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FOR SALE......

this yrs v202 yamaha.............. " TOUR limited "......... head in 10*

payapl ... EMS shipping

$500 set to go.. SHIPPED

198 gram

Edited by supo67

She's a beauty... GLWS

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yup indeed one of the best there is.

last time i gamed her was with jeff at narusawa.

long ball lama that day..

long ball indeed.

Nice Stew, great value too, someone who's been considering getting a yam

Driver should buy this.

Would this one get trajectory down compared to my present set up? My SS is still around 105mph? What would you think?

Edited by zwan

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its not a low laucnher its high soarring , but it deosnt fall out of the sky which is why i like it.

u get a good amount of run as well with this.

its close to, if not to the best "higher" launching driver ive ever hit.

agaisnt the bb7x in summer it was a clear winner , with exactly the same head. the bb was a bit lower and shorter overall. not much, but it was, the bb lives in oz and suits my links brillinatly being just a wee bit lower.

the cb50 was def the better club tho.

ill try find my old post on them from about march

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a bit differnt feel and flight

the cb50 is a real control shaft from crazy .

its not out and out disatnce , which is prob why i liked it so much i ididnt miss a lot, and with a tour driver thats bloody good!

still got it out there a ways make no mistake.

i kinda liked it better crazy shafts do make a differnce in feel

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this what i wrote in november first thoughts on it ........,

"swapped the shaft around in this palyed it today ,i reaplced it with a crazy black 50 8.2

at 45.25 d.5 323 gram.

lower flight than 10* normally gets.good carry with good roll. found a great combo with what i like to see in flight.

the ball is not high , but nor is it ankle bitiing. was windy as hell today , and had no trouble with it what so ever.

choked down just a bit and got some prettty impressive shots going on, could not turn it over to hook it. but also there was a very pleasant lack of slice. distance was up there with most others without anything really standing out.

just a super solid driver especially into the wind.

first round with it on a course thats very tricky and super thin fairways. dog legs both ways ,elevated tees the whole shebang.

found i was very confident with this driver in hand.miss hits went very good distance and ever so slight block right

without a discernable lack of disatnce loss.

wont say its as good or better than the ryoma but i didint notice a whole lot of loss.

feel is very tingy and instant repsonse to my hands on where i hit the ball.

sweet spot seems to be closer to the hosel than the ryoma and the increase distance gained on this shot was noticeable.

getting it on the sweetpsot was much easier than the 2011 model, although i still think the 2011 is longer over all.

good driver should enjoy this driver a lot , and the change of shaft resulted in much better driver for me.

very very impressed with the 2012. i def think its better than the older ones.

got a spot . one of my best. "

thats rings a bell but i nthe summer, the ball gets higher than it ddi in novemeber thats for sure

Having seen this bad boy in action I'd scoop this up in a heart beat if I had the SS for it..

Did you mention how nice a sound this produces? No clanks here.

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shud read d2.5 not d5...

best sound ina driver there is. i reckon.

Thanks Stew for your research on your previous post. Can't tell if my SS is too low for that shaft thought. I guess only that it might be shy of being suitable. Keep on working out helps but then my elbows start hurting...

  • 2 weeks later...
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insanity abounds

close this monstrous mistake.

staying put... rediculous driver.. what was i thinking..............

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rigfht i opeend this back up again.. beceause.....

i brought back all my woods form oz.. good lord there was a ffewdown there i dodnt klnow i had..!

well theres the same head with a graphite design bb7x that i can let go now.

exactly the same . in MINT cond i dont think i played this more than 3 -4 times.

so either or ......................,

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$795 shipped...........................!


come get it.

Stew if I had the cash I'd seriously buy both of these, as I love the head shape and the shafts are my flex. Unfortunately my circumstances mean I can only buy a 4.6V off TSG Pro Shop.com. :atsg_smilie_punch:

Maybe there are a few TSGers that are waiting for the pics of the 2013's to make their mind up. Good luck with your sale

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yup like me.. i get the new ones every year.

Stew you are the man on JDM equipment but this has been a confusing listing. I am not sure what is for sale at this point :-)

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ill fix it up i have 2 yama our dirvers one with a bb7x and one with a cb50 8.2

the bb7x has been in OZ since may. the cb50 i have gamed this season.

selling both bec..ill be gettign the new one of course.


$795 for each driver both in sparkling condition.

the bb7x has hardly been used.

ill fix up the other post.., and combine them on one post.

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crazy cb-50 8.2 to go only...

Edited by supo67

  • 3 weeks later...
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keeping the crazy cb50 shaft.

moving the heads only now to make way for the 2013 version.

$500 shipped for each head. that better?

Mate how does it play compared to 2011?

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it might not be as long i dont think but its easier to paly i find

And how is it compared to the tour V201?


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ive said in so many posts already this is htierbest head.. all round its easily thier best head. the cb50 shafted one i have is as good as a driver gets.

its a yamaha tour ......... its thier top driver its sensational!!!!!!!!!

the shape is more elongated which makes horizontal heel /toe misses MUCH better.. but i think the 2011 is marginally longer. from the middle..

its kinda irrelevant its yamaha every yamah driver ive ever used is top of the tree ,the 2006 one,, the 2008 they are all fantastic.

this is thier lated driver its the nuts!

forget the 9* i just rebuilt that last night withthe crazy boron,, it was to much to resist with the diaman stinger S in it that was just a bit too losse for me the X stiff boron at 280 im figuring will be phenominal.

  • 2 weeks later...
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damn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it is indeed..! the boron in this head is amazing

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