although may take backup with me to Miami to play Doral. Straight is good there.
September 25, 201212 yr Hos does the KP-X compare to the Ryoma V-Spec in terms of launch, spin and roll in the same loft? Which spins, carries and rolls more and launches higher all else being equal? And what about in the same loft compared to the JBeam 435? Thanks. Edited September 25, 201212 yr by wmclarenf1
September 25, 201212 yr Its distance was on par with Ryoma, Crazy, Kamui works. For me shorter than Ryoma but for Tats the same. Forgiveness is no where near Ryoma and just a bit less than Kamui. I'm not very consistent when it comes to hitting it center with any driver. It launches similar or a bit higher than the Jbeam imo. Nice low spin is what I like best about it with a mid and piercing trajectory. It's for sure more workable than a Ryoma & Kamui heads. Perhaps a hard swinger that needs to keep it down would like this head best (Like Stew). It reminds me of some of the JDM Tour Akira models that are also very good with low spin.
September 26, 201212 yr Its distance was on par with Ryoma, Crazy, Kamui works. For me shorter than Ryoma but for Tats the same. Forgiveness is no where near Ryoma and just a bit less than Kamui. I'm not very consistent when it comes to hitting it center with any driver. It launches similar or a bit higher than the Jbeam imo. Nice low spin is what I like best about it with a mid and piercing trajectory. It's for sure more workable than a Ryoma & Kamui heads. Perhaps a hard swinger that needs to keep it down would like this head best (Like Stew). It reminds me of some of the JDM Tour Akira models that are also very good with low spin. Thanks. Hmmm.. from your last para and looking at Stew and the likes of some others playing this, they seem to be a SX or X flex shafts. Looks like this is a high swing speed head. Maybe I should just try the Yammy V202 non-tour model... LOL Edited September 26, 201212 yr by wmclarenf1
September 26, 201212 yr I have the driver here right now and yes it is a driver for the better player and for the one with a faster swing. Its more compact shaped, face is deeper and much more firm than say Epon. Forgiveness is quite a bit less than Ryoma. I hit the driver and honestly as a mid capper and slower swinger it does not work for me. That is not to say it is not a nice driver because it is in fact quite a beauty, it is made by kamui works to target the better player. Those who want more forgiveness need to look at the TP-07s.
September 26, 201212 yr T, the PX is made by Kamui Pro and the Ray by Kamui Works, Right? Just saw the listing on the TP-07 by Pro, could one order specific head weight besides weight bias? Would you equate the TP-07 to Work's Ray fairly similar in term of forgiveness?
September 27, 201212 yr Author right.., i think i ve had more time.., with this than eveyone here combined , (to a very large power .) so i think i can offer some learned thoughts . i get the feeling peolpe arnt paying close enough attention to certian un waverign facts about this head... bec these are getting popular and a lot of dialogue is going on. my heads are... 9.5*--10*---10.5*---12* firstly.... this head is a "ka-tink..." sounding head. its NOT soft. its NOTHING like a comfotrtbale ENDO head. its solid, and its hard. it suits smashers. its a big rounded compact style head.., it has a huge face that does NOT sit like a symetrical head. the face shape is DESIGNED to be anti left. hence WHY I SUGGESTED to get this square at worst......., ! for anyone not a natural draw ball hitter... or a slugger of pujols proportions..., then it shud be sqaure or up to 0.5* CLOSED IMO when u see how high the toe is compared to the heel of the face u will see why! i think i made it clear when i first posted this , that THIS head was really really LOW.. the first shaft i hit in it was the attas red thing. 9.5* and as i said.................. JUMP, dont duck.......! so out she wemt and in went the stinger to the 9.5* head. beceasue the stinger while being low spinning gets the ball in the air... still..., it didnt get it as high, as i expected. to which i was a bit ......dismayed......, it wasnt till alter that i discovered the weight a port arangement makes much more of an impact to this head than switching shafts around.... and. ithink ive mentioned enough, ask for several difernt weights ... bec the differnce is HUMONGOUS. the 9.5* head at 198 gram is LOW. the 10* is mid low. the 10.5* is mid high. the 12* is very high. they all dont want to go left. so... the idea is to match this up with something that you can smash ur bottom hand thru with bec theree NO fear of it going hook badly. the best matched shaft for hard pullers MIGHT be the quadra fire express. iahd that in it and it was so long i was amazed, but my misses go right so disaister awaits me every hit with this. hated pulling it bec how long it was . but "safety first" the loft MOST guys shud be looking at is HIGHER than lower for all but hte brutes. FOR ME..... 10* with 70 weighted shaft is fine 10.5* with an 80 weighted shaft is perfect nad 9.5* with somehting "light " might suit .. havnt goe that road yet tho. if ur going this route... remember its anti left by nature. its low. its low spin and ligher weights "seem" better suited than heavy. if ur err. err on the higher loft not the lower one thsi head is a kapoooooooooooooooooooooooooooow head ONLY !!!!!!!!! Edited September 27, 201212 yr by supo67
September 27, 201212 yr As usual Stew...some great advice and review there !! guess for someone like me who always have trouble launching it high, I need to be looking at higher loft.
