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can someone shed some light or advice ?

I played prev with a first generation ryoma vspec 9.5 in a diamana x / and cb46. Got decent carry & roll.

Recently purchased a maxima d1 10.5 & fitted it into my diamana x60s. Same forgiveness & carry, but little or no roll at all. Is anyone experiencing this with the maxima ?


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Gotta agree with you Stew, the FEX and now, FEX WBQ are fantastic in the 435. I've mentioned before that the harder I go after it with these shafts, the better they perform. I found the S to be pretty true to flex but easily able to handle more. This is my gamer, has been for a while, and I don't see anything in the near future changing that.

Edited by chiromikey

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yea im pretty enamoured by it , and truth be told its not the best fit for me, but gee its like a challenge to conquer the beast. when i pay at narita again ill be gaming it thats for sure

  • 4 weeks later...
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played the s-yard .388 and the crazy 435 fire express sat bec ,well, bec the company closed and i was feelign nostalgic.

so i took out the waccine shafted 44.5 inch monster , first time in a while

ive been thinking about experimnting (again) with with basebal grip on my driver, so sat was the first time ive done this in a long time, and once again, like every time previous... i picked up 10+ yards EASILY.... yea EASILY 10+yards and once again like clockwork my high slice fade dissapeared to be repalced with left side play. which totally throws me, and which reminds me why i keep going back and forth...... i think i stopped doing baseball grip bec it wasnt "right" or some stupid thing.....

then i read a cpl of weeks back Louis Oousthuisen says he changes his putter grip depending on what feels right, never sicks with one style bec , well if the other works ..DO..IT..!
so it was back to "home run hitting over left field with thesedrivers . and i have to say if theres a better sutied shaft out there for hookers, that the fire express, then well. i aint gonna believe it!

if u cud see the flight on this combo oh man.... it was just magnificent.

high ULTRA ULTRA tight straight with the tiniest tineist hint of a draw. and it went MILES!

i was fighting whether to keep thisdriver dec with my interlock grip i slice it, but addign the extra 2 fingers to the club makes ALL the differnce.

i was middling this like a scrather.

didnt want to put it back, but well, i had the beast to play with, so back nine out came the .388

i have to say when im not playing comp im hitting 100s of ball on course. seriosuly hundreads, so i get to play test every single l club i buil in the perfect environment, from the tips on my home track. its definitive.

so back nine out came the beast.

same swing baseball gip, first4 balls went DEAD o/b left. snap hooked like a cheap friday night trout spilling out on to shunjuku crossing at 4.30 am. .....damn what the hells going on here?

hmmm bit of thought needed.

heavier club, COG in the front... .hmmmimdriving the ferrari not the roller....

ok slow it down. nad start again.

next 4 went arrow stright , on a mid / mid low trajectory as far as iver ever hit a ball before.

all 4 were dispersed 15 yards apart on the fairway. in the realm of getting on the par 5 in 2 if i had the "minerals " to go for it. (which of course i did , only to end up in the front right ttrap!!!!)

thing being ,this beast put me in the zone to attack. if id had a 3 wood distance wudnt have been a problem .

there is no bias to this set up its 100% straight as oppsed to the fire expres which is undeniably anti left.

the feel of the syard is INFINITLY nicer than the 435. but for the ability to really mess the .388 up with a snap. its a pretty fair shoot out.

totally differnt styles of clubs.

but for 2 only ud got a long way t ofind a better ( deiffernt!!!! ) pairing

if these were my only 2, id use the 435 fire i nwinter. and the .388 in summer or when its windy.

these are both, AWOSME drivers chaps.

and, adding 2 fingers to your club makes a t least 1 club differnce in distance.


long may the experimenting continue.............................,

Maxima 8.5 dianana w70s

Most anti hook driver there is


Anyone with the pulls must look at the w shaft

Its killing my power fade

Im dead man walking

can't believe this is one year old! this is the same exact build I'm doing this week.

worried the 8.5 will not get enough height

can't believe this is one year old! this is the same exact build I'm doing this week.

worried the 8.5 will not get enough height

Maxima is a high launch head so unless you're building with a super low launch shaft you should be fine...