September 27, 201212 yr Author MOST definatly...! my graphire design p9003x shafted 44.25 inch driver at 10.5* takes some equalling . let alone beating and it doesnt really go 'that "high. i can play this in a typhoon.
October 20, 201212 yr Well I succumbed to the reviews and bought one. I need anti left badly and am interested to see how this baby performs.
October 25, 201212 yr I bought a 9.5 KPX with a Fubuki Alpha 70S in it from yourpressed...played 18 holes with it today after getting used to it on the range and hit all but 1 fairway walking 18... including 2 of the longest drives at my home course I have ever had...and it has been raining almost every day since Friday so it is NOT firm. I am baffled by how much rollout this setup gets. I need a stouter shaft..I wasn't even able to go balls out with it and still had huge drives... But on controlled swings I was hitting mid-height rockets that carried farther than they looked like they would and rolled forever. Most of them had just a little baby draw on them. I was continually amazed where I would find the ball relative to where I thought it was going to end up. I even hit a couple a little too close to the heel that seemed like they wouldn't amount to much but there they were out there 275-285 in moist conditions. It is also incredible into the wind. I hit the ball on 2 holes directly into a strong headwind that ended up where my drives normally end up on that hole. After examining the ball marks on the face, it is remarkable with this smaller profile head how closer I hit the sweet spot on average than I did with my R11S/Phenom 70 TX. I don't know if it a mental thing or some of the torsional stability of the Fubuki Alpha even though it is considerably less stout and higher torque. I am kicking around the idea of throwing a p9003x or maybe even a FEX x in it so I can swing away. But if I do that the guys in league next year are gonna wonder if I have been hanging out with Lance Armstrong. :) Feel and sound is muted compared to all the USDM drivers I have played in the past. It really doesn't have a lively feel where when you hit one well you know it instantly. Very understated and laid back, softer. It really doesn't feel that hot but then you look up and see the cover of the ball desperately trying to cling to the mantle of the ball as it screams down the fairway. Definitely an interesting stick that takes the left side out of play for me, which I needed, and goes WAY FAR. Can't wait to try a different shaft in this to bomb it and it just might be the holy grail for long long long fairway finders.
October 25, 201212 yr I bought a 9.5 KPX with a Fubuki Alpha 70S in it from yourpressed...played 18 holes with it today after getting used to it on the range and hit all but 1 fairway walking 18... including 2 of the longest drives at my home course I have ever had...and it has been raining almost every day since Friday so it is NOT firm. I am baffled by how much rollout this setup gets. I need a stouter shaft..I wasn't even able to go balls out with it and still had huge drives... But on controlled swings I was hitting mid-height rockets that carried farther than they looked like they would and rolled forever. Most of them had just a little baby draw on them. I was continually amazed where I would find the ball relative to where I thought it was going to end up. I even hit a couple a little too close to the heel that seemed like they wouldn't amount to much but there they were out there 275-285 in moist conditions. It is also incredible into the wind. I hit the ball on 2 holes directly into a strong headwind that ended up where my drives normally end up on that hole. After examining the ball marks on the face, it is remarkable with this smaller profile head how closer I hit the sweet spot on average than I did with my R11S/Phenom 70 TX. I don't know if it a mental thing or some of the torsional stability of the Fubuki Alpha even though it is considerably less stout and higher torque. I am kicking around the idea of throwing a p9003x or maybe even a FEX x in it so I can swing away. But if I do that the guys in league next year are gonna wonder if I have been hanging out with Lance Armstrong. :) Feel and sound is muted compared to all the USDM drivers I have played in the past. It really doesn't have a lively feel where when you hit one well you know it instantly. Very understated and laid back, softer. It really doesn't feel that hot but then you look up and see the cover of the ball desperately trying to cling to the mantle of the ball as it screams down the fairway. Definitely an interesting stick that takes the left side out of play for me, which I needed, and goes WAY FAR. Can't wait to try a different shaft in this to bomb it and it just might be the holy grail for long long long fairway finders. Glad to hear it worked out for you. I knew it was anti left for me but your 112 mph Swingspeed had me wondering if it would be for you
October 25, 201212 yr Author funny u mention the fire express............... IF... i was a hooker...... id play this driver exclusively.... i think this was hte longest and best feeling combo of all he shafts ive tried in this head. but im a slicer.... and when i didnt get it dead square with my swing flaw.... oh man.. i was picking balls up from motorways... so i got a head that wa 1/4 * closed and a dimanaX and it made a huge difference to my consistancy. played around with differnt weightings as well. found the bst combo for me is the 2 red weight plugs in them.. brings the flight down and decreases spin. get less carry but more overall distance
October 25, 201212 yr Glad to hear it worked out for you. I knew it was anti left for me but your 112 mph Swingspeed had me wondering if it would be for you Oh I can make it go left still with an aggressive move like I normally use. I moved it back about 2 inches in my stance and didn't throw myself forward nearly as much and was hitting it very straight and very hot with not near as much effort as I am used to exerting with a super low torque shaft. I actually did hit the first slices I have hit since probably sometime in 2011 with this driver just warming up. If I go balls out I can still pull/hook it, if I back off it can leak right, but that happy middle ground is spectacular. I have been playing that 2.5 torque TX Phenom long enough that it takes a little getting used to. It isn't that my SS is terribly high for an S shaft so much as I have really gotten used to loading that piece of rebar shaft I used to play. :) The guy I played with tonight said that at the onset of my downswing the head looked like it was awfully far behind the rest of the apparatus. I just think that the FEX in X flex with this head (as Stew corroborates) would be the ultimate anti left combo with tons of feel, kick, and distance.
November 5, 201212 yr OK, further to my initial post I've been very impressed with the KPX, liked it very very much, but not absolutely in love with it. Infact, I was thinking about selling it off and rolling the dice on a 103 which I also have. However, I've just had it back from my club guy, shortened from 45" to 44.75" and replaced the lighter weight with the 10g weight, so running 2 x 10g weights - ITS A DIFFERENT STICK. it's straighter, longer and feels infinately better. I cant believe its the same driver. bearing in mind my AD Z9003 X is 300 CPM (as built) when I flush it (or close to) its supremely long, when I miss it, its ordinary long BUT straight, much more so than should be expected. I played at Lake Karrinyup yesterday in awful stormy winds, hail, rain etc. LKCC is a drawers course, I could do this most times with this driver (I'm not a natural drawer with the driver). in fact I only hit 1 fade (intentional) and that went 320 meters on a 560M par 5. On numerous holes I had a lot less into the green than the pros when they played the same set up 2 weeks ago. I'm not saying that to pump my game up, but as a testoment to the club. I'm actually swinging easier than I used to, can't say enough about the club. I now trust this club completely and that is worth gold to me as I'm not one that takes to equipment change instantly, I take a while to get gear set up how I like it and then dont really change my game bag. The 103 is going to have to be extraordinary to get a run. I must sincerely thank Stew for his invaluable advice.
November 5, 201212 yr Author hey hey...! yup.., well thats what ive been saying all along, the weights changes in the ports makes this head a completely differnt style of club. i had too light weights in my one for a while while i was experimenting and was hitting the ball way too high, was going straight ,,but the overall distance i got wasnt exciting me. not damn long enough. so, i swapped the weights from 10 and 3 to 6 and 6 and bada bing... lower punchier better feeling at impact kapow...! instant mega driver. i still maintain its NOT the best feeling head ive got . not by a long shot. but for out and out all round results at 44.75 inch this is most definatly NOT a slouch. its as good as everything else hit. distance + accuracy i rate this the equal of the jbeam 435 and ryoma d1 but its alot more workable if u ease up on the shaft. ive got a diamana X in the 10* which is killer.. thats my week in gamer. and the GD p9003x in the 10.5* at 44.5 inch as a fairway finder. which i might add is prob longer than most others i have so......... i bench it. bec im a mong!