Maxima is a high launch head so unless you're building with a super low launch shaft you should be fine...

Diamana w series 70s

How would u rate with crazy 435 10 and 435II 9.5 or better yet plain zero?

I have a 9.5 Maxima Type V. I am not a fast swinger and I have no issues getting the ball up. If anything it goes too high. But part of it is my crappy swing. I would not be too worried about the 8.5 too much.

I have a 9.5 Maxima Type V. I am not a fast swinger and I have no issues getting the ball up. If anything it goes too high. But part of it is my crappy swing. I would not be too worried about the 8.5 too much.

Thanks buddy! How is the roll?

Diamana w series 70s

How would u rate with crazy 435 10 and 435II 9.5 or better yet plain zero?

Never played the shaft but compared to the Crazy 435(the one I got from the PI) and Epon Zero the Maxima launches higher. At least my 9.5 did by a wide margin, on natural swings...

Thanks buddy! How is the roll?

Roll is decent, but not great. But I would attribute it to my faulty swing. Not the club.

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the 8.5* maxima i had, was high condering.

i cud easily have down 1* with it no probs at all. i had it with the diaman W and cudnt get on with it like i thohgt i wud.

the W was too much for me liking at the time. very stout...

a cpl out of the middle were really long.. but it had to be 100% middled.

i originally bought an 8.5* that was actually either a FAKE or a stolen club of some description. . and was actually 10.5* the orignal seller wudnt take it back after i had it measured and mentioned it , luckily tho .. the company did IMMEDIATLY and without reserve or question take it back.

good thing i knew the owner or there wudda benen blood.

outstanding sevice ryoma 20 thumbs up

8.5* with a diam W IF u can handle the truth !!!!!

is a good match u wont get it high nor ballooning

strongly recoemnd u NOT going higher lofted.

the 8.5* maxima i had, was high condering.

i cud easily have down 1* with it no probs at all. i had it with the diaman W and cudnt get on with it like i thohgt i wud.

the W was too much for me liking at the time. very stout...

a cpl out of the middle were really long.. but it had to be 100% middled.

i originally bought an 8.5* that was actually either a FAKE or a stolen club of some description. . and was actually 10.5* the orignal seller wudnt take it back after i had it measured and mentioned it , luckily tho .. the company did IMMEDIATLY and without reserve or question take it back.

good thing i knew the owner or there wudda benen blood.

outstanding sevice ryoma 20 thumbs up

8.5* with a diam W IF u can handle the truth !!!!!

is a good match u wont get it high nor ballooning

strongly recoemnd u NOT going higher lofted.

thanks. i was actually considering swapping my head with a 9.5* (friends)

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hmmmmmmmmmmm ccud work with a W shaft or the like

had an 11.5 for a hot second and it was to the moon for me, esp being a high ball hitter as it is. roll wasn't great, but likely due to such a high ball flight, it was all carry and long at that

Edited by needmoregolf

hmmmmmmmmmmm ccud work with a W shaft or the like

whats the logic why is the 8.5 still high launching?

i had the original DI v spec and even in 10 it was a low howler. did not enjoy it at all.

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off the top of my head.. heres some of the best of the best

all have been or are now still in play . in combo.at one stage or another




black 50--black 80--lsnoir--sigma--fj--labomba.

Graph design



shingo 2009-2010--m7s--s6x--s5s-- tour protos m7 and m8 x



seven dreamers.


gee that s lot of shafts to go with these heads ..,

yamaha tour 08-09-10-11-12-13

jbeam 435---425 tour-- 450

afd 460

justick 435--460

ryoma d1 v-spec--maxima

kasco 340

syard xv--.388

yonex nextage

taylor made TP burner09

kamui pro kp-x

kamui works


callaway erc 3

epon zero--101--102

theres obviolsly loads more but cantthtink of them at mom.

any particular combo requests for questions gents?

whats the logic why is the 8.5 still high launching?

i had the original DI v spec and even in 10 it was a low howler. did not enjoy it at all.

C, if you are a high ball hitter, I would go with the 8.5°. The Maxima does launch it higher. I have not hit the original V-Spec, but from what I heard they are very different to the Maxima in terms of launch.

  • 5 months later...
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PR-GR egg ONE........7.5*...............diamana X 70s

44.6255 inch x d0.75sw

pulled the perfefectly good stock m-43 shaft which played at 46 inch to test out how this wud go with un uber-schlokken shaft

buider had to gel the head beceause this head comes out a wafer thin ,light 187 grams!

shaft inserted came out 44.625 inch swing weight with a tip weight and gel best he cud do was a hair under d1

it seems................................... im liking........................... lighter swing weight drivers.

had the ryoma with same shaft with it on range 44.75 inch the diffecne was pretty big

feel wise the egg blew it off the face of the earth, but i like a lively tinnngy feel as opposed to duller, thats not a bad thing of course ,its just my thing. i had a hard time puting it down.


the egg definatly longer on big shots. on not quite got thems,. def the ryoma

,once again it showed why its the mack daddy of consistant.

the ratio of distance to accuraacy ive still not hit antyhing thats better than the ryoma, which is prbo why ive stil lgot 3 of them but can make do with one of them now.

much perferd hitting the egg. at address it looks bad ass. HUGE bulbous head with a triangle shape face mark that lok like the predators radar on alien VS predator..... frames the ball . beautifully, its tilted as well., tilte towards the hitter so it apepars like its going to hit a massive draw..........


u ht a draw with this , then ur name MUST be michealangelo. even with the tip weight and gel this bady aint going nsap hoop no matter what i di to it. misses , ever miss was a cut.

striagh pulled a cpl bec its so short. which is natural to start. but man this was an anti right.

i cant wait to get this on corse next weekend with the egg7 with aliislei 83g 9*

the X shaft just had that extra thump to it that extra gussssssh, the aliislei feelway better ,much smoohter, but the X has th e X factor.

hypothesising here , but i think ill hit the egg 7 more consistany but shorter and , ill hit the egg 1 longer and love it more.

both these dirvers have skyrockeded into pol poistion for the moment in terms of preference and enjoyment.

god li love building drivers!

> god li love building drivers!

Me too!!

I wish they came up with a 210g version of the Egg One. I would buy it right away!

For now a 215g G30 is going to have to do. Sounds horrible at impact but it gets the job done.

  • 4 months later...
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ah it never stops..........

so i FINALLY got the kamui pro tp07 (non nitro) version 2 .

with diamana X 60x...

44.75 x 321 gram, x d3 x 9*

my GOD!!!!

is htis hting a cannon or what. it laucnhes LOWER. than EVERYTHING. including the egg7* the agrind 340. its rediculous.

if i thought the egg was straight , well its NOT, THIS thing is just absurd.

i think. in all honest yi m about 10 mph too slow for it .

but i ogt it out at my home track on EVERY drive to where i get the big guns that are WAY higher and tried and true. but its significently straighter. on wet sodden grass.

i was seriously left rubbing my chin.

is this thing legal?

aparently it is.

where was this 2 weeks ago in sydney at longy. bec i tell u thast where its going.

no more high slices on18!

anyway htis will suit about 1% of the golfing population. but i love it, cant wait to get hit omy home track on in the dry, might be abest ever.

other driver i had was the onoff 10* type d with tataki 70xs. sets up clsoed but ive heard this is possible to adjust.

it was , as easy a driver to hit as i can imagine but i did tend to pull it, never sliced it once, and i got a cplof high draws tha were simply thngs of beauty!

cud not have hd 2 more diamterically oposed drivers EVER.

both were great but the type D is not really suited to my eye as much, the kamui however is magnificent.

only played once, as very sore back, so dint get to thit the other 2 onoffs .

seems onoff has ALl my attention right now.!

the new tyoe D head wud suit a slower swinger and it wud be a fairway finder and a half.

simpy stunning feel.

distance was almost up there and its 100% carry , i was gettign back spin on this. and even then it was virtually the same distance as that devil kamui.

thinking t odo..!!!!