February 25, 201312 yr Felt I needed to kick this thread back up. I recently purchased a KPX from MoreBeerBetterGolf with 70 Fubuki Alpha in stiff. I have now had my first round with it, and 1 range session. I know my swing is under a change right now, and it is a little tough going, but this driver is really straight and when you hit it, man does it go for miles. I am curious however about the weights and would like to lean on you guys' expertise and suggestions. I am in contact with Tats and can purchase weights. Overall, I am wanting the driver to hit the ball higher. Any suggestions on the weights to purchase?
February 25, 201312 yr Stew should be able to help he probably has more experience with this driver and weights than anyone else. Glad to see I left a few good hits in it for you! In the meantime, try teeing it farther forward in your stance going as far forward as the middle toe of your left foot. With longer shafted drivers nowadays the old rule of ball placement makes a positive angle of attack pretty difficult. This might help you out some. I will likely pick up another KPX in the future with a shaft more suited for me...great great driver.
February 25, 201312 yr It is straight .... I mean straight for me, and the driver just begs to hit it hard. If you kind of "guide it" or "go easy" at it, it's pretty average, nothing big. But when you go at it a bit, WOW. It is plenty far for me, one of if not the longest combos I have ever tried. If I am overly agressive, I can get it to draw pretty hard. If you don't let the toe catch the heel, it's explosive and just goes and goes. The ONLY thing I would ask of it now is a higher ball flight, and that might have more to do with the shaft than the weights maybe, but I'd like to have the weights just to see what that would do too. By the way, MBBG, thanks for throwing this in my bag. The Epon and the Ezone are pretty upset at you right now though. Edited February 25, 201312 yr by PriestB
February 26, 201312 yr Author ahhhhhhhhhh my realm....... yes the arrangemnt of weights in this head is paramount to the clubs success. ive changed all the weight arrangemnts in every position. 2-5-10 grams. for me... the 10* head ive found the 10 gram at the back and red 5 gram in front is my bets combo that makes the head 203 gram and the shaft at 70 plus 50 for grip 323 ish +- and that.. makes me a happy chappy. this combo makes the ball go for me, pretty high. if i change the weights to 2 red ones the ball flies to the moon. but no run out. i loose a lot of overall distance .on hard fast fariways. . in the wet tho ,its not a bad idea. changing the 10g weight to the front port , and red to the back makes this club a worm burner. not abd in the big wind on NSW. i dont get any carry tho , but i get the thing super straight. horses for courses. the yellow weight in the front will make ur headhigh as high can be I STRONGLY recomend to everyone with this head to buy 2 sets of the weights and try them all out . to get ur best combo ,bec when u do. its pretty darn impressive.
February 26, 201312 yr ahhhhhhhhhh my realm....... yes the arrangemnt of weights in this head is paramount to the clubs success. ive changed all the weight arrangemnts in every position. 2-5-10 grams. for me... the 10* head ive found the 10 gram at the back and red 5 gram in front is my bets combo that makes the head 203 gram and the shaft at 70 plus 50 for grip 323 ish +- and that.. makes me a happy chappy. this combo makes the ball go for me, pretty high. if i change the weights to 2 red ones the ball flies to the moon. but no run out. i loose a lot of overall distance .on hard fast fariways. . in the wet tho ,its not a bad idea. changing the 10g weight to the front port , and red to the back makes this club a worm burner. not abd in the big wind on NSW. i dont get any carry tho , but i get the thing super straight. horses for courses. the yellow weight in the front will make ur headhigh as high can be I STRONGLY recomend to everyone with this head to buy 2 sets of the weights and try them all out . to get ur best combo ,bec when u do. its pretty darn impressive. Would think the 2 in the back and 5 in the front should get it to find a mid trajectory. Speculating based on description as I have never seen one of these in the metal...
February 26, 201312 yr Author well that makes the head 196 ish grams. and the yead wil launch on the higher side. id not recomend the 10.5 (for me) head but the 9.5 with this combo shud be good. very good yea. tell u what ill give it a crakc for u tonmight and write up tom ofn findings il ltry out a few combos again and make sure my thouhts are in order
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