  • 5 weeks later...
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11.5* callaway ERC 3 head 193 grams gelled to 200 with waccine gts 88 shaft at 44.25 inch. 334 gram build

hmm, well, i still dont get it , 15* drivers and all that lot. sure u get the ball out there high and maximise cary but it goes really HIGH.. and gets hit by wind much easier. but i gotta say it wa a fun driver and for the most its damn accurate..

yea ............,this goes nicely and funilly enough its 100%carry.. its ultra stable, and for the most rpetty easy to hit.

it wasnt as workable as i was expecting, the epon 101 with tataki was much easier to that with . both werent overly long, but im tring to think if i missed a fairway at all sat with these. if i did i cant remember it. i just noticed i wasnt way out there. which is fine...

what i did notice tho was how similar in design and loks these 2 heads are.. and how close in feel they are!!!!!

i was takign one out and not noticing it was the callaway when i was raching for the epon.

these are cousins of the clsoest nature. and the callway lost not 1 iota of class to the epon.

i bascially put my 3 woods away and fariway drivers for the day and too the ERC out as the control driver.

played ultra short ,very heavy , all face. did what i hoped. wasnt sure that to expcet in terms of length, but i wasnt underwhelemd.

as a refercne i took the ryoma p9003x out yetserdy and the erc was easier to hit.

obv miles higher. but no balloon flight , it didnt get blown back by wind, it just got wind under the ball and it soared.

prefered the epon tataki, but thats proper drive, so not a fair comparison, i wont be taking either of these out to the champs on sun. but i cud and prob will use the erc back home on my ultra short courses.

the epon 101 9.5* -tataki was 45 x 321 x d2.5

thats a realy nice driver. absolutrly no bias to left nor right.

wasnt long nor short bit higher than i was expecting and plenty of carry, liked hitting it and will add this to the stable of fun.

its not long nor short its just a really really good driver and it feel superb.

tataki shaft has me in right now.

no where nea as tight as the diamana X, but so much nicer to hit!

  • 2 years later...
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jbeam 435 9.5*/  7 dreamers  vs ryoma d1 10.5*  diamana X 70s .

battle royale this weekend.........................

17 hours ago, supo said:

jbeam 435 9.5*/  7 dreamers  vs ryoma d1 10.5*  diamana X 70s .

battle royale this weekend.........................

This is funny...these are the last two drivers to survive my collection. Even after all these years I don’t know that there’s been anything better than the 435 or D1 V-Spec!

  • 1 month later...
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ryoma d1  10.5* w/ diamana STINGER  70s Not the X model...

mr wizard went for the stinger combo isnterad and put the X in the kamui pro tp07 @ 44 inch. 327 gram, that thing  is  frozen rope.,,

anyway the stinger  ryoma.


it wud be remiss to say its better than the 435/7d. but its not worse.. doesn't play worse, the exta loft makes a difference, MUCH prefer this head in 10.5 than 9.5, ths handles more loft  much better. flight is still pretty flat. and not that high,  if id demoed the 10.5*  back in 2010 id never have sold the damn thing!!!!!! I

I  think I love  the  look of the head  of the ryoma.  its just looks like its an easy head to hit consistently ,   wont be making the same mistake again, this isa keeper and an  A/ gamer. played it in horrid wind, and nailed every drive,  doesn't get blown about, distance is superb, flight is perfect. its as close  to a perfect driver as I  can see.


 love this  combo, all  things old are new again.


this one  prob. became my fave of the  8 or so drivers I  played, as  much bec, I already knew how good it was. originally and in the new world it was just as good again.

so   this joins My  JDM  HOF drivers .

ryoma d1 10.5*/ diamana stinger 70s.

callaway erc3 9.5*/ diamana blue (original) 73xs

jbeam435 9.5*/ diamana stinger 70x

onoff type d 9*  /shingo spec 70x

epon 101 9.5* / quadra fire express 65xs

jbeam425 tour/ crazy black 50  (red)  xs 7.4


these are all IN. time will tell about the 7d, too early to call. but  all the signs are good..........,


Edited by supo

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